
The State of the Union on TCPA

April 6, 2016 by Tony Hadley

In today’s interconnected world, reaching consumers should be as simple as sending a text or calling their cell phone. However, complying with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) can create an almost insurmountable mountain.

While the law has been in place since 1991, TCPA litigation continues to be a considerable source of potential legal and compliance risk for companies communicating with consumers.  There were 1,908 TCPA lawsuits in 2014, an increase of 30 percent over the previous year, and a 231 percent increase in the last four years.

Is your business facing challenges in complying with TCPA? Do you want to learn more about the changing and challenging TCPA legal and regulatory framework? Are you looking for best practices on how to win the battle of right party contact?

Then you should join us for a breakout session solely focused on TCPA at Experian’s Vision 2016 Conference. The panel features a number of subject matter experts who will be able to provide attendees with a look at this law and some of the best practices to manage risk and ensure compliance.

Panelists include:

  • Mary Anne Gorman, Experian
  • Tony Hadley, Experian
  • Tom Gilbertson, Venable LLC


To learn more more about TCPA best practices, check out Experian’s annual Vision Conference in May.

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