
Five Collections Tools You Need for Tax Season

January 17, 2019 by Stefani Wendel

Collections Tools for Tax SeasonWe’ve popped the bottles at midnight, now it’s time to burst the reality bubble. Countdown: t-minus less than 90 days until what is for many the dreaded April 15 tax deadline.

Tax Season – Get Started

Coupled with debt consolidation post-holidays, January is a harsh contrast to all the feasting and festivities of the holiday season.

However, the tax season doesn’t necessarily have to be synonymous with doom and gloom – many Americans look forward to receiving a tax refund. And of those people expecting a tax refund, 35% of consumers said they would use it to pay down debt, according to the National Retail Federation.

Lenders and financial institutions can help their consumers get off on the right financial foot for 2019 by helping them to pay down their debt. Here are 5 tools you need to have this tax season to make the most of your collections efforts:

1. Identify your target market – Tax Season Payment IndicatorTM

Did you know the average tax refund in 2016 and 2017 was over $2,760, according to the IRS? Also, during the 2017 tax season, 45 million consumers paid at least $500 and 10% or more of a tradeline balance(s), according to Experian data.

Tax Season Payment Indicator examines payment behavior over the past two years to determine whether a consumer has made a large payment to a tradeline balance – or balances – during tax season.

2. Keep up-to-date on consumer information – Clear ProfileTM

Skip tracing just got easier. Narrow in on the right contact information for your past-due consumer using Clear Profile. Leveraging Clarity Service’s database, Clear Profile provides the most recent and historical demographic elements associated with your consumer’s previous applications including addresses, phone numbers, employers, emails and banks.

3. Know the right time to collect – Collection TriggersSM

Take the guesswork out of how to manage your collections efforts. Track your accounts to notify you of a new contact information and changes that indicate your past-due consumers’ ability to pay.

4. Stay ahead of fraudsters – CrossCoreTM

Fraudsters are everywhere, so protect your customers and your organization by monitoring your portfolio to keep fraudulent accounts from being opened.

Still wondering how to get tax season ready?

Get Your Collections Tax Season Ready

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