
Experian: Powering Innovative Fintech Solutions

February 14, 2019 by Brittany Peterson

fintech innovation solutions2018 was a whirlwind of a year – though it was not surprising when Google’s 2018 “most-searched” list showed Fornite GIFs ruled the internet, Black Panther was the most-Googled movie, and the Keto diet was trending (particularly in late December and early January, go figure).

But, while Google’s most-searched terms of 2018 present pure pop-culture entertainment, they miss the mark on the trends we find most meaningful being principals of the financial services industry.

What about the latest news in fintech? According to Business Insider, fintech companies secured $57.9 billion in funding in the first half of 2018 alone, nearing the previous annual record of $62.5 billion set in 2015. Taking it a step further, CBInsights reports that 24 of 39 fintech unicorns are based in North America.

We won’t blame Google for this oversight. Faced with the harsh reality that the “most-searched” results are based on raw-data, perhaps it’s possible that people really do find Fortnite more exciting than financial services trends – but not us at Experian.

We have been closely following disruption in the financial services space all while leading the charge in data innovation. When competing in environments where financial institutions vie for customer acquisition and brand loyalty, digital experience is not enough. Today’s world demands finance redefined – and fintechs have answered the call.

Fintechs are, by far, among the most innovative technology and data-driven companies in the financial services industry. That’s why we built a team of seasoned consultants, veteran account executives and other support staff that are 100% dedicated to supporting our fintech partners.

With our expert team and a data accuracy rate of 99.9%, there isn’t a more reliable fintech source. Perhaps this is one financial services trend that Google can’t ignore (we see you Google)!

For more information regarding Experian’s fintech solutions, check out our video below and visit Experian.com/fintech.

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