Corporate social responsibility
Positive social and economic change through public education and charitable activity
At Experian, we encourage our employees to give back through work-time volunteerism, donations, and support for nonprofit organizations in our communities. As an organization, we work together every day to deliver on the good that data can do for our economy, people and society. The entire Experian team puts their hearts into the communities where we work and live, and this driving force helps us make a difference in the world.
--Craig Boundy, CEO, North America
Together we can make a difference
Experian is deeply committed to making an important difference in each of the communities in which we operate and live. By fostering lasting relationships with nonprofit organizations, funding local initiatives and providing community support, the company is able to champion a number of important causes while simultaneously promoting a strong culture of caring from within.
Working to increase consumer financial capability and well-being
Experian was the first in its industry to establish a dedicated consumer education program more than 20 years ago. Experian strives to reach people of all ages and demographics through financial literacy grants, producing a range of educational resources and engaging directly through social media. We are committed to helping people gain the knowledge they need to improve their financial capability and well-being.
How Experian helps
Experian publishes an annual Corporate Responsibility Report that outlines the company's activity around the globe. When employees volunteer, educate, donate and report, they help contribute to the region's efforts in Corporate Social Responsibility.
Investing in consumer financial capability
Each year Experian awards a number of financial literacy grants to nonprofit organizations with innovative consumer education programs. Since 2015, Experian has contributed more than $1.5 million to financial education and financial capability programs serving a wide range of consumers including first-time workers, military personnel, youth, and the unbanked.
Extending our reach through partnerships
Experian is proud to sponsor a variety of gift-in-kind initiatives. We give back to nonprofits by sharing our expertise and providing products and services to support them in their mission to help those in need. Through the work of the company, we can help shape a better tomorrow for the world by using data for good.
Learn more
For more information about Experian’s community involvement program or to request a group of Experian volunteers to help out at a community event, please email us: