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Sep 13, 2018
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis blandit enim. Vivamus congue vitae nibh vel pretium. Vivamus ornare tempus justo. Quisque sodales lectus non blandit venenatis. Morbi tincidunt mi mauris, in pretium nisl iaculis a. Aenean sit amet urna sit amet turpis consequat eleifend sed at ante. Vivamus malesuada augue ac velit posuere sodales. Quisque ullamcorper consectetur leo, sit amet mattis felis cursus eu. Aliquam tincidunt eros eget tellus lobortis, a varius dolor ullamcorper. Phasellus ac scelerisque augue, id volutpat velit.
This is to test the new AES 256 algorithem for Thought Leadership Assets Recipient emails.
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Document Published Date:
Jan 10, 2020
State laws requiring "reasonable" data security have had a positive impact, but data breach notification laws have had the most profound effect on the improvement of data security.
In recent months, several entities have publicly announced being affected by cyber incidents. Almost daily, online accounts are hacked, external hard drives are stolen and thumb drives are lost.
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Financial institutions have invested in Big Data for many years, and new advances in technology infrastructure have opened the door for leveraging data in ways that can make an even greater impact upon your business.
Big Data is not just about increased data and storage. It is about finding opportunity in your existing data sources and scaling for the future.
Ozzie Fonseca, Senior Director of Experian® Data Breach Resolution, interviews Miriam Wugmeister, who chairs the global privacy and data security group at the law firm of Morrison Foerster.
The purpose of the study is to understand the frequency of data breaches when consumer data is outsourced, steps taken to ensure vendors' data stewardship and differences in privacy and security practices between companies that outsource and their vendors.
Data breaches just don't quit, and, for the most part, that's bad news for consumers and businesses. But there's good news too, in the lessons learned from recent events. The business community now has multiple points of reference about what works and what doesn't in breach preparedness and response.
Small and mid-sized customers are becoming a steadier source of profits for large companies so risk and credit management strategies at companies should be revised to improve evaluation of these prospects.
Learn best practices for maximizing collections in the Public Sector. Experian, in cooperation with Governing Magazine, recently completed a nationwide survey of governmental agencies. The survey sought to determine the types of collection efforts in which governments engage and looked at areas where those entities face challenges to better collect. Experian¿s collection professionals then compared the government activities with commercial best practices to identify those processes underutilized in the public sector. This white paper presents those practices.
Findings from the Q2 2012 Experian/Moody's Analytics Small Business Credit Index report finds small business credit conditions have improved slightly amid economic concerns.
This white paper presents some of these latest trends affecting the small-business lending landscape. Specifically, it illuminates how companies are using the new robust data sources and analytic tools--from consortium data to rapid model customization--to maximize their interactions with small-business clients with greater accuracy.
As hopes for a robust return to market growth continue to dim, and as companies increasingly find that cost-cutting alone is no longer enough to protect the bottom line, finance executives are being challenged to do even more with even less. For companies striving to find secure paths to business expansion, growing profitably may mean learning much more about their customer base- both their current customers and the customers they haven't yet acquired.
Learn how finance executives are gaining valuable intelligence on customers, on operating performance, and on potential risks -- and how they're using that knowledge to help their companies grow securely in an uncertain world.
According to this study, fifty-four percent of companies believe it can take 10 months to more than two years to restore a company's reputation following a breach of customer data. Find out what else executives are saying about how a data breach can affect the reputation and image of an organization.
The Aftermath of a Data Breach study by the Ponemon Institute shares the insights of IT professionals with actual experience dealing with a breach.
The Business Benchmark Report is a quarterly look at how U.S. businesses are faring. Designed to monitor the progress of business recovery, the report looks at four key indicators of business health.
Buy Here/Pay Here market consists of just under 24,000 Dealers, Over 1.8 million loans, $24 billion in originations and over half a billion total vehicles in the U.S. and Canada.
This webinar discusses State data breach bills being considered in 2011, data breach incident response, and trends in data security legislation and regulation.
This survey reveals the lack of awareness many Americans have about medical identity theft and
the devastating consequences it can have. These include financial loss, incorrect medical records
and harm to their credit scores. Moreover, medical identity theft appears to be an easy crime to
This paper discusses how data breaches happen and what your organization can do to prepare.
View this webinar to learn new insights into what you can do to proactively address HITECH compliance.
Healthcare data breaches are an increasing issue & this paper addresses reasons for that. Find out what you need to know about data breach best practices in healthcare data breach resolution.
An estimated 1.4M Americans were victims of medical identity theft in '09. This white paper addresses the impact of a breach to consumers and the business and provides data to support the conclusions.
The U.S. economy has experienced a record drop in consumer borrowing. Experian tracked a sample of credit-active consumers to show consumer deleveraging has occurred & demand for credit has declined.
The frequency of medical identity theft is on the rise. Explore what that means to your company's and your client's risks of a medical data breach and potential loss of customer and brand loyalty.
A data breach can be a gold mine for medical identity thieves. Learn about medical identity theft and how fraud resolution experience can help resolve the damaging consequences.
Data Breaches have become commonplace ? 26% of U.S. consumers have received data breach notifications. This report lists best practices for organizations before, during, and after a data breach.