Privacy Policies

Consumer Policies

We want you to be familiar with Experian’s privacy practices relating to our consumer products and services.

View consumer policies

Business Policies

View Experian’s privacy practices relating to our business-to-business services and products.

View business policies

Experian Global Data Principles

Our five Global Data Principles embody these key values (see below). They guide how we manage and use data, build products and conduct our business around the world. These principles apply to all our data, in all our businesses, and in every country. We developed the principles to better reflect our commitments to individuals, businesses, clients, and the public, which have advanced as market demands and expectations have evolved.


Data security is critical. Securing and protecting data against unauthorised access, use, disclosure, and loss are key priorities for us.


We will make data as accurate, complete, and relevant as possible for the manner in which it is used, always in compliance with legal requirements.


We collect and use data fairly and for legitimate purposes, balancing privacy expectations with the social and economic benefits derived from the responsible use of data for individuals, businesses and clients.


We are open and transparent about the types of data we collect, where we get it, how it is used and where it is shared. Where appropriate we provide individuals with access to the data we collect about them and the ability to correct, restrict or delete data.


We seek to improve financial health and inclusion for all through the innovative use of relevant data to help individuals improve their financial lives.

Approach to Privacy

Experian® considers itself a steward of the information it collects, maintains and utilizes. Our responsibility is to ensure the security of the information in our care and to maintain the privacy of consumers through appropriate, responsible use.

We provide services based on information about millions of individuals and businesses. Use of that data is guided by our Global Data Principles. Our Global Data Principles embody our key values and are used as a framework to guide how we manage and use data, build products and conduct our business around the world.

Data policies, built on our principles, more specifically define how that information may be used. The policies vary to meet the legal requirements and consumer expectations in the area in which the information product or service is being used.

Underlying these policies is Experian's commitment to provide consumers notice, choice and education about the use of personal information. Educated consumers are better equipped to be effective, successful participants in a world that increasingly relies on the exchange of information to efficiently deliver the products and services consumers demand.

Today, our business clients' needs, and consumers' expectations are constantly changing, and technology is constantly evolving. Our approach to privacy, rooted in the Global Data Principles, enables Experian to respond to those constantly changing needs and expectations and provides the flexibility to implement new processes and policies to resolve information issues in this dynamic environment.

If you are a California resident, the California Consumer Privacy Act ("the CCPA") provides you with certain rights relating to the data that Experian has collected about you. Those rights include:

  • The right to know the categories and specific pieces of personal information we collect, use, disclose, and sell about you, the categories of sources from which we collected your personal information, our purposes for collecting or selling your personal information, the categories of your personal information that we have either sold or disclosed for a business purpose, and the categories of third parties with which we have shared personal information.
  • The right to opt out of our sale of your personal information. Please note that if you opt out of certain types of sales, we and businesses that rely on that data may be unable to provide you with the services that rely on such sales.
  • The right to request that we delete the personal information we have collected directly from you. We use a two-step process for online requests to delete. You will be asked to clearly submit your request to delete and to separately confirm your choice.
  • The right not to receive discriminatory treatment for the exercise of the privacy rights conferred by the CCPA.

In order to exercise your rights through our online portal, please click the link below.

Online Portal

To learn more about your rights under the CCPA, please see our California CCPA Privacy Policy.

Please note that you may have additional rights under state and federal laws separate from your rights under the CCPA. Those laws include the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act, the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The protections provided by those laws are separate from your rights under the CCPA and may apply in place of some of the rights under the CCPA.

You may learn about your rights relating to your Experian credit data here. To obtain a copy of your Experian credit report, please go to

NOTE:  This section is not designed for inquiries related to an individual's credit report.

If you would like to order a copy of your personal credit report or your credit score or for fraud assistance, we offer the following fast and efficient service options:

Online: Go to Personal Services and select any of our options for ordering your personal credit report.
By Phone: Contact Experian's National Consumer Assistance Center at 1 888 EXPERIAN (1 888 397 3742).

If you already have an Experian credit report you can dispute your information online. Or, contact us at the phone number on your report. We cannot accept disputes via email.

For questions about your credit monitoring membership, please visit our contact us page.

If you have any questions about Experian's approach to privacy or any of its specific privacy policies, please write to us at:

Chief Privacy Officer
Compliance Department
475 Anton Blvd.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Woman Smiling Looking at Tablet Stock Photo

Consumer Privacy Policies

Applying individualized collection strategies will help your organization meet regulatory requirements that call for fair consumer treatments.

Opting Out

The below information applies to consumers in the United States of America. If you are a consumer in the United Kingdom, please visit Experian’s UK Consumer Information portal.

If you are a consumer from the United States of America and are looking to take actions related to your credit data such as, receive your credit report, place your credit on hold, etc. please visit

Targeted advertising provides choices, competitive offers and convenience - qualities sought and valued by many consumers. For many, being able to learn about these choices in the comfort of their own homes is extremely important. They look forward to receiving catalogs and other offers of interest. They like having the freedom to comparison shop from home, and they appreciate being able to conveniently purchase the products and services they want and need in their own homes.

Making An Informed Choice
You do have a choice. You can choose not to receive most targeted advertising by opting out. However, you should weigh your decision carefully. While opting out will not eliminate all targeted advertising, it will eliminate most catalogs, preapproved bank and retail credit offers, and other invitation-only offers you may enjoy receiving. Only you can decide what works best for you.

To request opt-out, deletion, a copy of, or to correct your data please visit our privacy portal. To ensure your privacy you will be required to authenticate your identity and then will be allowed to submit your request.

If you prefer to submit your request via phone you may contact Experian at: 833-210-4615

If you prefer to submit a written request, please mail your request to the following address:

Experian Consumer Choice
PO Box 703
Allen, TX 75013

Opting Out
For more information on opting out of specific types of targeted advertising, click on the applicable link below:

Cookies and 'Do Not Track' Signals
If you do not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to automatically decline cookies, or to be given the choice of declining or accepting the transfer of a particular cookie, or cookies from a particular website, to your computer. At this time we do not respond to 'do not track' browser signals.

Experian may periodically change its privacy policies as new products and services are offered or as its existing products and services evolve to meet customer needs. Privacy policies are typically dated to reflect the most recent update.

Recent updates to any Experian U.S. privacy policy will be posted to this section.

Updated:February 9, 2023

Removed Data Select Policy due to decomissioning of the product

Updated: February 28, 2023, Inc. Policy

Updated: July 7, 2022

CCPA Privacy Policy

Updated: November 18, 2021

CSID Privacy Policy

Updated: March 1, 2019

Updated the U.S.- EU Privacy Shield Privacy Policy to include the application of the policy to the United Kingdom.

Updated: October 15, 2018

Modified URL link for the independent dispute resolution mechanism in the U.S.- EU Privacy Shield Privacy Policy.

Updated: May 15, 2018

Experian U.S.- EU Privacy Shield Privacy Policy added to the website.

Updated: June 17, 2015

Updated Hitwise Privacy Policy to now include information about data collected through partnerships.

Updated: May 14, 2015

Updated Opting Out page and subpages Direct Mail and Telemarketing to now include information on online advertising and introduced a new page, Request Experian Marketing Data Report.

Updated: August 26, 2011

Experian ConnectSM

Updated: October 16, 2009

The AutoCount privacy policy.

Updated: January 28, 2009

The Experian Small Business privacy policy was added.

Updated: October 31, 2008

The AutoCount privacy policy.

Updated: July 22, 2007

The Online Personal Credit Reports policy was updated.

Updated: July 18, 2007

Autocheck privacy policy updated integrating commercial and consumer policies and enhancements to non-personal information uses.

Updated: June 8, 2007

The AutoCount consumer privacy policy was added.

Updated: January 20, 2006

The AutoCheck consumer privacy policy has been updated. Changes include revisions to the Information Collection and Uses section, and the addition of information on how Experian uses Web site 'cookies'. Web Log Information has also been replaced with the Web site Analysis section which further defines our Web site measurement practices.

Updated: July 1, 2004

In the "Permission email" section, language was updated to outline how email addresses are shared and used.

The AutoCheck® Vehicle History Report privacy policy has been updated.

Contact information for questions regarding the privacy policy was updated.

Updated: August 28, 2003

The Auto Prospect Online privacy policy was added.

Updated: June 12, 2003

The AutoCheck privacy policy was updated for consumers, and a privacy policy for commercial users has been created. In each, Experian identifies the use of a credit card processing company. In the commercial, Experian retains the commercial users' credit card information for billing purposes only.

Updated: March 11, 2003

The Online Personal Credit Reports policy was updated to state that information other than credit report information may be used for authentication.

Updated: March 7, 2003

ePIN+ is a Web-based relational database system for reporting relevant delivery status about a piece of mail as it moves through the U.S. Postal Service® delivery network, either on its way to a consumer's mailbox, or from an individual delivery point back to a remittance or other service facility.

Updated: February 26, 2003

Within the U.S. section of Web logs and cookies are used to collect aggregated statistics about Web site visitors so that we can better understand what areas of our Web site are of interest to you. This technology does not track any individually identifiable information, but rather records your Web site visit anonymously.

Updated: February 10, 2003

The Opting out of Direct Mail and Opting out of Telemarketing sections of Experian's privacy policy were updated to reflect a new telephone number to contact Experian.

Updated: October 23, 2002

Experian's product and service privacy section of our U.S. Web site was updated to add a privacy policy description for business-to-business Internet client registration. This application is for new and current subscribers serviced by Experian Information Solutions, Inc.

Updated: September 26, 2002

Experian's product and service privacy section of our U.S. Web site was updated to add a privacy policy description for List Link ExpressSM and List Link AdvancedSM business-to-business online prospecting tools of Experian Marketing Solutions, Inc.

Updated: March 8, 2002

Experian's Product and service privacy policies section of our U.S. Web site was updated to add a privacy policy description for AutoCheck, Experian's comprehensive vehicle history report service. Please visit our AutoCheck privacy policy for more information.

Experian is a non-exclusive Full Service Provider Licensee of the USPS®. The prices established for these products are not established, controlled, or approved by the U.S. Government or the USPS. The following trademarks are owned by the USPS: U.S. Postal Service®

Experian Privacy Policies

Experian provides a number of information products and services to both businesses and consumers online. Because the collection and use of personally identifiable information may vary among the products and services available on Experian's Web sites, at any point where personally identifiable information is collected, Experian provides notices that explain:

What information is being collected
How the information may be used
What choices you have regarding the collection and use of the information
The notices are clearly posted, either at the point of collection or through an easily identifiable link at the point of collection.

Policy Details
Experian may periodically change its privacy policies as new products and services are offered or as its existing products and services evolve to meet customer needs. Privacy policies are typically dated to reflect the most recent update. To review Updates to Experian's privacy policies, visit the Recent Updates section.

GDPR Sub-Processors

Sub-processor Name Sub-processing Actions
TeleTech Sub-processor for call center support
CCA Sub-processor for call center support
Moduslink Sub-processor for call center support
Infocision Sub-processor for call center support
IWCO Sub-processor for postal notifications
Asendia Sub-processor for postal notifications
NPC Immersion Sub-processor for postal notifications
SAP Sub-processor for SMS text notifications
PostUp Sub-processor for email notifications
Amazon Web Services Sub-processor for data warehousing