
Case Study: Accelerating Lending Decisions with Digital Prequalification

December 10, 2019 by Laura Burrows

With nearly seven billion credit card and personal loan acquisition mailers sent out last year, consumers are persistently targeted with pre-approved offers, making it critical for credit unions to deliver the right offer to the right person, at the right time.

How WSECU is enhancing the lending experience

As the second-largest credit union in the state of Washington, Washington State Employees Credit Union (WSECU) wanted to digitalize their credit decisioning and prequalification process through their new online banking platform, while also providing members with their individual, real-time credit score.

WSECU implemented an instant credit decisioning solution delivered via Experian’s Decisioning as a ServiceSM environment, an integrated decisioning system that provides clients with access to data, attributes, scores and analytics to improve decisioning across the customer life cycle.

Streamlined processes lead to upsurge in revenue growth  

Within three months of leveraging Experian’s solution, WSECU saw more members beginning their lending journey through a digital channel than ever before, leading to a 25% increase in loan and credit applications. Additionally, member satisfaction increased with 90% of members finding the simplified process to be more efficient and requiring “low effort.”

Read our case study for more insight on using our digital credit solutions to:

  • Prequalify members in real-time at point of contact
  • Match members to the right loan products
  • Increase qualification, approval and take rates
  • Lower operational and manual review costs

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