
Reinventing the Customer Experience with Advanced Analytics

December 3, 2019 by Kelly Nguyen

In today’s ever-changing and hypercompetitive environment, the customer experience has taken center-stage – highlighting new expectations in the ways businesses interact with their customers. But studies show financial institutions are falling short. In fact, a recent study revealed that 94% of banking firms can’t deliver on the “personalization promise.”

It’s not difficult to see why. Consumer preferences have changed, with many now preferring digital interactions. This has made it difficult for financial institutions to engage with consumers on a personal level. Nevertheless, customers expect seamless, consistent, and personalized experiences – that’s where the power of advanced analytics comes into play.

It’s no secret that using advanced analytics can enable businesses to turn rich data into insights that lead to confident business decisions and strategy development. But these business tools can actually help financial institutions deliver on that promise of personalization. According to an Experian study, 90% of organizations say that embracing advanced analytics is critical to their ability to provide an excellent customer experience. By using data and analytics to anticipate and respond to customer behavior, companies can develop new and creative ways to cater to their audiences – revolutionizing the customer experience as a whole.

It All Starts With Data

Data is the foundation for a successful digital transformation – the lack of clean and cohesive datasets can hinder the ability to implement advanced analytic capabilities. However, 89% of organizations face challenges on how to effectively manage and consolidate their data, according to Experian’s Global Data Management Research Benchmark Report of 2019. Because consumers prefer digital interactions, companies have been able to gather a vast amount of customer data. Technology that uses advanced analytic capabilities (like machine learning and artificial intelligence) are capable of uncovering patterns in this data that may not otherwise be apparent, therefore opening doors to new avenues for companies to generate revenue.

To start, companies need a strategy to access all customer data from all channels in a cohesive ecosystem – including data from their own data warehouses and a variety of different data sources. Depending on their needs, the data elements can come from a third party data provider such as: a credit bureau, alternative data, marketing data, data gathered during each customer contact, survey data and more. Once compiled, companies can achieve a more holistic and single view of their customer.

With this single view, companies will be able to deliver more relevant and tailored experiences that are in-line with rising customer expectations.

From Personalized Experiences to Predicting the Future

The most progressive financial institutions have found that using analytics and machine learning to conquer the wide variety of customer data has made it easier to master the customer experience. With advanced analytics, these companies gain deeper insights into their customers and deliver highly relevant and beneficial offers based on the holistic views of their customers. When data is provided, technology with advanced analytic capabilities can transform this information into intelligent outputs, allowing companies to optimize and automate business processes with the customer in mind.

Data, analytics and automation are the keys to delivering better customer experiences. Analytics is the process of converting data into actionable information so firms can understand their customers and take decisive action. By leveraging this business intelligence, companies can quickly adapt to consumer demand. Predictive models and forecasts, increasingly powered by machine learning, help lenders and other businesses understand risks and predict future trends and consumer responses. Prescriptive analytics help offer the right products to the right customer at the right time and price. By mastering all of these, businesses can be wherever their customers are.

The Experian Advantage

With insights into over 270 million customers and a wealth of traditional credit and alternative data, we’re able to drive prescriptive solutions to solve your most complex market and portfolio problems across the customer lifecycle – while reinventing and maintaining an excellent customer experience. If your company is ready for an advanced analytical transformation, Experian can help get you there.

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