
Red Flags Rule deadline slip continues to tarnish a pretty good idea.

Published: June 3, 2010 by Keir Breitenfeld

Well, in my last blog, I was half right and half wrong.  I said that individual trade associations and advocacy groups would continue to seek relief from Red Flag Rules ‘coverage’ and resultant FTC enforcement.  That was right.  I also said that I thought the June 1 enforcement date would ‘stick’.  That was wrong.

Said FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz, “Congress needs to fix the unintended consequences of the legislation establishing the Red Flag Rule – and to fix this problem quickly. We appreciate the efforts of Congressmen Barney Frank and John Adler for getting a clarifying measure passed in the House, and hope action in the Senate will be swift.  As an agency we’re charged with enforcing the law, and endless extensions delay enforcement.”

I think the key words here are ‘unintended consequences’.  It seems to me that the unintended consequences of the Red Flag Rules reach far beyond just which industries are covered or not covered (healthcare, legal firms, retailers, etc).  Certainly, the fight was always going to be brought on by non-financial institutions that generally may not have had a robust identity authentication practice in place as a general baseline practice.  What continues to be lost on the FTC is the fact that here we are a few years down the road, and I still hear so much confusion from our clients as to what they have to do when a Red Flag compliance condition is detected.  It’s easy to be critical in hindsight, yes, but I must argue that if a bit more collaboration with large institutions and authentication service providers in all markets had occurred, creating a more detailed and unambiguous Rule, we may have seen the original enforcement date (or at least one of the first or second postponement dates) ‘stick’.

At the end of the day, the idea of mandating effective and market defined identity theft protection programs makes a lot of sense.  A bit more intelligence gathering on the front end of drafting the Rule may, however, have saved time and energy in the long run.  Here’s hoping that December 31st ‘sticks’…I’m done predicting.

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By: Ken Pruett The great thing about being in front of customers is that you learn something from every meeting.  Over the years I have figured out that there is typically no “right” or “wrong” way to do something.  Even in the world of fraud and compliance I find that each client\'s approach varies greatly.  It typically comes down to what the business need is in combination with meeting some sort of compliance obligation like the Red Flag Rules or the Patriot Act.  For example, the trend we see in the prepaid space is that basic verification of common identity elements is really the only need.   The one exception might be the use of a few key fraud indicators like a deceased SSN.  The thought process here is that the fraud risk is relatively low vs. someone opening up a credit card account.  So in this space, pass rates drive the business objective of getting customers through the application process as quickly and easily as possible….while meeting basic compliance obligations. In the world of credit, fraud prevention is front and center and plays a key role in the application process.  Our most conservative customers often use the traditional bureau alerts to drive fraud prevention.  This typically creates high manual review rates but they feel that they want to be very customer focused. Therefore, they are willing to take on the costs of these reviews to maintain that focus.  The feedback we often get is that these alerts often lead to a high number of false positives. Examples of messages they may key off of are things like the SSN not being issued or the On-File Inquiry address not matching.  The trend is this space is typically focused on fraud scoring. Review rates are what drive score cut-offs leading to review rates that are typically 5% or less.  Compliance issues are often resolved by using some combination of the score and data matching. For example, if there is a name and address mismatch that does not necessarily mean the application will kick out for review.  If the Name, SSN, and DOB match…and the score shows very little chance of fraud, the application can be passed through in an automated fashion.  This risk based approach is typically what we feel is a best practice.  This moves them away from looking at the binary results from individual messages like the SSN alerts mentioned above. The bottom line is that everyone seems to do things differently, but the key is that each company takes compliance and fraud prevention seriously.  That is why meeting with our customers is such an enjoyable part of my job.

Published: August 19, 2012 by Guest Contributor

Many compliance regulations such the Red Flags Rule, USA Patriot Act, and ESIGN require specific identity elements to be verified and specific high risk conditions to be detected. However, there is still much variance in how individual institutions reconcile referrals generated from the detection of high risk conditions and/or the absence of identity element verification. With this in mind, risk-based authentication, (defined in this context as the “holistic assessment of a consumer and transaction with the end goal of applying the right authentication and decisioning treatment at the right time\") offers institutions a viable strategy for balancing the following competing forces and pressures:   Compliance – the need to ensure each transaction is approved only when compliance requirements are met;   Approval rates – the need to meet business goals in the booking of new accounts and the facilitation of existing account transactions;     Risk mitigation – the need to minimize fraud exposure at the account and transaction level. A flexibly-designed risk-based authentication strategy incorporates a robust breadth of data assets, detailed results, granular information, targeted analytics and automated decisioning. This allows an institution to strike a harmonious balance (or at least something close to that) between the needs to remain compliant, while approving the vast majority of applications or customer transactions and, oh yeah, minimizing fraud and credit risk exposure and credit risk modeling. Sole reliance on binary assessment of the presence or absence of high risk conditions and identity element verifications will, more often than not, create an operational process that is overburdened by manual referral queues. There is also an unnecessary proportion of viable consumers unable to be serviced by your business. Use of analytically sound risk assessments and objective and consistent decisioning strategies will provide opportunities to calibrate your process to meet today’s pressures and adjust to tomorrow’s as well.

Published: January 21, 2011 by Keir Breitenfeld

Many compliance regulations such the Red Flags Rule, USA Patriot Act, and ESIGN require specific identity elements to be verified and specific high risk conditions to be detected. However, there is still much variance in how individual institutions reconcile referrals generated from the detection of high risk conditions and/or the absence of identity element verification. With this in mind, risk-based authentication, (defined in this context as the “holistic assessment of a consumer and transaction with the end goal of applying the right authentication and decisioning treatment at the right time\") offers institutions a viable strategy for balancing the following competing forces and pressures: Compliance – the need to ensure each transaction is approved only when compliance requirements are met; Approval rates – the need to meet business goals in the booking of new accounts and the facilitation of existing account transactions; Risk mitigation – the need to minimize fraud exposure at the account and transaction level. A flexibly-designed risk-based authentication strategy incorporates a robust breadth of data assets, detailed results, granular information, targeted analytics and automated decisioning. This allows an institution to strike a harmonious balance (or at least something close to that) between the needs to remain compliant, while approving the vast majority of applications or customer transactions and, oh yeah, minimizing fraud and credit risk exposure and credit risk modeling. Sole reliance on binary assessment of the presence or absence of high risk conditions and identity element verifications will, more often than not, create an operational process that is overburdened by manual referral queues. There is also an unnecessary proportion of viable consumers unable to be serviced by your business. Use of analytically sound risk assessments and objective and consistent decisioning strategies will provide opportunities to calibrate your process to meet today’s pressures and adjust to tomorrow’s as well.

Published: January 10, 2011 by Keir Breitenfeld

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