Experian on the State of Identity podcast
In today’s environment, any conversation on the identity management industry needs to include some mention of synthetic identity risk. The fact is, it’s top of mind for almost everyone. Institutions are trying to scope their risk level and identify losses, while service providers are innovating ways to solve the problem. Even consumers are starting to understand the term, albeit via a local newscast designed to scare the heck out of them.
With all this in mind, I was very happy to be invited to speak with Cameron D’Ambrosi at One World Identity (OWI) on the State of Identity podcast, focusing on synthetic identity fraud. Our discussion focused on some of the unique findings and recommended best practices highlighted in our recently published white paper on the subject, Synthetic identities: getting real with customers.
Additionally, we discussed how a lack of agreement on the definition and size of the synthetic identity problem further complicates the issue. This all stems from inconsistent loss reporting, a lack of confirmable victims and an absence of an exact definition of a synthetic identity to begin with. Discussions must continue to better align us all.
I certainly appreciate that OWI dedicated the podcast to this subject. And I hope listeners take away a few helpful points that can assist them in their organization’s efforts to better identify synthetic identities, reduce financial losses and minimize reputation risks.