Tag: covid-19


Recently, I wrote about how Experian is assisting NASWA (National Association of State Workforce Agencies) with identity verification to help mitigate the spike in fraudulent unemployment insurance claims. Because of this I was not all that surprised when I found a letter in my mailbox from the Texas Workforce Commission with a fraudulent claim using my identity, inspiring me to follow up on this topic with a focus on fraud prevention best practices. Identity theft is on the rise According to Experian data analysis and a recent study on unemployment insurance fraud, at least 25% of new claims are a result of identity theft. This is 50 times higher than what we have traditionally seen in the highest ID theft fraud use case, new credit card applications, which generally amounts to less than 0.5% of new applications. Increasing digitization of the last few years—culminating in the huge leap forward in 2020—has resulted in a massive amount of information available online. Of that information, a reported 1.03 billion records were exposed between 2016 and 2020. There are currently approximately 330 million Americans, so on average more than three records per person have been exposed, creating an environment ripe for identity theft. In fact, a complete identity consisting of name, address, date of birth, and Social Security number (SSN) can be purchased for as little as $8. This stolen data is then often leveraged by both criminal rings who are able to perpetrate fraud on a large scale and smaller scale opportunists – like the ones in Riverside, CA leveraging access to identities of prison inmates. Fraud prevention through layered identity controls In the 20 years that I have been combatting ID theft both in the private and public sectors, I’ve learned that the most effective identity proofing goes beyond traditional identity resolution, validation, and verification. To be successful, you must take advantage of all available data and incorporate it into a layered and risk-based approach that utilizes device details, user behavior, biometrics, and more. Below, I outline three key layers to design an effective process for ID proofing new unemployment insurance claims. Layer 1: Resolve and Validate Identities Traditional identity data consists of the same basic information—name, address, date of birth, telephone number, and SSN—which is now readily available to fraudsters. These have been the foundation for ID proofing in the past and are still critical to resolving the identity in question. The key is to also include additional identity elements like email address and phone number to gain a more holistic view of the applicant. Layer 2: Assess Fraud Risk Determining an identity belongs to a real-life subject is not sufficient to mitigate the risk of ID theft associated with a new unemployment insurance claim. You must go beyond identity validation to assess the risk associated with their claim. Risk assessment risk falls into two categories – identity and digital risk. Identity Risk When assessing a claim, it’s important to check the identity for: Velocity: How often have you (or other states) seen the information being presented with this application? Has the information been associated with multiple identities? Recency of change: How long has the identity been associated with the contact information (phone, email, address, etc.)? Red flags: Has the subject been a recent victim of ID theft, or are they reported as deceased? Synthetic Identity: Are there signs that the identity itself is fictitious or manipulated and does not belong to a real-life person? Digital Risk Similar to the identity risk layer above, the device itself and how the subject interacts with the device are significantly important in identifying the likelihood a new claim is fraudulent. Device risk can be assessed by utilizing geolocation and checking for inconsistent settings or high-risk browsers, while behavioral risk might check for mouse movement, typing speed, or screen pressure. Layer 3: Verify Highest Risk Subjects The final stage in this process is to require additional verification for the highest risk claims, which helps to balance the experience of your valid subjects while minimizing the impact of fraud. Additional steps might include: Document verification: Scanning a government-issued ID (driver’s license, passport, or similar), which includes assessing for document security features and biometric comparison to the applicant. One-time passcode (OTP): It is key to deploy this sparingly only to phone numbers that have been associated with the subject for a significant time frame and incorporate checks to determine if it is at high risk (e.g., recently ported or forwarded). Knowledge-based verification (KBV): Leveraging non-public information from a variety of sources. By adding additional, context-based identity elements, it becomes possible to improve the three main objectives of most agencies’ identity proofing process – get good constituents through the first time, protect the agency and citizens from fraud, and deliver a smooth and secure customer experience in online channels. While there’s no quick fix to prevent unemployment insurance fraud, a layered identity strategy can help prevent it. Finding a partner that has a single, holistic solution empowers agencies to defend against unemployment insurance fraud while minimizing friction for the end-user, and preparing for future fraud schemes. To learn more about how you can protect your constituents and your agency from unemployment insurance fraud request a call today... Contact us

Published: April 15, 2021 by Eric Thompson

In today’s digital-first environment, fraud threats are growing in sophistication and scope. It’s critical for credit unions to not only understand the specific threats presented by life online, but to also be prepared with a solid fraud detection and prevention plan. Below, we’ve outlined a few fraud trends that credit unions should be aware of and prepared to address. 2021 Trends to Watch: Digitization and the Movement to Life Online Trend #1: Digital Acceleration As we look ahead to the rest of 2021 and beyond, we expect to see adoption of digital strategies nearing the top of credit unions’ list of priorities. Members’ expectations for their digital experience have permanently shifted, and many credit unions now have members using online channels who traditionally wouldn’t have. This has led to a change in the types of fraud we see as online activities increased in volume. Trend #2: First-Party Fraud is On the Rise First party fraud is on the rise – 43% of financial executives say that mule activity is up 10% or more compared to attack rates prior to the pandemic, according to Trace Fooshee, Senior Analyst for Aite Group, and we expect to see this number grow. The ability for credit unions to identify and segregate the “good guys” from “bad guys” is getting more difficult to discern and this detail is more important than ever as credit unions work to create frictionless digital experiences by using digital tools and strategies. Trend #3: Continual Uptick in Synthetic Identity Fraud We expect synthetic identity fraud (SID) to continue to rise in 2021 as cybercriminals become more sophisticated in the digital space and as members continue with their new digital habits. Additionally, fraudsters can use SIDs to bring significant damage and loss to credit unions through fraudulent checks, debit cards, person-to-person and automated clearing house (ACH) transactions. More and more, fraudsters are seen opening accounts and remaining very patient – using an account to build and nurture a trusted relationship with the credit union and then remain dormant for two years before ensuing in any sort of abuse. Once the fraudster feels confident that they can bypass authentication processes or avoid a new product vetting, oftentimes, they will take that opportunity to get easy access to all solutions credit unions have available and will abuse them all at once. There are no signs of fraud slowing, so credit unions will need to stay vigilant in their fraud protection and prevention plans. We’ve outlined a few tips for credit unions to help protect member data while reducing risk. The Fight Against Fraud: Four Key Tips Tip #1: Manage Each Fraud Type Appropriately Preventing and detecting fraud requires a multi-level solution. This can involve new methods for authenticating current and prospective members, as well as incorporating synthetic identity services and identity proofing throughout the member lifecycle. For example, credit unions should consider taking extra verification steps during the account opening process as a preventative measure to minimize SID infiltration and associated fraud losses. As credit unions continue down the path of digitization, it’s also important to add in digital signals and behavior-based verification, such as information about the device a consumer is logging in from to heighten defenses against bad actors. Tip #2: Be Resourceful In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many have asked, “How should credit unions approach fraud prevention tactics when in-person contact is limited or unavailable?” In some cases, you might need to be willing to say no to requests or get creative and find other options. Sometimes, it takes leveraging current resources and using what’s readily available to allow for a binary decision tree. For example, if you’re suspicious of a dormant account that you think could be synthetic, call them, and ask yourself these questions: Did they answer? Was the phone still active? Send the account holder an email – did you get a reply? Is this a new member? Is this a new channel for the member? Could they have logged on to do this instead of calling the call center? Tip #3: Empower Members Through Education Members like to know that their credit unions are taking the necessary steps and applying the right measures to keep their data secure. While members might not want every detail, they do want to know that the security measures are there. Require the use of strong passwords, step-up authentication, and empower members with alerts, notifications, and card controls. Additionally, protect members by providing resources like trainings, webinars, and best practices articles, where they can learn about current cyber trends and how to protect their data. Tip #4: Trust Data Many credit unions rely on an employee’s decision to decide when to take action and what action to take. The challenge with this approach comes when the credit union needs to reduce friction for members or tighten controls to prevent fraud, because it’s extremely hard to know exactly what drove prior actions. A better alternative is to rely on scores and specific data. Tweaks to the scores or data points that drive actions allow credit unions to achieve the desired member experience and risk tolerance – just be sure to leverage internal experts help figure out those policies. By determining what conditions drive actions before the actions are taken (instead of doing it one case at a time) the decisions remain transparent and actionable. Looking for more insights around how to best position your credit union to mitigate and prevent fraud? Watch our webinar featuring experts from around the industry and key credit unions in this Fraud Insight Form hosted by CUES. Watch now Contact us var expChannel = "Blog"; var expBUPartner = "eCom"; var expBUSegment = "Insights-Blog"; var expProductGrp = "";

Published: April 13, 2021 by Alison Kray

In 2020, new trends emerged, driven by a continued shift in consumer preferences. Let’s take a closer look at how the industry fared during the year.

Published: March 24, 2021 by Marty Miller

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has facilitated an increase in information collection among consumers and organizations, creating a prosperous climate for cybercriminals. As businesses and customers adjust to the “new normal,” hackers are honing in on their targets and finding new, more sophisticated ways to access their sensitive data. As part of our recently launched Q&A perspective series, Michael Bruemmer, Experian’s Vice President of Data Breach Resolution and Consumer Protection, provided insight on emerging fraud schemes related to the COVID-19 vaccines and how increased use of digital home technologies could lead to an upsurge in identity theft and ransomware attacks. Check out what he had to say: Q: How did Experian determine the top data breach trends for 2021? MB: As part of our initiative to help organizations prevent data breaches and protect their information, we release an annual Data Breach Forecast. Prior to the launch of the report, we analyze market and consumer trends. We then come up with a list of potential predictions based off the current climate and opportunities for data breaches that may arise in the coming year. Closer to publication, we pick the top five ‘trends’ and craft our supporting rationale. Q: When it comes to data, what is the most immediate threat to organizations today? MB: Most data breaches that we service have a root cause in employee errors – and working remotely intensifies this issue. Often, it’s through negligence; clicking on a phishing link, reusing a common password for multiple accounts, not using two-factor authentication, etc. Organizations must continue to educate their employees to be more aware of the dangers of an internal breach and the steps they can take to prevent it. Q: How should an organization begin to put together a comprehensive threat and response review? MB: Organizations that excel in cybersecurity often are backed by executives that make comprehensive threats and response reviews a top corporate priority. When the rest of the organization sees higher-ups emphasizing the importance of fraud prevention, it’s easier to invest time and money in threat assessments and data breach preparedness. Q: What fraud schemes should consumers be looking out for? MB: The two top fraud schemes that consumers should be wary of are scams related to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and home devices being held for ransom. Fraudsters have been leveraging social media to spread harmful false rumors and misinformation about the vaccines, their effectiveness and the distribution process. These mistruths can bring harm to supply chains and delay government response efforts. And while ransomware attacks aren’t new, they are getting smarter and easier with people working, going to school and hosting gatherings entirely on their connected devices. With control over home devices, doors, windows, and security systems, cybercriminals have the potential to hold an entire house hostage in exchange for money or information. For more insight on how to safeguard your organization and consumers from emerging fraud threats, watch our Experian Symposium Series event on-demand and download our 2021 Data Breach Industry Forecast. Watch now Access forecast About Our Expert: Michael Bruemmer, Experian VP of Data Breach Resolution and Consumer Protection, North America Michael manages Experian’s dedicated Data Breach Resolution and Consumer Protection group, which aims to help businesses better prepare for a data breach and mitigate associated consumer risks following breach incidents. With over 25 years in the industry, he has guided organizations of all sizes and sectors through pre-breach response planning and delivery.

Published: March 11, 2021 by Laura Burrows

According to Experian’s latest Global Insights Report, 38% of consumers expect to increase their online activity in the next 12 months. The report also found that consumers continue to have high expectations for their online experience, and businesses are re-imagining the customer journey to reflect that need. This January, Experian surveyed 3,000 consumers and 900 businesses to explore the changes in consumer behavior and business strategy pre- and post-COVID-19. As consumers have embraced life online, they’ve continued to emphasize their feelings regarding the importance of protecting their information. More than half of consumers still consider security to be the most important factor in their digital experience – the same experience they have such high expectations of. Business are acting in turn, with more than half investing in fraud detection methods or software to reduce friction in the customer experience. Digital transformation is also highlighting the need to: Manage regulatory compliance Integrate security measures Ensure access to AI models Attract and manage customers Integrate automation solutions Download the report to get all the latest insights into consumer desires and business behaviors, and keep visiting the Insights blog for a deeper dive into US-specific findings. Download report  

Published: February 19, 2021 by Alison Kray

Dealing with challenges is part of the collections process. But in today’s economic environment, there are even more barriers to overcome. Since it is unclear how long the COVID-19 pandemic and associated financial stress will last, debt collection agencies and departments must evolve and refine their collections and recovery capabilities. As you step into the new collections environment, it will be imperative to keep pace with shifting consumer behaviors and trends and properly react, adapt and engage. Recent data findings show that many consumers are still worried about their finances and ability to pay down existing debt: Revolving Card Credit Line Increases (CLI) are up 78.4% overall1 Almost 3% of auto loans are 30+ Days Past Due (DPD) 2% of unsecured personal loans are 30+ Days Past Due (DPD) New account originations are up 0.8% overall Download our latest white paper to discover more industry trends, outlooks for 2021, and the benefits of leveraging data and advanced analytics to develop better strategies, make more profitable decisions and better serve consumers in times of continued economic uncertainty. Access white paper Learn more 1Findings from Experian's Ascend Market Insights Dashboard, data based on number of accounts. Data refreshed: January 24, 2021.

Published: February 18, 2021 by Laura Burrows

Last year is a testament to how quickly trends can shift, and entire industries can be turned upside down.

Published: February 8, 2021 by Amy Hughes

Experian Automotive Market Insights includes an in-depth analysis of auction volume across the United States.

Published: February 1, 2021 by Amy Hughes

Experian Automotive Market Insights helps dealers efficiently identify potential conquest opportunities in their region and beyond.

Published: January 28, 2021 by Amy Hughes

It’s obvious that 2020 was a year of unprecedented change and created brand new opportunities for fraud. In 2021, fraudsters will continue to iterate on new and old methods of attack, requiring businesses to remain flexible and proactive to prevent losses. We created the 2021 Future of Fraud Forecast to help businesses anticipate new types of fraud and prepare and protect consumers on the road ahead. Here are the trends we expect to see over the coming year: Putting a Face to Frankenstein IDs: Synthetic identity fraud will start to rely on “Frankenstein faces” for biometric verification. “Too Good to Be True” COVID Solutions: The promise of at-home test kits, vaccines and treatments will be used as means for sophisticated phishing and social engineering schemes. Stimulus Fraud Activity, Round Two: Fraudsters will take advantage of additional stimulus funding by using stolen data to intercept payments. Say ‘Hello’ to Constant Automated Attacks: Once the stimulus fraud attacks run their course, hackers will increasingly turn to automated methods. Survival of the Fittest for Small Businesses: In 2021, businesses with lackluster fraud prevention tools will suffer large financial losses. To learn more about how to protect your business and customers, download the Future of Fraud Forecast and check out Experian’s fraud prevention solutions. Future of Fraud Forecast Request a call

Published: January 26, 2021 by Alison Kray

Despite the constant narrative around “unprecedented times” and the “new normal,” if the current market volatility tells us anything, it’s to go back to basics. As financial institutions navigate COVID-19’s economic impact, and challenges that are likely to be different or more extreme than in the past, the best credit portfolio management practices are fundamental. The global pandemic impacts today’s data as existing data and analytics may not accurately reflect what is happening now, resulting in inaccurate portfolio assessment. In order to successfully navigate loss forecasting, predicting borrower behavior and controlling loss ratios, lenders must engage new data, analytics and economic scenarios suited for today’s changing times. In Experian’s latest white paper, “Credit Portfolio Management After the COVID-19 Recession,” we’ll explore best practices to combat the following challenges: Forecasting credit losses despite increased economic volatility Businesses have long used a variety of data, analytics and models to anticipate and project the future direction of their organization based on a number of data points; however, with the onset of the global pandemic, long-standing scenarios became suddenly irrelevant.   Predicting borrower behavior given increased financial disparities The post-pandemic and pre-pandemic worlds are very different places for some borrowers. Pandemic-related job losses and other economic effects will not be spread evenly and this variability may be reflected in lenders’ portfolios.   Controlling loss ratios In the post-COVID world, it will be mission critical for lenders to use high-quality and up-to-date data to balance priorities and identify which areas of their portfolio need attention now.   Whether your portfolio is doing better than expected, as expected, or worse than expected, now is the time to refresh portfolio management strategy. Lenders should be watching for early indicators in loan portfolios to better navigate a fluctuating economy and that requires new resources and better tools. Take control of your business’ trajectory. Download now

Published: January 13, 2021 by Stefani Wendel

Small SUVs became the most financed vehicle segment in Q3 2020, making up 26.01% of all financed vehicles during the quarter.

Published: January 11, 2021 by Melinda Zabritski

According to Experian’s Q3 2020 State of the Automotive Finance Market report, 26.20% of all new vehicles are leased compared to 30.27% last year.

Published: December 17, 2020 by Melinda Zabritski

It’s clear that the digital transformation we experienced this year is here to stay. While there are many positives associated with this transformation – innovation, new ways to work, and greater online connectedness – it’s important that we review the risks associated with these trends as well.   In late 2019 and throughout 2020, Experian surveyed consumers and businesses. We asked about online habits, expectations for information security and plans for future spending. Unsurprisingly, about half of consumers think they’ll continue to spend more online in the coming year. Those same consumers now have a higher expectation for their online experience than before the onset of COVID-19.   Hand-in-hand with the online activity trends come increased risks associated with identity theft and fraud as criminals find new chances to steal information. In response to both of these trends, businesses and consumers want a balance between security and convenience.   Our latest trends report dives into the new opportunities 2020 has created for fraud, and the opportunities to prevent identity theft or manipulation and the associated losses while building stronger relationships.   Download the full North America Trends Report for a look into North American trends over the last year and to learn how fraud prevention and positive customer relationships are actually two sides of the same coin. North America Trends Report

Published: December 16, 2020 by Alison Kray

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

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