Financial Tips for Military Families

We host a #CreditChat on Twitter and YouTube every Wednesday at 3 p.m. ET.

This week, we had an opportunity to tweet with MilitaryMoney, Better Business Bureau, Military Line, Military Saves, Veterans UnitedJeff RoseSoldier of Finance, and Joseph MontanaroUSAA

During this tweetchat, we also had a Google+ hangout to discuss this topic and highlight favorite tweets. The video panel included: Karen Carlson, Director of Education and Creative Programs – Military Money, InCharge, Joseph Montanaro (USAA), Carla Blair, Director of Credit Education – Veterans UnitedMaxine Sweet, Vice President of Public Education, Rod Griffin, Experian’s Director of Public Education, Shannon McNay  (ReadyForZero), and Mike Delgado (Experian).

Questions we discussed:

Q1: What financial challenges do military families struggle with?
Q2: Some military families relocate regularly. Any tips to save on moving?
Q3: What are ways to track money and pay bills when deployed overseas?
Q4: What sorts of discounts and financial benefits can military families get?
Q5: What should military families know about VA loans?
Q6: What educational benefits are available to vets and those in military?
Q7: Where can military families go to get financial help?
Q8: What are ways for civilians to help support military families and vets in need?
Q9: Any final financial tips you have for military families?


Resources Shared:

Tweetable Tips:

Find a battle buddy that you trust that can monitor bills and your credit while deployed. [Retweet]

Before leaving for deployment, attempt to eliminate as much expenses as possible. [Retweet]

Military Financial Challenge: Staying on top of day to day finances while on mission. [Retweet]


For married couples, make sure both spouses have access and knowledge of accounts and bills. [Retweet]

Stress inhibits planning and stimulates emotional spending, which can be dangerous. [Retweet]

If debt is your issue, call a non-profit credit counseling agency. Credit counseling and budgeting is free. [Retweet]

The sky is the limit when it comes to military discounts. Always, always ask before you buy. [Retweet].

Check out the complete tweetchat:

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