
Accurate & Timely Credit Report Data is Key to Helping Our Consumers & Businesses #ExperianStories

Published: March 26, 2017 by Editor In United States

I’m a Business Systems Specialist on Experian’s Information Technology Services team.

While the work I do is largely behind the scenes, the data I process helps power advertising campaigns, provide accurate credit score reports to consumers and enable people who might not otherwise have access to credit to achieve their goals.

The most valuable thing I can provide the businesses Experian works with is accurate data, because data is the backbone of a business.

I run systems and support software that helps process the data for Experian’s products and services, and work to ensure businesses have access to the most accurate data sets.

Businesses from across different sectors send us data about their consumers—like if an individual paid rent or a bill on time — that we update into our databases so that when that person applies for a loan or to rent an apartment, our data is timely and accurately reflects that individual’s true credit score. Accuracy can be the difference between a person getting a lease or having to look elsewhere.

The data I help process and service is used for other business purposes as well, like advertising campaigns. Marketers will send us a list of the demographics they’re looking to reach. I help aggregate and compare those lists of demographics against the data we already have on hand to provide that client with an accurate list of addresses.

Armed with that timely, accurate information, those businesses can reach their target audience and increase revenue for that quarter – and consumers benefit from more targeted messaging from companies they care about.

I joined Experian more than 20 years ago, and have seen it evolve and grow from essentially a traditional credit bureau to a global information services enterprise.

For me, the extent to which we as a company can provide services that empower consumers to succeed on their life’s journey has always been the end deliverable.

Read more #ExperianStories from our colleagues around the world.

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