Corporate Responsibility

Experian cares about giving back through volunteerism, donations, education and more. We put our hearts into the communities where we work and live, which is the driving force that helps us make a difference. Read about our community impact below:


Experian North America CEO Victor Nichols recently was recognized by the Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Orange County, California, as its 2014 Community Hero of the Year for his commitment to consumer financial literacy. Mr. Nichols and Experian are proud to have been honored with this award. Experian has long been committed to consumer financial literacy and removing the mystery surrounding credit reports and scores, and that commitment has not wavered.

Published: January 30, 2014 by Michael Troncale

top-placesIt was extremely gratifying to see Experian named a Top Workplace by the Orange County Register this week. No surprise to me. (Though I may be partial.) To be sure, this is an important milestone. Although we have been part of the Orange County community for 40+ years, this is the first time we have participated in the Top Workplaces Survey. Additionally – and importantly – this was a recognition that was earned by the feedback of our employees who genuinely appreciate their work environment and the Experian culture. That means we, as a company, are putting the right focus on our our employees – or as we prefer to call them, our team members. It was further gratifying when Steve Churm, vice president of the OC Register and Freedom Communications, said: “The Orange County Register's top workplace initiative identifies 100 companies that truly understand the essential link between a positive corporate culture and bottom line performance and growth. Experian is one of those great companies in the heart of Orange County that recognize their key assets are their employees, and that their well-being and growth drives Experian's success.”

Published: December 6, 2013 by Gerry Tschopp

As of 2011, the Hispanic population comprised 16.7% of the United States population, the largest minority group following African-Americans. In addition, 20.3% of U.S. households speak a language other than English. Recognizing the need for expanded financial resources to the Hispanic community, Experian provided a generous grant to translate the NFCC’s MyMoneyCheckUpTM tool into Spanish.

Published: February 6, 2013 by Editor

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