Social Responsibility

Experian is deeply committed to making an important difference in each of the communities we operate and live all over the world. Through our relationships with nonprofit organizations, our dedication to consumer education and our encouragement of employee volunteerism, we are able to champion a number of important causes. Read about our latest corporate social responsibility news below:


Unfortunately, many people have received poor credit advice and been taken advantage from credit repair companies. Many people don't realize that there isn't anything that a credit repair service is able to legally do for you that you can't do yourself for little or no expense.

Published: September 13, 2012 by Editor

As 2014 nears an end it’s a good time for us all to start thinking about what we are going to do to keep our finances in good shape and moving along into 2015. At Experian, we are here to help you. During the coming weeks and months we will be providing more educational blogs, videos and Twitter #creditchats that will help you proactively manage, build and improve your credit. So let’s get started with one of the most common questions people ask me: How do I dispute information that I believe is being reported inaccurately?

Published: July 25, 2012 by Rod Griffin

What did you do with that envelope that used to arrive once a year with estimates of your future Social Security benefits? You might have reviewed the information. You may have even filed the statement away as a reference. Now, this powerful financial planning tool is as close as the nearest computer.

Published: July 12, 2012 by Michael Troncale

I opened a few of my daily newspapers this morning (yes, the print kind!), and pondered some seemingly conflicting messages. In the Wall Street Journal, I saw the headline “Economic Reports Fan Fears.” In the New York Times, the top business story read “In a Shift, Debt Levels are Falling,” noting that American consumers are reducing their debt.

Published: April 24, 2012 by Rod Griffin

Many consumers simply do not understand what a credit report, credit score or id theft is until they have either been denied a loan or fallen victim to fraud. As part of Experian’s Live Credit Smart program, the company offers consumers information on the specific areas that they need to live credit smart.

Published: April 3, 2012 by Jeremy Hancock

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