Experian uses data and the most advanced technologies to meet and keep up with the needs of its consumers, making us a leader in identity verification and fraud detection and prevention. Read about our latest identity and fraud news below:
This morning on my way into the office, I made my usual stop for coffee. Just like every other day, the barista greeted me by name and my usual drink was being made before I got to the counter. Doesn’t it feel nice when you’re recognized? The same holds true when we interact online. We want to be recognized when we transact online, because recognition helps to stimulate trust. And trust is what makes all of us feel safe and protected. New research from our Global Fraud and Identity Report demonstrates that customer recognition also plays a large role in indicators of fraud. Most of the 500 business executives in 11 countries that we interviewed across the globe, said that if they were certain about a customer’s identity, the need for fraud risk mitigation would be reduced. One of the trickiest components to fraud detection, is finding the fine line between turning away good customers and letting the fraudsters slip through. Our global research revealed that most businesses tend to demonstrate suspicion when it comes to preventing fraud, following a route of detection rather than permission or trust. In fact, 71 percent of businesses know that they deny more transactions than they should. The end result isn’t just a loss of sales, but it also may very likely damage the lifetime value of that customer. Business leaders agree that if they were more precise in identifying the customer and avoiding denial of real transactions, they would see an increase in revenue. In addition, the report confirmed what we all already know – as consumers, we expect the companies we do business with to protect us. We surveyed 5,500 people in 11 countries, and many said they equate visual signs of security and the barriers they encounter when accessing their accounts to mean the transaction is more secure. Nearly 7 out of every 10 people like the security protocols when they transact online because it makes them feel protected. As customers, we want to believe that banks and retailers are doing everything they can to protect and secure our online transactions. Our study also found that 72 percent of businesses say fraud is a growing concern, with online fraud continuing to be a top concern across the globe. One of out every 10 businesses are experiencing the same or more fraudulent losses online compared to a year ago. Fraud is always evolving and fraudsters are becoming more resourceful than ever before. And while there is no silver bullet, and good modern fraud detection requires multiple fraud detection strategies, better customer recognition could make an immediate difference. Simply put, the better you recognize the customer, the better you can recognize fraud. Get a copy of the complete Global Fraud and Identity Report
In October, I had the pleasure of joining many industry leaders and fraud risk professionals from around the world at Experian’s Fusion Summit 2017 held in Scottsdale, Arizona. Our annual Fusion Fraud Summit is a great opportunity to hear from industry leaders on what trends and emerging technology they are currently focusing on. This collaboration with other thought leaders is critical to staying ahead of fraudsters and keeping consumers safe, while providing the best experience possible. In addition to enjoying the sunny Arizona venue, I had the opportunity to network and have candid conversations with attendees and speakers about their fraud challenges and how these challenges affect their businesses. One thing I found striking is that in nearly every conversation, the topics centered on one or more of the following four themes. Security As consumers, we want to feel safe and we want to feel that businesses are doing everything they can to protect us: our payment information, our identity, our credit. Similarly, businesses want to help their customers feel safe, but they also want consumers to know that the data entrusted to them will not fall into nefarious hands. As such, the fraud leaders I spoke with at Fusion are more concerned with security than ever before. But they also know that there is no silver bullet to solve the ever-growing fraud problem. Instead, it’s a multi-layered approach that includes a combination of products and strategies that will recognize identities and assess risk of fraud. Those layers will help to provide the right level of confidence for every transaction. Recognition Being recognized by the people we do business with goes a long way. Whether it’s your coffee shop barista or the front desk clerk at your favorite hotel, being recognized makes us feel appreciated and special. The same applies in today’s digital environment. With the lack of face-to-face interaction online, being recognized when transacting and engaging online is even more important. Customers expect to be recognized and welcomed wherever and whenever they do business. The fraud leaders I spoke with said the same; they want to be as certain as they can about who their customers are. The benefits to this are huge - customers are recognized and welcomed, and it is easier for the business to recognize the fraud. Convenience We all lead busy lives, so it’s handy when we can easily pay bills or make purchases online. But it is not convenient when we’re forced to enter in passwords we may not remember, or get a code from our phone just to prove who we are. Worse yet, purchases could be declined unnecessarily. Now that’s inconvenient. Businesses struggle, especially this time of year, to provide a hassle-free experience for their customers while keeping a handle on increased levels of fraud during the holiday buying season. Most of the executives I spoke with at Fusion would like advanced authentication and security measures that don’t impact customers negatively but provide a better way to establish trust. Trust And in the end, it really comes down to trust. As consumers, why do we prefer to do repeat business with people we know? It is because we trust them. You know them, they know you: recognition helps to stimulate trust. As businesses get to know and recognize their customers, even online customers, they become more confident in evolving the level of conversation and engagement. Trust is at the center of every strong, lasting relationship. And trust is what makes all of us feel safe and protected. While at Fusion, I gave attendees a sneak peek into some of the findings of our upcoming annual Global Fraud Report. Over the last several months, we interviewed 5,500 consumers and more than 550 businesses in 11 markets around the world to hear what concerns and priorities they had. We look forward to sharing lots of great information in the next few weeks and throughout 2018, but for now I can tell you 30 percent of businesses are experiencing more fraud losses over the past 12 months. While these same businesses are eager to introduce new and innovative ways for consumers to open accounts or conduct transactions online, they also are keenly aware that new channels present new challenges. In order to make a difference, we need to work together as an industry to find smarter and more efficient ways to protect both the businesses and the customers they serve. Throughout the coming months, we’ll be sharing the 2018 Global Fraud Report and the findings. I’m sure you’ll find – just as we did – some eye-opening research into how consumers view recognition and trust and what businesses need to do to provide that secure and positive customer experience. For more information about how Experian can help you recognize your customers and better detect fraud, visit: https://www.experian.com/decision-analytics/global/fraud/global-identity-fraud.html
A few years back, a friend approached me at church, devastated because his identity had been stolen. His tampered identity made it difficult for him to access credit, and his small business was suffering as a result. I’ve been working at Experian for 9 years, and I’m regularly asked by folks how to effectively build credit and keep identities secure, but this case had me stumped. I ended up directing him to a colleague of mine who helped facilitate his recovery, but I wanted to do more. I started asking around the office how I could help not only friends and family, but anyone in the community who is concerned about their credit. That’s when I joined Experian’s Ambassadors Program. As an Ambassador, I now regularly volunteer my time to share financial literacy presentations on credit and identify theft prevention with people in my community, from students to church groups. One presentation I gave recently really changed my perspective on the power of credit. My son asked me to present at his company, Capital Group, in the Financial District of Los Angeles. Walking into the presentation, I assumed that their work in finance would make them credit experts. I assumed I would be presenting to a small group of people who felt confident about their credit and would ask very few questions. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The group was two times larger than any audience I’d presented to before, and they were incredibly engaged. Many inquired about simple credit concepts: “What should I be aware of regarding my credit report? How can I make my credit better?” It dawned on me that just because someone’s in finance or business doesn’t automatically mean they understand the ins and outs of credit – they work just like you and I do, and it’s not their #1 job to worry about their credit. I realized that everyone could benefit from the information we were providing. During that presentation, I broke the concept of credit down into manageable chunks, explaining things like the consequences of late mortgage payments, how to prevent identity fraud and a person’s credit utilization rate. I drew on the mistakes I made as a young man and the hindsight I now have as a grandfather to 19 children. I wanted to equip them with the tools they needed to adjust to all of life’s events – from divorce to sending a kid off to college – and help them make financial changes that will positively benefit them and their families. One presentation at a time, I want to continue ensuring that families can confidently pursue their dreams and achieve financial milestones.
We developed CrossCore to make the industry’s fraud and identity solutions work better for everyone. We wanted to help organizations prevent more fraud while making it easier for their good customers to do business with them and nearly a year after the launch we’re proud of the reception we’ve had from clients, partners and the industry. Our latest honor is a bronze and gold medal from the American Business Awards for Identity and Access Security Solution Product of the Year and Product Management Department/Team of the Year. “We developed CrossCore to help our clients get the strength they want with the flexibility they need for more effective fraud management,” said Kathleen Peters, Global Vice President, Product Management, Fraud and Identity at Experian. “These latest Stevie Awards validate the feedback we’ve received from the market, and more importantly, from our clients.” CrossCore helps organizations with the ever-changing, complex and challenging world of fraud prevention. Businesses readily add solutions from us, other providers, and even their own solutions, to connect, access and orchestrate decisions across multiple systems. To make this possible for our clients, our teams worked around the clock in offices all around the world. They brought experiences and perspectives together to build and test code in packages that could be installed anywhere and everywhere. Using this “immutable infrastructure” approach, the team built, configured, connected, tested and monitored over 20 different systems to ensure everything was working. And they did it in less than nine months. The Stevie Award judges recognize the efforts of this team and the power of CrossCore. Here are just some of the positive comments we received: “The deployment of a global project such as CrossCore in only 9 months is remarkable, especially with 20 different systems being interconnected to deliver the service. Lots of hard work from the team, congrats!” “Seems like the strongest and the best solution in fraud prevention. Experian is already the industry leader in its respective industry, however CrossCore seems to be a great service, with a beautiful and intuitive UI.” “A good write up on what appears to be a useful platform. This is a great accomplishment and the nomination sounds like a talented team of product developers and software engineers.” “Congratulations on delivering an ambitious product in a relatively short timeframe!” We’re excited about how CrossCore could fit into your fraud strategy and would love to talk to you about it. Learn more ways CrossCore can help your business prevent fraud.
Becoming a victim of identity theft and fraud can be a constant fear for many consumers. In fact, according to Experian’s recent Identity Theft Survey findings, 84 percent of respondents acknowledged concern about the security of their personal information online. Surprisingly, despite this overwhelming concern, our survey also found that nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of consumers also believe it’s “too much of a hassle to constantly worry about securing personal information online.” With personal vigilance declining and identity theft on the rise, developing the right consumer tools is essential. Today’s consumers demand easy-to-use, reliable identity protection products that give visibility to their personal and financial information’s possible theft and fraud exposure. In response to this growing need, we’ve launched IdentityWorks – a comprehensive identity theft protection product which helps consumers become actively engaged in defending themselves against identity fraud. For example, IdentityWorks’ dark web monitoring and alerts help consumers manage the risk of exposure in a place they can’t even see or access. Most consumers don’t really know anything about the dark web – other than it’s a bad “place.” The product also allows a user to instantly lock or unlock their Experian credit file, literally by clicking or tapping an icon via desktop or mobile device. It’s that simple. In addition to providing an array of user-friendly tools, IdentityWorks offers a set of resources to give consumers peace of mind. If suspicious activity is detected, Experian’s team of fraud resolution specialists are available to guide consumers through the process of repairing the damage done and shielding them from additional damage. Furthermore, while we work to secure your information, up to $1 million in identity theft insurance is available, just in case. * We know consumers perceive keeping track of, and protecting one’s identity as complex and inconvenient. According to our Identity Theft Survey, approximately 53 percent of individuals believe staying on top of financial transactions is a challenge. That’s why we believe IdentityWorks is exactly the right solution at the right time. It reduces the scale of that challenge into something much more manageable, with resources for both monitoring and remediating identity theft and fraud. The responsible use of credit can propel consumers’ livelihoods – helping to qualify opportunities like affordable mortgages and automotive loans – but identity theft can make it more difficult to obtain credit, making someone’s good credit history look poor. This is why IdentityWorks is so relevant to Experian. We are driven to help consumers achieve their long-term financial dreams. By enabling consumers’ active role in protecting themselves from identity theft and fraud, we help them buy a home, purchase a car or invest in their education. We hope the launch of IdentityWorks will empower consumers to manage their financial futures and remain vigilant against those who would take that away. * Identity Theft Insurance is underwritten by insurance company subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). 175 Water Street, New York, New York 10038. Please refer to the actual policies for terms, conditions, and exclusions of coverage. Coverage may not be available in all jurisdictions.
I recently attended a conference in Alwar, India, hosted by Experian and the International Finance Corporation. During one of the sessions, I met a single mother of two who had recently moved to a rural village in India. Her husband had left her and she was hoping to pick up work as a tailor once she purchased a sewing machine to support her family. As we talked, she confided in me that she was having trouble securing a loan from microfinance institutions because she didn’t have papers to prove her identity. And since she was new to the village, no one knew who she was. Without a proven identity, she couldn’t qualify for a loan and get the money she needed to support herself and feed her children. Indian banks predominantly serve urban customers whose credit reports are extensive. However, most customers from smaller districts and rural towns – like this woman – can fit their credit history on less than a page. Identification may be the only way they can verify their character to secure a loan. As I sat with this woman, I started telling her about our Prove ID tool that I had recently helped to develop. Using an individual’s biometrics, the tool would search her credit history, bank card and any information that can prove she is who she claimed to be. I explained that by using this tool, she could now prove what village she’s from, that she was a permanent resident in her new village and that she was likely to repay her loan. She was stunned and overwhelmed. In that moment, I realized that rural clients often need human connection to clearly understand what a bank or microfinance institution requires in order to obtain a loan. Many rural customers can’t read the brochures or pamphlets sitting in a bank, but by engaging them in conversation, you can effectively educate them about how to prove their identities and build their credit profiles to successfully access the finances they need. As a Product Developer for banks, I sometimes get so caught up on how to make products run that I lose sight of how the work I do impacts the community. Helping one woman discover Prove-ID to secure a loan and provide for her family inspired me. I want to continue being more involved in my community to help others who may not be literate learn how to prove their identities so they can better support their families.
Spanish Translation I’m a Senior Product Manager in Experian’s Fraud and Identity Solutions department, which means I partner with data scientists to protect banks and their customers from fraud. When most people think of fraud, they envision someone trying to open a bank account in someone else’s name. However, it wasn’t until I did a series of customer visits with big banks to understand their struggles and discovered a pervasive form of fraud in the finance industry called “bust-out” fraud. In a "bust-out" fraud, an individual applies for a credit card in their own name, establishes a normal usage pattern and builds a solid repayment history. Then, when they’re ready to execute their scam, they max out all their available lines of credit from various lenders, disappear and leave the banks with the losses. Meanwhile, the money could be funneled into funding many types of organized crime, from human trafficking to drug trading and other illicit activities. What makes this type of crime all the harder to identify and catch before it occurs is that the person applying for a credit card is who they say they are. So it’s not about identity theft. To address this issue, my team and I created a solution called BustOut ScoreSM. We began by reviewing data from different banks to identify patterns where bust-outs occurred. From there, we built a score that predicts the likelihood that an individual will execute the scam — months before the scam occurs. Our clients now use this tool both when opening new accounts and as part of account management. The tool flags suspicious-looking accounts, which our team then manually reviews to evaluate if the account is truly at risk for a bust-out. If it is, we work with our clients to freeze or close out those suspicious accounts. Finding solutions to a fraud problem that hasn’t been solved is probably my favorite part of the job. I love seeing products that solve real issues affecting real people come to life — from inception to launch. Helping protect people from identity theft and fraud is what gives me purpose and meaning in my work. I am proud to use the power of data as a force for good.
I’m a Senior Vice President of Sales, responsible for leading Experian Health’s teams as they assist hospitals, physicians, labs and pharmacies across the U.S. We provide technology for providers and patients to help keep the costs and payment processing component of healthcare easy and transparent. The part of my work I am most passionate about, however, is our efforts to decrease identity theft in healthcare. Medical identity theft is one of the fastest growing areas of identity fraud in the world. With everything moving online at a fast pace, health care providers may not always keep up with the protections needed with new technologies. Unfortunately, that means hackers can sometimes acquire a patient’s personal information – name, Social Security number, health insurance number – to illegally obtain medical services or devices, insurance reimbursements or prescription drugs. One of the biggest issues with this type of fraud is that it leaves its victims with little to no recourse for recovery. They often experience financial repercussions and discover that faulty information has been added to their personal medical files as a result. To address this issue, my team and I partnered with Experian’s Decision Analytics team to create a new tool that protects patients’ online portals in much the same way that banks have protected their online clients for years. Additionally, our team is the in process of launching a Universal Identity Matching solution – a unique PIN which acts like the Social Security Number for your health care information. As more health care companies begin to adopt it, this PIN will be the one thing you will need to carry with you, as it will be your unique identifier for all your health care experiences. A lot of processes in hospitals today are still manual, but I want to change that. I want to automate systems so hospital staff can focus on where they are most needed. I am proud to work at a company that’s at the forefront of solving the major problems in healthcare IT. Being able to provide technological solutions in an industry where you can directly see the benefit is both personally and professionally rewarding. Read more #ExperianStories from our colleagues around the world.
I’m the Head of Utilities in Experian’s Energy and Water Sector. I handle a very specialized form of fraud called “energy theft,” where an individual or business steals electricity by tapping a line or bypassing the energy meter. Back in 2010, the process for handling this type of fraud was broken. Few companies bothered investigating instances of theft; they just accepted the pervasive issue as a cost of sale. This fraudulent activity was costing energy consumers approximately £30 per year, while putting countless homes and offices at risk, since faulty wiring for gas and electricity often leads to house fires or even explosions. Energy regulators decided the time had come for energy providers to crack down on the practice. My team and I at Experian were invited to a consultation to discuss how to use data and innovative techniques to end energy theft. The model we suggested was adopted as the preferred approach, and in the last year the project has been implemented across the entire industry in the UK. Our model combines data from the big energy companies with Experian’s own database to identify which residential or business properties may be stealing energy from the network. We can determine this by comparing energy consumption trends with information on how many people actually occupy the property. With both data sets, we can determine the amount of energy we believe the property should be consuming. If the energy consumption is lower than it should be on a particular piece of property, we look at fraud and credit data sets to see if the case qualifies as a genuine instance of low consumption (such as an older woman living alone), or if someone is perpetrating theft. We send that information back to the supplier so they can prioritize it for investigation. Through this program, I’ve helped protect countless homes and saved consumers from having to pay for energy they’re not using. I love that what I do not only gives me the opportunity to be creative in how I use data, but also helps protect businesses and everyday people. Read more #ExperianStories from our colleagues around the world.