
Experian and the Power of FICO® Scores

Published: February 6, 2015 by Editor

It’s been an incredibly busy few months at Experian, not only with the debut of powerful new product features, but also the recent announcement that Experian now offers its members FICO® Scores through its direct-to-consumer products. Making FICO® Scores available through Experian products will allow consumers to boost their credit confidence more than ever before – allowing them to harness the power of a widely recognized family of credit scores to make wiser decisions about their financial futures. We think that knowledge might make those folks walk taller as they head to see their lenders.

You’ve probably seen these commercials on TV and YouTube, but there’s an opportunity for everyone, including small business owners. The confidence that comes from being credit-wise can help you in many situations, like when you’re looking to buy a home:


Just like the pro negotiator and her husband in this piece, we want our members to feel incredibly confident about their credit. When credit helps them maximize their dreams, those successes are something we can all celebrate. Helping people understand how their behaviors shape their credit scores is something we’re committed to at all levels because it delivers something more than just a free gift with purchase—it’s a lifetime understanding of credit that has real value.

Offering FICO Scores truly enriches the product experience that our members receive, since they’re well known as the family of scores used in 90 percent of credit decisions. When they recently celebrated 25 years of the FICO® Score by ringing the starting bell at the New York Stock Exchange on January 7, the FICO team got down with their Credit Swagger and marked the occasion with some moves you may recognize from the video above:


We know that people have been celebrating the power that comes from now seeing their FICO Scores from Experian data. We’ve been seeing great activity on our Facebook and Twitter accounts since the new product went live, and we see the promise of our products reflected in them. People are hearing—and truly understanding—how being credit savvy can give them that Credit Swagger you’ve seen, and help speed the clock to realizing their dreams. We’re honored to be their trusted credit and finance resource, working each day to respond to their needs as well as leading the evolution of our business landscape.

We hope that you don’t see credit as a four-letter word (because it’s not!). We couldn’t be happier to bring that knowledge to life with a FICO® Score for our members.

This article is provided for general guidance and information. It is not intended as, nor should it be construed to be, legal, financial or other professional advice. Please consult with your attorney or financial advisor to discuss any legal or financial issues involved with credit decisions.

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