
Experian’s Instant Prescreen service selected by American 1 Credit Union and Credit Union of Southern California

Published: September 8, 2014 by Matt Tatham

Experian® chosen for its integration with Symitar, along with streamlined delivery and advanced real-time decisioning 

Costa Mesa, Calif., September 8, 2014 — Experian®, the leading global information services company, today announced that American 1 Credit Union and Credit Union of Southern California selected Experian’s Decisioning as a ServiceSM for its Instant Prescreen service that identifies quality prospects for additional product offerings. The real-time instant prescreen (also known as prescreen of one) capability of Decisioning as a Service integrated with the credit unions’ Episys® system from Symitar provides an opportunity for the organizations to cross-sell to creditworthy members and improve business performance.

The credit unions were looking for a service that was cost-effective, quick to deploy and easy to integrate and provides accurate decisions based on Experian’s vast data and analytical assets.

“American 1 chose Experian’s Decisioning as a Service for instant prescreen because we were looking for an additional tool to help us increase our auto loan and credit card portfolios,” said Martha Fuerstenau, executive vice president at American 1 Credit Union. “We recognize that the key to achieve our goal was to empower the frontline and give them confidence to make that cross-sell while they are serving the members. Because of this new feature, American 1 has increased the number of loan applications that are generated from the account specialist team.”

“It was important to have a seamless process in place at the teller line so that the member did not have additional wait time while the instant prescreen was being completed,” stated Dennis Wendorf, director of research and development at American 1 Credit Union. “By using Decisioning as a Service, our frontline is able to view whether or not a member is preapproved for an auto loan or a credit card with just a few clicks on the Symitar system.”

“Experian continually invests in developing services that make a positive shift in the way our industry operates and give more options to consumers that enhance their credit profiles,” said David Proctor, vice president, Consumer Information Services, Experian. “The instant prescreen aspect is just one extension of our Decisioning as a Service product. The foundation of our service is the integrity of our data assets, deep analytics capabilities and the predictability of the scoring models, which, when they are combined, provide a powerful holistic decisioning tool that assists businesses in attaining growth and increasing profitability.”

Experian’s Decisioning as a Service is an instant decisioning service engineered to help clients gain greater value from data and decisioning products. It does so by providing flexible, real-time access to more data sources, attributes, scores and analytics for key decision areas such as instant prescreen and credit underwriting.

Visit our Decisioning as a Service and Instant Prescreen sites to learn more.

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