
Experian Survey: Millennials Are Behind in Credit Knowledge but Progressive in Using Technology to Manage Finances

Published: November 5, 2015 by Sandra Bernardo

The Millennial generation comprise approximately 80 million people – the largest in history. Thus, it is no surprise that every type or organization from financial to automotive to healthcare are seeking to better understand their mindset and habits. Experian also recently took a look at these post-Baby Boomers to learn more about their approach to personal finance conducting a national survey among more than 1,000 people ages 19-34.

Interestingly, what the findings showed was that there is a strong dichotomy in many areas; we saw a disconnect between what Millennials know about personal finance (not a lot) vs. how they manage it with the latest tools and resources (on the cutting-edge). The survey respondents are quick to try new products and services but also lack loyalty and always look for the next best thing. They are also torn between feeling concerned about their finances, however are optimistic about their future financial outlook.

When it comes to credit, there is a lack of awareness about how credit scores are created (67%) and 61 percent check their credit reports less than every three months. The main reason for not checking reports and scores was that it’s not necessary (35%/37%). Yet, 71 percent feel confident about their credit knowledge.

View the survey report here:

Experian Millennial Credit & Finance Survey Report Part I of II 

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