
Guiding Businesses to Rely on Data & Analytics Instead of Gut Feelings #ExperianStories

Published: December 18, 2016 by Editor In United States


I’m a Marketing Specialist with Experian’s shared Marketing and Innovation department, which means my team and I work with different business units within Experian to strategize and build email marketing campaigns for our clients and prospects.

My role in marketing is largely driven by analytics. I help my clients strategize and develop emails that get deployed to consumers who might be looking for better access to credit or information to make decisions for their business. I help my clients create a communication strategy rooted in data, then review the performance of their campaigns to analyze how they can improve their communications in the future.

I can definitely tell when my work is making a difference. Often businesses make marketing decisions based on gut feelings—like randomly choosing to add a green button to an email campaign rather than a red button simply because they like that color better. Without the numbers behind that decision-making process, they’re simply relying on feelings. But when I come in using data from the campaign, I can prove that the green button drove 50 percent more click-throughs than the red one, for example.

Recently I developed a training guide for marketers to help them learn more about email marketing analytics and how they can use data to transform how they communicate with their own clients and consumers. Whenever a marketer deploys emails, they want to know and understand how the campaign performed. I have often found, however, that marketers shy away from even basic metrics like click-through rates because they think the numbers are too difficult to understand, or they don’t know how to properly gather that information.

The guide I built gives our clients some of the tools they need to pull the metrics and break down the numbers. Once a marketer understands the story the data is telling them, they can begin to improve on subject lines, calls to action and other email campaign components to better reach their audiences and drive revenue. In other words, they can improve their businesses and address their customers’ needs better by relying on data instead of gut feelings.

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