
Protecting Your Financial Future with IdentityWorks

Published: May 15, 2017 by Editor In United States

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Becoming a victim of identity theft and fraud can be a constant fear for many consumers. In fact, according to Experian’s recent Identity Theft Survey findings, 84 percent of respondents acknowledged concern about the security of their personal information online. Surprisingly, despite this overwhelming concern, our survey also found that nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of consumers also believe it’s “too much of a hassle to constantly worry about securing personal information online.”

With personal vigilance declining and identity theft on the rise, developing the right consumer tools is essential. Today’s consumers demand easy-to-use, reliable identity protection products that give visibility to their personal and financial information’s possible theft and fraud exposure.

In response to this growing need, we’ve launched IdentityWorks – a comprehensive identity theft protection product which helps consumers become actively engaged in defending themselves against identity fraud. For example, IdentityWorks’ dark web monitoring and alerts help consumers manage the risk of exposure in a place they can’t even see or access. Most consumers don’t really know anything about the dark web – other than it’s a bad “place.” The product also allows a user to instantly lock or unlock their Experian credit file, literally by clicking or tapping an icon via desktop or mobile device. It’s that simple.

In addition to providing an array of user-friendly tools, IdentityWorks offers a set of resources to give consumers peace of mind. If suspicious activity is detected, Experian’s team of fraud resolution specialists are available to guide consumers through the process of repairing the damage done and shielding them from additional damage. Furthermore, while we work to secure your information, up to $1 million in identity theft insurance is available, just in case. *

We know consumers perceive keeping track of, and protecting one’s identity as complex and inconvenient. According to our Identity Theft Survey, approximately 53 percent of individuals believe staying on top of financial transactions is a challenge. That’s why we believe IdentityWorks is exactly the right solution at the right time. It reduces the scale of that challenge into something much more manageable, with resources for both monitoring and remediating identity theft and fraud.

The responsible use of credit can propel consumers’ livelihoods – helping to qualify opportunities like affordable mortgages and automotive loans – but identity theft can make it more difficult to obtain credit, making someone’s good credit history look poor. This is why IdentityWorks is so relevant to Experian. We are driven to help consumers achieve their long-term financial dreams. By enabling consumers’ active role in protecting themselves from identity theft and fraud, we help them buy a home, purchase a car or invest in their education. We hope the launch of IdentityWorks will empower consumers to manage their financial futures and remain vigilant against those who would take that away.

* Identity Theft Insurance is underwritten by insurance company subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). 175 Water Street, New York, New York 10038. Please refer to the actual policies for terms, conditions, and exclusions of coverage. Coverage may not be available in all jurisdictions.

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