
Summer Study Finds Travelers Overspending, Left Open to Identity Theft Risks

Published: June 17, 2015 by Editor

A recent study conducted by Experian showed that a majority of vacationers overspend their budgets and rely on credit cards to provide extra funds. At the extreme end, more than half of millennial vacationers (52 percent) lean heavily on their credit cards, racking up vacation debt they’ll be repaying long after their trip comes to an end.

The study also found that vacationers are only too happy to take a holiday from their normal good identity protection behaviors, as well. Whether a preventative action before the trip or a check-in after vacation ends, travelers are skipping easy opportunities to keep private information secure: for instance, only 38 percent of vacationers keep sensitive information protected in hotel safes while on holiday, and a disappointing 65 percent don’t have password protection enabled on their mobile phones.

As summer begins, don’t give up on the strides you’ve made to spend responsibly and keep your private information secure. Staying in touch with your budget and protection practices year-round mean you won’t be off course when it’s time for a Labor Day weekend barbecue.

View the complete survey findings and methodology here:

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