

I’m the Managing Director of Serasa Experian, meaning I work with Experian’s Business Services Unit to identify how data can unlock new opportunities for...

Published: December 31, 2017 by Editor

I’m the head of Serasa Experian’s DataLab, where my colleagues and I focus on using data and artificial intelligence to solve complex challenges for...

Published: November 19, 2017 by Editor

As Serasa Experian’s Corporate Sustainability Manager in Brazil, I’m dedicated to my job promoting diversity and inclusion efforts at work.  But it also happens...

Published: June 25, 2017 by Editor

By volunteering through Experian’s Sohos Reais – Real Dreams – project, I taught a mother of five about understanding basic business concepts so she...

Published: April 16, 2017 by Editor

I’m an Analyst for Serasa Experian’s O2C department. I first met Patricia — a fellow Experian employee — over a video call, using sign...

Published: March 12, 2017 by Editor

I’m the Product Manager of Brazil’s Limpa Nome Online Recovery Portal, which was developed to help people manage and clear their debts. In Brazil,...

Published: February 5, 2017 by Editor

Portuguese Translation I’m a Marketing Analyst in Serasa Experian’s Data Strategy and Management department. While my day job is to help businesses create user-friendly...

Published: January 15, 2017 by Editor

I’m an IT Trainee at Serasa Experian. I research and identify ways to solve the challenges facing financial technology (fintech) organizations in Brazil, including...

Published: December 25, 2016 by Editor

Serasa today launches a new service that allows Brazilian consumers to check their credit reports online for free. By visiting or by downloading...

Published: July 8, 2016 by Editor

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