What does it take for a new business to succeed? Contrary to popular belief, you need more than a great product and some funding to get your business off the ground.
1. A Mobile-Friendly Website
The percentage of people who access websites from their phones and tablets is still on the rise. Depending on what type of business you’re in, you may havemore viewers on mobile devicesthan on desktops. Therefore, it’s really important to make sure that your site looks good on any device, and still highlights the same essential information you want all of your customers to see.
2. Well-Written Content and Lots of It
Businesses and consumers are constantly searching for information online not products or services. In fact, “business buyers do not contact suppliers directly until 57 percent of the purchase process is complete“. Your website should help your customers recognize you as an expert in your field by answering their questions and solving their pain points for them.
3. A Call to Action on Your Website
Getting customers to come to your website is only the first step. Whether you want them to sign up for a newsletter, download a free booklet, call your company or purchase a product, youhave to add CTA(call to action) buttons in the appropriate places on your website. You can experiment with different wording and try to create a sense of urgency in your customers.
4. A Great Marketing Plan (Hint: Paid Ads Are Not Enough)
Many new companies fail because they can’t generate enough revenue. While you have to have a great product or service, you also need to have adetailed marketing planoutlining just how you’ll find (and keep) customers. When it comes to marketing, paying for advertisement is rarely enough.
Here are a few suggestions on what else should be in your marketing plan:
- Strong social media presence
- Hosting local events
- Sending out press releases
- Hosting trade shows or conferences
- Giving out brochures or books
- Use free video social networking platformslikeBlab.im
5. A Genuine Desire to Help People Find Solutions to Their Problems
If your business genuinely cares about its customers and can portray this accurately, new customers will find you.Most people don’t really want to sold to, they want to find solutions to their problems, and businesses to address their customer’s pain points are the ones who will come out on top.
Starting a new business can be overwhelming because there are so many things that you have to think about. That’s why it’s important to become an entrepreneur for the right reasons and do something you love. Above all, remember to have fun!