
The rise of digital healthcare solutions: optimizing the patient journey in a post-COVID world

Published: May 21, 2020 by Experian Health

From airlines to cafés to car manufacturers, businesses across America are scrambling to respond to the challenge of COVID-19. In healthcare, services are being put on pause to protect staff and patients on the pandemic’s front line, leaving health systems to contend with gaps in reimbursements and exhausted cash flows.

The problem lies in the sheer number of human touchpoints involved in the typical patient experience: scheduling, paperwork, waiting rooms, treatment, payment…all that in-person interaction just isn’t realistic in the current climate.

Digital and mobile technology could be the answer. While digital communication platforms have been growing steadily over the last decade, they’re now a life raft for many providers as COVID-19 forces much of the patient journey online.

Megan Zweig, director of research and marketing at Rock Health, says investments in virtual care have already exceeded $3 billion this year:

“Without COVID, the story would have continued from last year as this was a healthy, growing space with a lot of momentum behind it. That momentum has turned into incredible urgency and demand for communication, testing, monitoring, care– all of those things done at a distance.”

This trajectory will likely continue beyond the immediate crisis, as providers prepare for a possible second wave later in the year and patients become accustomed to remote and mobile options. Providers that take advantage of these digital solutions now will be better positioned to optimize the patient journey in a post-COVID world.

What could the digital patient journey look like beyond COVID-19?

A digital healthcare experience can offer patients more convenience and flexibility while protecting revenue for providers, in the following ways:

  • Scheduling appointments when it suits

The first bump in the road for many patients is scheduling their appointment. With many in lockdown juggling home-schooling and home-working, it’s not always convenient to call during office hours.

A patient scheduling platform lets the patient book their appointment whenever suits, using the channel they prefer. Before the pandemic, Benefis Health System found 50% of patients chose to book after hours, including for urgent care. We can expect this to increase as even more patients are nudged online.

As the threat of COVID subsides, a massive influx of patients will also want to reschedule postponed visits. Automated patient scheduling will reduce the pressure on call centers and offer a more efficient consumer experience.

  • Reducing registration gridlock with automation

Patient access is often rife with avoidable stress – queues, unnecessary forms and manual data entry, resulting in costly errors and repeated work.

Instead, providers can streamline the process by allowing pre-registration tasks to be completed online, and automating patient access with a mobile intake experience. Completing as many tasks as possible outside of the provider’s office will help minimize face-to-face contact, keeping everyone safe.

  • Opening up access to telehealth

There’s no getting around the fact that most care needs to be delivered in person. Telemedicine offers an effective way for patients to seek care from the safety of their own home. Video calls can be used for general consultations, remote monitoring of patients with respiratory conditions, and even supporting patients with chronic conditions to adhere to care plans.

As the government allocates $20 million to support access to telemedicine in response to COVID-19, up to 54% of patient encounters are expected to take place remotely in the near future. Many of these patients will choose to stick with telemedicine, even when in-person options return.

[Remember to check out our free COVID-19 Resource Center, where you can get free access to telehealth payer policy alerts to help avoid payment denials and delays.]

  • Making contactless payment the easy option

Contactless payment through apps such as Apple Pay and Venmo are gaining popularity as consumers try to avoid exchanging cash and cards. But can it be used in hospitals? In short, yes.

Not only does Experian Health’s Patient Financial Advisor offer patients a way to make secure – and socially distanced – payments, it allows providers to give a breakdown of estimated costs using real-time information. Patients get updates on their mobile or through their patient portal. These digital alternatives not only offer a more convenient patient experience, they can also allow providers to collect payments faster and in full.

Contact us to find out how digital health solutions can help your organization adapt to the new normal, and provide a better patient experience now and beyond COVID-19.

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You may also like: Supercharge your COVID-19 vaccine management plan with digital solutions “Experian Health’s ability to move quickly and adapt their self-service platform to schedule vaccines for patients has been an invaluable improvement not only for our operations, but to the patient experience. The power to schedule the vaccine’s second dose after the first is administered helps us deliver on our commitment to providing reliable, quality care.” - Julie Frahm, director of consumer digital products at Sharp HealthCare The unpredictable nature of patient volume is a large part of what makes scheduling for the COVID-19 vaccine so difficult. Before now, providers haven’t had to manage mass appointment slots and registrations tied specifically to vaccinations. And even with those features streamlined, providers are still unsure of the best way to reach out to patients who are eligible for the vaccine to prompt them to schedule their appointment. Already a user of Experian Health’s Patient Schedule solution, Sharp HealthCare turned to online self-scheduling to improve patient access to the COVID-19 vaccine. With the solution in place, patients of Sharp HealthCare who are eligible for the vaccine can schedule their first dose online via computer or mobile phone. After answering a short set of questions, the scheduling solution will guide patients to a calendar of available day and time slots for receiving the first vaccination. After the first shot is administered, Sharp HealthCare staff can schedule patients for their second dose onsite, prior to leaving the office. Patients of Sharp HealthCare are consistently utilizing online self-scheduling to book appointments for their vaccinations. More than 1,000 vaccinations were scheduled in the first three weeks of online self-scheduling being available to patients. The ability for provider staff to help book the second dose of the vaccine for patients has also helped Sharp HealthCare deliver on their commitment to quality care, further ensuring the efficacy of the vaccine for each and every patient. Patients are also enjoying the expanded use of a self-service digital service, especially for a process that has been widely known to, at least thus far, be a detriment to the patient experience. Discover how Patient Schedule can improve vaccine management.

Published: March 26, 2021 by Experian Health

Other blog posts in this series: Segmenting your patient population for the COVID-19 vaccine Engaging patient segments with convenient, secure scheduling solutions Authenticating portal access with automation As the vaccine management process continues to ramp up, providers are focused on how to administer the vaccine to as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. While certain features like online self-scheduling have helped to speed this process up, especially for those locations that are servicing thousands of patients per day, there are portions of the intake process that are being left behind that will consequently cost providers in the end. We interviewed Dustin Whittier, senior director of product management at Experian Health, about how providers can increase reimbursements for both the vaccine itself and the administration of the vaccine.  How will the volume of patient traffic and offsite administration of the vaccine challenge the reimbursement process? What we’re seeing, particularly at some of these large-scale roll outs, is the entire registration process being stripped. With so many individuals presenting at once for the vaccine, on site staff have significantly less time than usual to collect patient information such as insurance. Many are focused on capturing the bare necessity to quickly and efficiently serve patients. Some are even choosing to forego collecting insurance entirely. Obviously, rushing through the eligibility and insurance process, or bypassing the process itself, will have an impact on a provider’s ability to submit for reimbursement. The ability to confirm identify insurance after the fact may be feasible for a small number of patients, but at this volume, it is nearly impossible. Think of the volume a major vaccine pop-up site might see in a single day, maybe upwards of 20,000 patients. Imagine having a backlog of 20,000 patients to identify and confirm insurance for. It’s a nightmare. What can be done to mitigate these issues? A tool like Coverage Discovery automatically finds available coverage that was previously unknown or forgotten, whether Medicare, Medicaid or commercial insurance. Scans for coverage can be done in bulk, before or after services are rendered, helping providers better identify insurance for patients receiving vaccines. Providers are not only paid faster but can also avoid the collections challenges of self-pay receivables. Interested in learning more about how Experian Health can help supercharge the COVID-19 vaccine management process?

Published: March 23, 2021 by Experian Health


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