
Patient Access Staff: The Gatekeepers to the Patient Experience

Published: December 12, 2013 by Merideth Wilson

We encounter gatekeepers every day, ranging from TSA agents at the airport and call-center operators for online retailers to office receptionists and hotel front desk staff. Gatekeepers have a tough job as they manage access, filter information, provide advice and maintain order. Their attitude and actions dramatically impact our experience as consumers.

The healthcare industry must shift from a patient focus to a consumer focus — and it all starts with patient access. Patient access staff act as the frontline — the gatekeepers — as they gather critical patient information at the start of the patient visit and set the stage for the remainder of the encounter. They’re moving beyond simply performing routine registration tasks and collecting co-payments to engaging in a holistic approach to patient interactions. As a result, these critical staff members can create and facilitate compassionate financial discussions while handling revenue-related activities such as pre-service collections.

It’s no small task, nor one that can be done without data and analytics. For example, staff can use tools driven by data and analytics to verify patient identity, which prevents fraud and identity theft and results in more accurate registration. Moreover, after reviewing insurance eligibility, patient access staff can leverage data and analytics to create accurate patient payment estimates, review data to assess a patient’s ability to pay and evaluate financial options.

The bottom line impact creates a positive environment for financial discussions and improves collections on the front end, while reducing the likelihood of collections calls and bad debt on the back end. Patients benefit in that they gain a sense of confidence — and oftentimes relief — because they know where they stand financially and can focus their energy and attention on getting well.

The time is right to establish patient access staff as gatekeepers of the patient experience by equipping them with knowledge and tools to empower them to improve the revenue stream and patient satisfaction.

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Published: February 6, 2025 by QA MarketingTechnologists

The urgency to move quickly and vaccinate the population has introduced an entirely new set of challenges for providers regarding patient identity. Many continue to leverage existing processes and solutions already in place, manually handling the pain points that come with them, but now at scale and at an unprecedented rate. As the rollout moves forward, the strain on provider resources will only deepen, as will the risks associated with patient misidentification. The data mess behind the scenes Many patients are registering for the vaccine through a patient portal. While the self-service nature of signing up for the vaccine via a portal is beneficial, patients are unfortunately able to register for a portal account more than once. In fact, some of our clients have reported seeing as many as 1,800 duplicate records created per day. Those duplicate records are generated from some individuals who forgot their log-in account information and opted to create a new account, and others who simply forgot they had an account. With the sense of urgency to secure a vaccination appointment, consumers are moving at a rapid speed and simply want to grab a spot with the quickest credentials available. Regardless, multiple registrations for a single patient will create duplicate patient information. Duplicate records are not only costly (the estimated cost of remediation is $96 per duplicate pair), but they are an incredible drain on staff productivity, and ultimately, they are detrimental to patient safety. Multiple records of a single individual pose a risk for potential allergies, reactions, medical history and more. Even more, it is detrimental specifically to the efficacy of the vaccine as it will be harder to gauge in real time how many patients have been vaccinated, and at what stage, and make it more difficult to truly understand what percentage of the patient population has actually been vaccinated. UIM: not another stop-gap solution Experian’s Universal Identity Manager (UIM) platform is tailor-made for a situation like this as it was developed to create a single view of the same patient with their most current information. The matching technology accurately identifies patients and matches records within and across disparate healthcare organizations, providing a more complete understanding of who a patient is, despite the data gaps or errors that may exist in patient rosters. With it, providers are not only preventing duplicate and overlaid patient records but UIM can also minimize errors and fraud in patient records. It additionally improves staff productivity by decreasing the need for record reconciliation—a benefit likely welcomed by many if they are continuing to see anywhere near 1,800 duplicate records per day. When integrated with a solution like Precise ID, providers can both reconcile duplicate records, and effectively stop them from being created in the first place. By automating the patient portal enrollment process, healthcare organizations can remove the manual processes associated with portal enrollment, optimize critical IT staff resources while securing patient information and support a positive patient experience. State-of-the-art identity proofing, risk-based authentication and knowledge-based questions help providers securely verify each patient’s identity as they enroll for the patient portal. Explore how Experian Health can help resolve and enhance identities as part of the vaccine management process and beyond, not only by resolving duplicate records, but also by enhancing records with the best demographic and social determinants of health data available.

Published: March 10, 2021 by Experian Health

How has the pandemic affected consumer attitudes around patient access? What do consumers want when it comes to accessing care? These are the questions providers must answer if they are to survive the pandemic and lay the groundwork for future financial success. Experian Health’s recent patient access survey offers a glimpse of what patients hope the digital front door will look like in 2021 and beyond. Wherever you are in the digital patient access journey, there\'s an opportunity to improve the experience for patients to one that will not only survive the tumult of the pandemic, but also thrive in the years ahead.

Published: February 24, 2021 by Experian Health


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