All posts by Guest Contributor


By: Joel Pruis Times are definitely different in the banking world today.  Regulations, competition from other areas, specialized lenders, different lending methods resulting in the competitive landscape we have today.  One area that is significantly different today, and for the better, is the availability of data.  Data from our core accounting systems, data from our loan origination systems, data from the credit bureaus for consumer and for business.  You name it, there is likely a data source that at least touches on the area if not provides full coverage. But what are we doing with all this data?  How are we using it to improve our business model in the banking environment?  Does it even factor into the equation when we are making tactical or strategic decisions affecting our business? Unfortunately, I see too often where business decisions are being made based upon anecdotal evidence and not considering the actual data.  Let’s take, for example, Major League Baseball.   How much statistics have been gathered on baseball?  I remember as a boy keeping the stats while attending a Detroit Tigers game, writing down the line up, what happened when each player was up to bat, strikes, balls, hits, outs, etc.  A lot of stats but were they the right stats?  How did these stats correlate to whether the team won or lost, does the performance in one game translate into predictable performance of an entire season for a player or a team?  Obviously one game does not determine an entire season but how often do we reference a single event as the basis for a strategic decision?  How often do we make decisions based upon traditional methods without questioning why?  Do we even reference traditional stats when making strategic decisions?  Or do we make decisions based upon other factors as the scouts of the Oakland A’s were doing in the movie Moneyball? In one scene of the Movie, Billy Beane, general manager of the A’s, is asking his team of scouts to define the problem they are trying to solve.  The responses are all very subjective in nature and only correlate to how to replace “talented” players that were lost due to contract negotiations, etc.  Nowhere in this scene do any of the scouts provide any true stats for who they want to pursue to replace the players they just lost.  Everything that the scouts are talking about relates to singular assessments of traits that have not been demonstrated to correlate to a team making the playoffs let alone win a single game.  The scouts with all of their experience focus on the player’s swing, ability to throw, running speed, etc.  At one point the scouts even talk about the appearance of the player’s girlfriends! But what if we changed how we looked at the sport of baseball?  What if we modified the stats used to compile a team; determine how much to pay for an individual player? The movie Moneyball highlights this assessment of the conventional stats and their impact or correlation to a team actually winning games and more importantly the overall regular season.  Bill James is given the credit in the movie for developing the methodology ultimately used by the Oakland A’s in the movie.  This methodology is also referred to as Sabermetrics. In another scene, Peter Brand, explains how baseball is stuck in the old style of thinking.  The traditional perspective is to buy ‘players’.  In viewing baseball as buying players, the traditional baseball industry has created a model/profile of what is a successful or valuable player.  Buy the right talent and then hopefully the team will win.  Instead, Brand changes the buy from players to buying wins.  Buying wins which require buying runs, in other words, buy enough average runs per game and you should outscore your opponent and win enough games to win your conference.  But why does that mean we would have to change the way that we look at the individual players?  Doesn’t a high batting average have some correlation to the number of runs scored?  Don’t RBI’s (runs batted in) have some level of correlation to runs?  I’m sure there is some correlation but as you start to look at the entire team or development of the line up for any give game, do these stats/metrics have the best correlation to lead to greater predictability of a win or more specifically the predictability of a winning season? Similarly, regardless of how we as bankers have made strategic decisions in the past, it is clear that we have to first figure out what it is exactly we are trying to solve, what we are trying to accomplish.  We have the buzz words, the traditional responses, the non-specific high level descriptions that ultimately leave us with no specific direction.  Ultimately it allows us to just continue the business as usual approach and hope for the best. In the next few upcoming blogs, we will continue to use the movie Moneyball as the back drop for how we need to stir things up, identify exactly what it is we are trying to solve and figure out how to best approach the solution.

Published: June 7, 2013 by Guest Contributor

By: Matt Sifferlen Ah, fraudulent behavior is currently enjoying a bright shiny moment in the sun in today\'s pop culture, particularly in the world of sports. Whether it\'s a college athlete being duped for months by telephone conversations with a non-existent girlfriend, or the world\'s best known cyclist coming clean on a lifetime of deceit, in both cases we\'re left shaking our heads and laughing, crying, or cringing while telling ourselves \"I\'m glad I\'m too smart to fall for any of this.\" But are you just kidding yourself? In the case of the college football player, most of us have been scratching our heads wondering how any adult could possibly get strung along for such an extended period of time by such a scam.  But if you take a closer look at the interaction between the athlete and the fraudster, you\'ll see that the fraudster deployed some typical tactics that allowed him to keep the scam living and breathing.  In particular, he continuously kept communicating with the athlete via phone and social media, reinforcing the perception that he\'s aboveboard and genuinely interested in the athlete\'s life.  We see this in commercial fraud interactions too, where the commercial fraudster will perform expected, normal tasks and activities (e.g. making small payments on loans, placing phone calls to lender support staff) that will reinforce the lender\'s perception that the fraudster is just another normal client.  But unlike the athlete\'s scenario where the fraudster\'s story unraveled due to no logical conclusion being planned, commercial fraudsters will string lenders along until they get what they want -- then they vanish.  Lenders can\'t get too complacent in their fraud prevention efforts, assuming that the mere presence of normal account activity equates to a validation of a client\'s authenticity.  To complicate things, while electronic communication methods like text messages, emails, and Twitter or Facebook messages offer many convenience advantages, they are ripe for manipulation by fraudsters who certainly find these methods preferable to any awkward face to face encounters with someone they\'re victimizing. The cyclist that admitted to a lifetime of lies also shines the light on some other tactics that commercial fraudsters might use -- using perceived image and reputation to deceive. Fraudsters will often steal identities of licensed professionals (think physicians, dentists) with favorable credit profiles and use their information to apply for commercial credit or services, knowing that they will likely be viewed favorably due to their impressive profiles, at least on paper. In today\'s world where lightly staffed underwriting teams struggle to keep up with their workloads, it\'s easy to see why this tactic can help increase the odds that an application might escape closer scrutiny.  After all, it\'s a doctor\'s office so what could possibly go wrong?  A lot, if you\'re approving someone who really isn\'t the doctor! An objective evaluation and screening process where underwriting and analyst staff consistently verify all applicant data and not just cherry pick the ones that look suspicious on paper can go a long way towards avoiding this typical trap set by commercial fraudsters. And in the final scenario of art imitating life, there is the recent release of a major motion picture comedy about identify theft.  I\'m sure anyone who has been a victim of identity theft won\'t find hilarity in the scenes of the victim\'s life getting turned upside down, suddenly unable to use his credit cards at the gas station and being asked about transactions that took place somewhere else in the country that he\'s never visited.  But undoubtedly many folks will find this humor hilarious because we probably know of some horror story that a friend or acquaintance has shared with us that is similar to one of the wacky scenarios covered in this movie.  So we\'ll laugh and take comfort in the fact that we\'re too smart to get scammed like this, but if the FTC is stating that identity theft will affect 1 in 6 people each year then we\'re fooling ourselves in thinking that our number won\'t be up at some point soon. So what can be learned from these high profile pop culture events?  I think a couple things.  First, know your customers (or athletes, heroes, girlfriends).  It sounds simple, but make sure they are who they say they are.  Whether you\'re lending to a business or a consumer, there are tools out there that can enable you to objectively screen your applicants and minimize any bias that might get exploited by fraudsters in a manual review heavy process.  If you\'re not cautious and get burnt, you might not have to go on Oprah or Dr. Phil to explain to your management team where things went horribly wrong, but  the level of financial and reputational damage inflicted could be a painful lesson for you and your institution.  Or if you\'re really (un)lucky, maybe they\'ll make a movie about your story -- wouldn\'t that be hilarious? (sarcasm intended)

Published: June 7, 2013 by Guest Contributor

By: Maria Moynihan Cybersecurity, identity management and fraud are common and prevalent challenges across both the public sector and private sector.  Industries as diverse as credit card issuers, retail banking, telecom service providers and eCommerce merchants are faced with fraud threats ranging from first party fraud, commercial fraud to identity theft. If you think that the problem isn\'t as bad as it seems, the statistics speak for themselves: Fraud accounts for 19% of the $600 billion to $800 billion in waste in the U.S. healthcare system annually Medical identity theft makes up about 3% of 8.3 million overall victims of identity theft In 2011, there were 431 million adult victims of cybercrime in 24 countries In fiscal year 2012, the IRS’ specialized identity theft unit saw a 78% spike from last year in the number of ID theft cases submitted The public sector can easily apply the same best practices found in the private sector for ID verification, fraud detection and risk mitigation. Here are four sure fire ways to get ahead of the problem:   Implement a risk-based authentication process in citizen enrollment and account management programs Include the right depth and breadth of data through public and private sources to best identity proof businesses or citizens Offer real-time identity verification while ensuring security and privacy of information Provide a Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) software solution that asks applicants approved random questions based on “out-of-wallet” data What fraud protection tactics has your organization implemented? See what industry experts suggest as best practices for fraud protection and stay tuned as I share more on this topic in future posts. You can view past Public Sector blog posts here.

Published: May 28, 2013 by Guest Contributor

By: Lloyd Parker Another Experian Vision Conference comes to a close today but not without a full morning of breakout sessions with compelling speakers and experts sharing real-world strategies for real opportunity and real growth.  The conference concluded with an entertaining and thought-provoking speaker, Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D., author of The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything and Out of our Minds: Learning to Be Creative, who shared with us ideas on how to cultivate innovation and change within organizations in order to grow with their environments and continue to thrive. We’d like to thank you for making this year’s event one of the best.  And thank you for the confidence you give us all year round.  We know the great responsibility that goes along with that and we are committed to helping your business succeed. Top Tweets of the Week #Vision2013 the slowest growing loan segment (actually it is negative) is HELOC @cumagazine@dougbenzine at -8% YOY.#engage — Mike Horrocks (@mikehorrocks) May 8, 2013 #vision2013 great credit union discussion at experian conference! — Doug Benzine (@DougBenzine) May 8, 2013 #Vision2013 @sirkenrobinson (1) we are living in a time of revolution (2) we have to think differently about talents (3) then act different — Mike Horrocks (@mikehorrocks) May 8, 2013 \'Most adults don\'t know what their true aptitudes are\' Sir Ken Robinson #vision2013 — Michele Raneri (@MLRaneri) May 8, 2013 #Vision2013 @sirkenrobinson Our kids are not trains, they are rockets ready to explore and we need to help them only light the fuse. #engage — Mike Horrocks (@mikehorrocks) May 8, 2013

Published: May 8, 2013 by Guest Contributor

By: Lloyd Parker James W. Paulsen, Ph.D., Chief Investment Strategist at Wells Capital Management kicked off day two at the Experian Vision 2013 Conference with an upbeat economic outlook for 2013 and what it means longer term, for the next generation. Paulsen is nationally recognized for his views on the economy and publishes his own commentary assessing economic and market trends through his newsletter, Economic and Market Perspective. Today he demonstrated to conference attendees how the United States is in a “gear” year and that the “new normal” has been going on for the past 25 years.  His optimism predicts that for the next 10 years we’ll see an estimated 3% GDP growth.  As mentioned by some on Twitter, “he makes statistics fun.” The morning was followed by more insightful breakout sessions and the launch of a new session format called, “Viewpoints” – fast paced, quick-hitting sessions that highlight new innovations, forward-thinking solutions and product demonstrations designed to satisfy the attendee’s desire to learn more. Networking activities filled the afternoon, and at the time of post the winners of the golf tournament had not yet been announced. Other highlights from the day Viewpoint: The art of portfolio analysis Maintaining a strong commercial portfolio starts with knowledge. In this session, new concepts are introduced and old concepts were questioned as we shared validated intelligence on which commercial triggers are best suited for effective portfolio management. Viewpoint: A 900% return on small-business marketing Here proven approaches were reviewed for targeting existing small-business customers and prospects for deposits and loans using available firmographic data, business credit scores and response models. Viewpoint: Transaction data signals – challenges and opportunities Experian’s R&D Data Lab shared team insights into how underutilized transaction data might be leveraged as well as how to overcome some of the technical and business challenges that arise. Viewpoint: Find time and money in your credit authorization process Attendees learned how to improve decision making and productivity by bringing together multiple sources of credit authorization information in Baker Hill Advisor®. Viewpoint: Commercial fraud – An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Protecting personal identities is commonplace for most businesses. Commercial fraud may not be a primary concern, but one “rare” occurrence could mean a big loss to profits and reputation.  Attendees learned how BizID can prevent fraud in business portfolios and help ensure that appropriate preventive measures are taken. Viewpoint: SaaS for intelligent customer decisioning – separating the hype from the reality A stroll down memory lane highlighted the hype and reality of technology over the last several decades and looked at the realities we face that make this space so difficult to predict.  Attendees looked at criteria to help them decipher what’s working, what they can do about it and the critical points to focus on when looking at SaaS solutions. Top tweets: \"USA is in a GEAR Year\" expects 3% growth this year. #vision2013 #finserv — Patricia Hines (@PJHines) May 7, 2013 #Vision2013 @aitegroup 32% of mobile users think mobile is secure & 55% think it is somewhat secure. Banks need to #engage mobile banking. — Mike Horrocks (@mikehorrocks) May 7, 2013 @experianvision \"Growth may surpass expectations this year. Confidence is being upwardly adjusted.\" Dr. James W. Paulsen. #vision2013 — Martha Staten (@Sauconyandsuds) May 7, 2013

Published: May 8, 2013 by Guest Contributor

By: Maria Moynihan Reduced budgets, quickly evolving technologies, a weakened economy and resource constraints are clearly impacting the Public Sector, but it’s not all doom and gloom. Always with new challenges, come new opportunities. Government agencies must still effectively run programs, optimize processes and find growth in revenue streams.   Below you will find the top 5 business challenges facing the Public Sector and municipal utilities today and ways to overcome them: 1.  Difficulty finding debtors When asked to name the top challenge to their debt collection processes, governments most often indicate the difficulty in locating debtors whose whereabouts don’t in fact match information they have on hand. Skip tracing with right party contact data is key to finding people or businesses for collections and there are several cost effective ways to do this - either through industry leading tools or by tapping into available sources like voter registration information. 2.  Difficulty in prioritizing debt collection efforts When resources are limited, it is critical to not only focus efforts by size, but by likelihood to make contact and access debtors with an ability to pay.  Credit and demographic data elements like income, assets, past payment behavior, and age can all be brought together to better identify areas of greater ROI over others. 3.  Lack of data available By simply incorporating third-party data and analytics into an established infrastructure, agencies can immediately gain improved insight for efficient decision making. Leverage on-hand data sources to improve understandings of individuals or businesses. 4.  Difficulty of incorporating tools to improve debt recovery Governments too often attempt to reduce backlogs by simply trying to accelerate processes that are suboptimal to start with. This is both expensive and unlikely to produce the desired result. In the case of debt collection, success is driven by the tools and processes that allow for refined monitoring, segmentation and prioritization of accounts for improved decisioning. 5.  Difficulty in determining to outsource or continue to internally collect While outsourcing to debt collection agencies is always an option, it may not be the most resourceful one, or in some cases, even necessary.  Cost to value considerations per effort need to be made by agencies and often, the most effective strategy is to perform minimal efforts internally and to outsource older or skip accounts to third party agencies. What is your agency’s biggest business challenge? See what industry experts suggest as best practices for Public Sector collections or download Experian’s guide to Maximizing Revenue Potential in the Public Sector to learn more.

Published: May 7, 2013 by Guest Contributor

By: Lloyd Parker There aren’t many things that energize me more than seeing our clients arrive for the Experian Vision 2013 Conference.  Industry leaders from all over the world have joined us in Southern California to kick-off a full day of insightful topics.  This year’s event sold out in record time and we have many first time attendees taking advantage of the opportunities to network and learn from industry peers. Today began with a welcome from Steve Wagner, President of Consumer Information Services followed by Victor Nichols, Chief Executive Officer, Experian North America and myself, Lloyd Parker, Group President Credit Services.  We launched our key theme of Real Strategies, Real Growth, Real Opportunities, discussing the concept of “reality checks.” Reality check #1: Micro-targeting is required Identify market differences Understand your customer segments Adapt to specific needs of your empowered consumers Reality check #2: Managing risk   Protect against risks that follow success Keep your door open for good business Focus on operational efficiencies Reality check #3: Optimizing engagement Utilize all the data of each customer Understand all of your customer touch points Manage customer strategies holistically A key theme of the day was the economic, regulatory and political changes impacting our economy and your customers. We had a conversation with Timothy F. Geithner, 75th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, who shared his experiences as the principal architect of the President’s strategy to avert economic collapse and to reform the financial system.  He also discussed international economic challenges and gave us his personal outlook on the economy. The afternoon featured many great speakers and industry experts across many topics that included hearing from many of our regulators on the topic of banking regulations; experts in the area of mobile payments and banking; along with many of our clients who shared their successful programs and experiences working across consumer and commercial portfolios and the customer lifecycle. Other highlights from the day Things overheard at the Roundtable Sessions: “You don’t need extensive touches for small loans, but let go of Excel,” Community bank topics “Loans are milk, deposits are steak,” Issues and opportunities within commercial risk management roles topic “Pent up demand will lead to overall positive auto market conditions near term,” Automotive hot topics “Keeping various systems in synch; Spend time early on implementation to define biz requirements,” Overcoming system operation challenges topic “Marketing to the underserved remains a challenge,” Issues and opportunities in consumer risk management roles topic “Using mobile to go paperless in commercial lending to improve convenience,” Mobile tools for business lending topic Top tweets: #vision2013 \"Be relentlessly skeptical. Be humble about what you don\'t know.\" Former Secretary Timothy Geithner. — Martha Staten (@Sauconyandsuds) May 6, 2013 Experian CEO to Us bankers on current reg environment. \"we have to get in compliance. We have to grow in compliance\".#vision2013 — eric haller (@erichaller2) May 6, 2013 Great description of the current environment - \"Economic Pinball\" Victor Nichols #vision2013 #finserv — Patricia Hines (@PJHines) May 6, 2013 #vision2013.@experiancredit data lab is the \"most unique initiative in the industry\". The lab lets you #engage w/ untraditional data. — Mike Horrocks (@mikehorrocks) May 6, 2013 Only take risks you can understand, measure, and monitor. CRO round table. #vision2013 — alissa (@adh314) May 6, 2013 The phone is the new wallet. Apps are the new cards. #engage #vision2013 — Andrew Beddoes (@beddoesa712) May 6, 2013  

Published: May 7, 2013 by Guest Contributor

By: Maria Moynihan A recently-released staff report prepared for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee revealed that nearly 17,000 efficiency and process improvement recommendations made by agency Inspectors General remain pending as of 2012 and in combination could have saved more than $67 billion in wasteful government spending. At the same time, the 2013 Identity Fraud Report released in February 2013 by Javelin Strategy & Research indicates that in 2012, identity fraud incidents increased by more than one million victims and fraudsters stole more than $21 billion, the highest amount since 2009. Fraudsters know where process inefficiencies lie and government agencies can no longer delay the implementation of much needed system improvements. There are several service providers and integrators in the public sector that offer options and tools to choose from.  Specifically, identity management tools exist that can authenticate a person’s identity online and in real-time, verify an address, validate one’s income and assets, and  provide a full view of a constituent so funds go to those who need them most and stay out of the hands of fraudsters or those who are otherwise not eligible. There is a better way to validate and authenticate individuals or businesses as part of a constituent review processes and time is of the essence. By simply incorporating third-party data and analytics into established infrastructure, agencies can immediately gain improved insight for efficient decision making. Experian recently sponsored the FCW Executive Briefing on Detecting and Preventing Wasteful and Improper Payments.  Click here to view the keynote presentation or stay tuned as I share more on this pressing issue.

Published: April 12, 2013 by Guest Contributor

By: Maria Moynihan State and Federal agencies are tasked with overseeing the integration of new Health Insurance Exchanges and with that responsibility, comes the effort of managing information updates, ensuring smooth data transfer, and implementing proper security measures. The migration process for HIEs is no simple undertaking, but with these three easy steps, agencies can plan for a smooth transition: Step 1:  Ensure all current contact information is accurate with the aid of a back-end cleansing tool.   Back-end tools clean and enhance existing address records and can help agencies to maintain the validity of records over time. Step 2:  Duplicate identification is a critical component of any successful database migration - by identifying and removing existing duplicate records, and preventing future creation of duplicates, constituents are prevented from opening multiple cases, thereby reducing the probability for fraud. Step 3:  Validate contact data as it is captured. This step is extremely important, especially as information gets captured across multiple touch points and portals. Contact record validation and authentication is a best practice for any database or system gateway. Agencies and those particularly responsible for the successful launches of HIEs are expected to leverage advanced technology, data and sophisticated tools to improve efficiencies, quality of care and patient safety. Without accurate, standard and verified contact information, none of that is possible. Access the full Health Insurance Exchange Toolkit by clicking here.

Published: April 3, 2013 by Guest Contributor

By: Maria Moynihan Fact:  In fiscal year 2011, the federal government allocated ~$608M to investigate and prosecute cases of alleged fraud in health care programs Fact:  Medicare and Medicaid related scams cost taxpayers more than $60B a year These statistics are profound, especially when so many truly need–and rightfully deserve–access to health benefits.  To make the facts a bit more tangible, how would you feel if you heard that neighbors of yours were submitting claims to Medicare for treatments that were never provided? In essence, you’ve got thieves for neighbors, don’t you? Thankfully, government agencies are responding. Even while being challenged with reduced budgets and limited resources; they are investing in efficient processes, advanced data, analytics and decisioning tools to improve their visibility into individuals at the point of application. By simply making adjustments to one or all of these areas, agencies can pinpoint whether or not individuals are who they say they are. Only with precision, relevancy, and efficiency of information, can fraud and abuse be curtailed. Below are a few examples of how to improve your eligibility systems or processes today. Or, simply download the Issue Brief, Beyond Traditional Eligibility Verification, for more detail. Use scores, models, and screening questions to assess a beneficiary’s true identity or level of identity fraud risk. Use income and asset estimation models to compare to stated income as a validation step in determination of benefits eligibility. Create a single system for automatic identification and verification of beneficiaries and businesses applying for service. Tighten controls around business identity to weed out fraud rings, syndicates and other forms of business fraud. The Bottom Line: Only with process, information, or system improvements, can government agencies move the needle on the growing and pressing issue of fraud and abuse.

Published: January 8, 2013 by Guest Contributor

By: Maria Moynihan Cyber Monday recently passed and I\'m curious to know if you were one of the many who contributed to the $1.465 billion spend online that day?  ‘Tis the season - not only for increased online shopping, but for increased ID theft or risk of fraudulent activity. With a quick online search, you can find some good tips on how to protect your information.  Here’s a great read on password protection. Other sources offer added tips, like the below, when submitting information online: 1)  Ensure sensitive information is secure before submitting 2) Only access websites you know you can trust 3)  Be sure you are comfortable with the information your mobile device is asking you to provide in specific apps Beyond the holidays and even beyond the type of organization you are interacting with, these online tips apply. Government agencies for instance, encourage similar cautionary behavior when interacting with them. In fact, several have even implemented tools and processes to ensure the proper level of information security, authentication, and checking occur. Take the Social Security Administration for example. Here is an agency that implemented a secure process for individuals to access their benefits online. By incorporating a step to quickly and efficiently cross check an individual’s identity, the agency was able to validate information, ensuring people seeking access to their information are truly who they say they are. Watch a video to see how the Social Security Administration offers secure real-time access to individuals’ benefits. And, most importantly, keep these important information safety tips in mind every day and enjoy a stress-free and peaceful holiday!  

Published: December 18, 2012 by Guest Contributor

Research shows that investing in superior customer management easily can exceed returns of 20 percent in the first year of implementation.  A return that compounds in subsequent years as a results of customer-centric strategies that drive customer's loyalty, new customer referrals, and increased revenue opportunities.  Customer loyalty is a key driver that differentiates retail banks when trying to retain existing and attract new customers.   And cited by customers themselves as the way to win their business today.  Achieving superior customer management, however, can be expensive and operationally prohibitive; and let's not to forget to mention there are a number of different approaches that aim to meet such a standard, but fail because critical qualitative insights are not captured in back-end systems of record (SOR).  These "black-box" strategies struggle to be widely adopted across the enterprise and die a slow, internal political death - with wasted resources left on the floor.  It also leaves the customer feeling frustrated and dissatisfied, maybe even ready to flee. One such example was recently illustrated in an article in Credit Union Times.   Changing the retail bank's approach to adopt best practices in developing holistic customer-centric strategies is paramount to the improvement of the customer experiences, and the bottom line. Quantitative data alone can represent only a partial view of reality whereas holistic customer strategies exploit the full value of the enterprise by synthesizing customer knowledge from SOR with external off-your firm financial information and critical qualitative input from customer-facing staff.   Customer-facing staff are critical in the adoption of such strategies and need to be actively engaged to extract customer learnings that will lead to the modification and alignment of customer-level treatement strategy designs and predictive models with the real world.   A collaborative approach, blending art and science, ensures complete adoption across the enterprise and measurable customer experience improvements that can be monetized for shareholders through improved customer retention and new customer acquisitions.  Get access to details on the framework to design and deploy such customer-centric strategies. 

Published: December 6, 2012 by Guest Contributor

By: Maria Moynihan The public sector is not unlike the private sector when it comes to data. Both require accuracy and relevancy for optimized processes and decision-making. For government agencies, maintaining a holistic view of constituents is more important than ever. By linking data across department systems, governments improve operations, citizen profiling and overall record management.  No longer do agencies have to muddle through records of Maria Moynihan, Mari Moynihan, M Moynihan, and other variations of name or contact information when they all are truly one in the same. Unfortunately, without the right tools and know how, database maintenance, record deduplication, and account validation can be a daunting process.  Below are five critical steps to helping government agencies execute successful linkage of database records: Step 1: Engage stakeholders Data stewards are not mind readers. They work with finite data and rely on stakeholders to provide insight. Seek input from users across departments and functions. Step 2: Identify impacts and priorities Data errors and disparate data prevent stewards from amalgamating records and defining a master database. Focus on areas of strategic priority. Step 3: Create success criteria Look for and set quantifiable metrics for matching. Consider what data needs to be linked and what thresholds are acceptable given objectives. Step 4: Define new standards Create established workflows and guidelines for evaluating, merging and purging records. Step 5: Leverage matching technology Integrate robust deduplication tools to design multiple workflows and handle a variety of matching challenges. In short, without data stewards seeking input from commercial stakeholders, an understanding of the data impacts, and establishing a clear process including defined methodologies and technology for deduplication, government agencies will remain challenged in trying to figure out if Maria, Mari, and M are the same person in databases. Click here to see the full guide to Creating a Single View.  

Published: December 6, 2012 by Guest Contributor

By: Joel Pruis The commercial lending - traditional C&I, CRE and other - segment is one of the last areas to be “automated” or captured within an automated lending platform.   Many of us talk about the need to automate this segment but the discussion needs to start with the question of “What does it mean to automate originations in the commercial segment?  Let’s start to break this down and define it. Previously, we have covered how to define small business for your respective financial institution.  If you use that as a measurement of what is small business, the remaining segment would by default be your commercial segment.  It seems obvious but good to re-iterate to keep the context on commercial. What we are not planning to cover is the small business segment where there is relatively high application volume and low total dollar production.  If we compare small business and commercial across two major characteristics, we the distinction becomes more clear. The above chart represents the typical situation – the probable not the possible scenario.  For example, there are situations where the sales lead time is days not months for a commercial lending opportunity or a small business application can sometimes take over a year to get the application. I like analogies so let’s compare mass produced furniture vs. custom furniture to small business vs. commercial.  Mass produced furniture is high volume but low dollar per unit (small business) while the custom furniture is the low volume but high dollar per unit production (commercial). Basically, the furniture being mass produced has a low need for any customization with high demand and a low cost of production on a per unit basis.  Conversely, the custom furniture production has relatively low volume but a higher cost of production on a per unit basis. The custom furniture maker has no set designs, no set product line but rather examples of past work that has been done.  There are no set materials that are to be used and no set prescribed method for manufacturing any particular item. While one customer may want a dining room table that has leaves to expand the seating as needed, another may want a drop-leaf table or simply a static table top.  It is up to the customer to decide what the criteria is to best suit the need.  The talented furniture maker will provide his/her expertise to provide the best product/solution for the customer but the end result is ultimately up to the customer.  Such a design will be worked and potentially reworked multiple times before the right design in actually approved by the customer.  Once the design is approved, the work begins on creating the piece of furniture.  The creation may follow a standard set of procedures or may not.  The key is that there is no set way that must be followed in the creation.  The furniture maker will not wait until all material is available but rather can start on portions of the furniture (turning the legs, rough cutting the wood for the table top).  While there is likely an agreed upon delivery date, the success is dependent upon completing the furniture by that date, not following a set prescribed path to completion. It is possible to design and capture the small business origination process with its defined roles and responsibilities in a detailed process map.  The small business origination process can measure and monitor service level agreements and set expectations with the client around the entire process before the application is even taken.  Prescribed order and dependency around the activity and/or task-level process mapping can be accomplished in the small business origination process with a high degree of accuracy and consistency from one application to the next. The commercial loan origination process, however, cannot be captured with a high degree of accuracy and/or consistency.  Individual efforts can certainly be captured and specific service level agreements can be established.  For example, the spreading of financial statements can follow a prescribed methodology and service level agreements can be established.  However, attempts to establish service level agreements that when combined could adequately set expectations of total turnaround times, estimated completion times and prescribed methodologies would result in much lower compliance with such prescribed processes rendering it meaningless. Joel Pruis is a senior business consultant with Experian\'s Global Consulting Practice.  To learn more about strategy consulting and access more thought-leadership from our team, please visit

Published: November 5, 2012 by Guest Contributor

Contributed by: David Daukus As the economy recovers from the recession, consumers are becoming more responsible with their credit card usage; credit card debts have not increased and delinquency rates have declined. Delinquency rates as a percentage of balances continue to decline with the short term 30-59 DPD period, now at 0.9%. With mixed results, where is the profit opportunity? Further studies from Experian-Oliver Wyman state that the average bankcard balance per consumer remained relatively flat at $4,170, but the highest credit tiers (using VantageScore A and B segments) saw average balances increase to $2,422 and $3,208, respectively. It\'s time to focus on what you have—your current portfolio—and specifically how to: Increase credit card usage in the prime segments Assign the right lines to your cardholders Understand who has the ‘right’ spend Risk score alone doesn\'t provide the most accurate insight into consumer accounts. You need to dig deeper into individual accounts to uncover behavioral trends to get the critical information needed to grow your portfolio:  Leading financial institutions are looking at consumer payment history, such as balance and utilization changes. These capture a consumer’s credit situation more accurately than a point in time view. When basic principles are applied to credit data, different consumer behaviors become evident and can be integrated into client strategies. For example, if two consumers have the same VantageScore credit score, credit card balances, and payment status, does that mean they have the same current credit status? Not necessarily so. By looking at their payment history, you can determine which direction each is heading. Are they increasing their debt or are they paying down their debt? These differences reveal their riskiness and credit needs. Therefore, with payment history added to the mix, you can more accurately allocate credit lines between consumers and simultaneously reduce risk exposure. Spend is another important metric to evaluate to help grow your portfolio. How do you know if a consumer uses primary a credit card when making purchases? Wouldn’t you want to know the right amount of credit to provide based on the consumer’s need? Insight into consumer spending levels provides a unique understanding of a consumer’s credit needs. Knowing spend allows lenders to provide necessary high lines to the limited population of very high spenders, while reducing overall exposure by providing lower lines to low spenders. Spend data also reveals wallet share—knowing the total spend of your cardholder allows you to calculate their external spend. With wallet share data, you can capture more spend by adjusting credit lines or rewards that will entice consumers to spend more using your card. Once you have a more complete picture of a consumer, adjusting lines of credit and making the right offer is much easier. Take some of the risk out of managing your existing customers and finding new ones. What behavioral data have you found most beneficial in making lending decisions?   Source: Experian-Oliver Wyman Market Intelligence Reports

Published: October 24, 2012 by Guest Contributor

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

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