
Scoring 101 – Evolution of scoring

February 10, 2012 by Veronica Herrera

For as long as there have been loans, there has been credit risk and risk management. In the early days of US banking, the difficulty in assessing risk meant that lending was severely limited, and many people were effectively locked out of the lending system. Individual review of loans gave way to numerical scoring systems used to make more consistent credit decisions, which later evolved into the statistically derived models we know today. Use of credit scores is an essential part of almost every credit decision made today. But what is the next evolution of credit risk assessment? Does that current look at a single number tell all we need to know before extending credit?

As shown in a recent score stability study, VantageScoreSM remains very predictive even in highly volatile cycles. While generic risk scores remain the most cost-effective, expedient and compliant method of assessing risk, this last economic cycle clearly shows a need for the addition of other metrics (including other generic scores) to more fully illuminate the inherent risk of an individual from every angle.

We’ve seen financial institutions tightening their lending policies in response to recent market conditions, sometimes to the point of hampering growth. But what if there was an opportunity to relook at this strategy with additional analytics to ensure continued growth without increasing risk?  We’ll plan to explore that further over the coming weeks, so stick with me.  And if there is a specific question or idea on your mind, leave a comment and we’ll cover that too.

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