
The Dodd-Frank Act’s affect on profitability

February 3, 2012 by Guest Contributor

By: Staci Baker

Just before the holidays, the Fed released proposed rules, which implement Sections 165 and 166 of the Dodd-Frank Act. According to The American Bankers Association, “The proposals cover such issues as risk-based capital requirements, leverage, resolution planning, concentration limits and the Fed’s plans to regulate large, interconnected financial institutions and nonbanks.”

How will these rules affect you? One of the biggest concerns that I have been hearing from institutions is the affect that the proposed rules will have on profitability. Greater liquidity requirements, created by both the Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III Rules, put pressure on banks to re-evaluate which lending segments they will continue to participate in, as well as impact the funds available for lending to consumers.   What are you doing to proactively combat this?

Within the Dodd-Frank Act is the Durbin Amendment, which regulates the interchange fee merchants are charged. As I noted in my prior blog detailing the fee cap associated with the Durbin Amendment, it’s clear that these new regulations in combination with previous rulings will continue to put downward pressures on bank profitability. With all of this to consider, how will banks modify their business models to maintain a healthy bottom line, while keeping customers happy?

Over my next few blog posts, I will take a look at the Dodd-Frank Act’s affect on an institution’s profitability and highlight best practices to manage the impact to your organization.

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