All posts by Experian Marketing Services


Get analysis and insights on top performing retail sites and the most effective channels driving online traffic, in our top lessons from the 2014...

Published: January 14, 2015 by Experian Marketing Services

Although the conversation of cross device marketing is relatively new, it is an important conversation to have. In today’s tech savvy world, being able...

Published: December 19, 2014 by Experian Marketing Services

The rise of smart devices is rapidly improving efficiency, user experience and brand engagement and poses many questions that marketers must begin considering... Published: December 17, 2014 by Experian Marketing Services

For an inside look at how female leaders can bring unique and effective influence into the boardroom, we invited four leading female marketers to...

Published: December 11, 2014 by Experian Marketing Services

Learn how businesses can leverage online reviews to their advantage, especially during the critical holiday season....

Published: December 9, 2014 by Experian Marketing Services

Bill Tancer, general manager of global research for Experian Marketing Services, appeared on CNN Live Thanksgiving day, to answer the question, “Is Black Friday...

Published: December 5, 2014 by Experian Marketing Services

With the continued growth of data from the connected world, it is only a matter of time before we see offline marketing practices influenced...

Published: December 3, 2014 by Experian Marketing Services

Bill Tancer's take on what’s motivating holiday shopping behaviors this s...

Published: December 2, 2014 by Experian Marketing Services

The rapidly growing trend in devices that connect to the Internet beyond smartphones, tablets and computers, known as the “Internet of Things,” manifested itself...

Published: November 25, 2014 by Experian Marketing Services

About Experian Marketing Services

At Experian Marketing Services, we use data and insights to help brands have more meaningful interactions with people. As leaders in the evolution of the advertising landscape, Experian Marketing Services can help you identify your customers and the right potential customers, uncover the most appropriate communication channels, develop messages that resonate, and measure the effectiveness of marketing activities and campaigns.

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At Experian Marketing Services, we use data and insights to help brands have more meaningful interactions with people. As leaders in the evolution of the advertising landscape, Experian Marketing Services

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