Even though 26 states now have a personal finance course as a requirement for high school graduation, 40 percent of college students do not feel they have enough knowledge about how to manage money. It’s a challenge that the Center for Financial Advancement® (CFA) Credit Academy addresses with participating Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). A collaboration between Experian and HomeFree-USA, the program culminates in the #IYKYK (If You Know You Know) Pitch Competition and a couple hundred new knowledge ambassadors about financial health and credit.
Here, competition finalists share their advice for students as they hit campus for a new school year:

MALAYA MELTON, Alabama State University
Advice I’ll give to incoming freshmen is to try to apply for scholarships. It takes some of the burden off. For me, I took about two years making sure that I got the right amount of scholarships before coming to school, because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to afford it. My family won’t be able to afford it. So, try to be very serious about applying for scholarships, and apply to internships that also get you money that you can use towards school or your personal development.

JAZMIN FELIZ ORELLANA, Bowie State University
Don’t take out loans if you don’t have to. I think many freshmen forget that they’ll have to pay off those loans once they graduate after a certain time, and that definitely can affect their credit, especially if they’re not able to pay for it.

OLUWATOSIN OYEKEYE, Alabama State University
Save your money, save your money, save your money. It’s okay to go to a college in your hometown. Save as much money as you can, because you really don’t know where you’ll need it. If you get that credit card, make sure that you’re paying all the payments on time. Do not wait till the last minute to pay it.
PHILIP OMO-TAIGA, North Carolina A&T State University

Budgeting. I think that’s really what plays into the whole thing of credit, which is there obviously to help you. But it can also go really, really bad. When you think about what it takes to find that healthy balance, you got to learn how to budget because you may go through a period where you’re not working. So now it’s like, “Okay, now I got to leverage this money that I maybe have saved up. Maybe think about my credit so that I’m not burying myself into a hole. I’m not working, so there’s no way I can pay it down.” I think when it comes to finding that healthy medium, budgeting is definitely key.

CALVIN CHARLES III, Bowie State University
A secure credit card. I think freshman year is a great way to enter college (with one) because you’re going to have items and things that you are going to have to pay for anyway. Why not begin building your credit there? I can personally say my first credit card I opened at 18, so that gave me the years of credit history.

ESANTE-JOY MCINTYRE, North Carolina A&T State University
It is never really how you start, but it’s how you finish. Freshman year I might not have that scholarship. But I promise you by sophomore year I had $10,000 from outside scholarships, I had $10,000 from doing pitch competitions, $5,000 from here, from there. So, don’t give up on the idea of searching. If you are able to search, you’ll find it. Those opportunities and resources are out there, and Experian is just a testament to that.