Even though 26 states now have a personal finance course as a requirement for high school graduation, 40 percent of college students do not feel they have enough knowledge about how to manage money. It’s a challenge that the Center for Financial Advancement® (CFA) Credit Academy addresses with participating Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). A collaboration between Experian and HomeFree-USA, the program culminates in the #IYKYK (If You Know You Know) Pitch Competition and a couple hundred new knowledge ambassadors about financial health and credit. Here, competition finalists share their advice for students as they hit campus for a new school year: MALAYA MELTON, Alabama State University Advice I'll give to incoming freshmen is to try to apply for scholarships. It takes some of the burden off. For me, I took about two years making sure that I got the right amount of scholarships before coming to school, because I knew that I wouldn't be able to afford it. My family won't be able to afford it. So, try to be very serious about applying for scholarships, and apply to internships that also get you money that you can use towards school or your personal development. JAZMIN FELIZ ORELLANA, Bowie State University Don't take out loans if you don't have to. I think many freshmen forget that they'll have to pay off those loans once they graduate after a certain time, and that definitely can affect their credit, especially if they're not able to pay for it. OLUWATOSIN OYEKEYE, Alabama State University Save your money, save your money, save your money. It's okay to go to a college in your hometown. Save as much money as you can, because you really don't know where you'll need it. If you get that credit card, make sure that you're paying all the payments on time. Do not wait till the last minute to pay it. PHILIP OMO-TAIGA, North Carolina A&T State University Budgeting. I think that's really what plays into the whole thing of credit, which is there obviously to help you. But it can also go really, really bad. When you think about what it takes to find that healthy balance, you got to learn how to budget because you may go through a period where you're not working. So now it's like, "Okay, now I got to leverage this money that I maybe have saved up. Maybe think about my credit so that I'm not burying myself into a hole. I'm not working, so there's no way I can pay it down." I think when it comes to finding that healthy medium, budgeting is definitely key. CALVIN CHARLES III, Bowie State University A secure credit card. I think freshman year is a great way to enter college (with one) because you're going to have items and things that you are going to have to pay for anyway. Why not begin building your credit there? I can personally say my first credit card I opened at 18, so that gave me the years of credit history. ESANTE-JOY MCINTYRE, North Carolina A&T State University It is never really how you start, but it's how you finish. Freshman year I might not have that scholarship. But I promise you by sophomore year I had $10,000 from outside scholarships, I had $10,000 from doing pitch competitions, $5,000 from here, from there. So, don't give up on the idea of searching. If you are able to search, you'll find it. Those opportunities and resources are out there, and Experian is just a testament to that.
Experian is wrapping up several inspiring days at the 2024 Disability:IN Conference. We are a proud Presenting partner, and as part of our support this year, we had the honor of being the key sponsor for the NextGen Innovation Lab Pitch Competition. This initiative brings together young adults to develop innovative products or services that benefit individuals with disabilities. It provides a platform for young minds to harness their creativity and technical skills to solve real-world challenges faced by the disability community. This year, we challenged these NextGen leaders to create a product or service specifically for young adults with disabilities that can help them build their credit or improve their financial literacy. Only 10% of working aged people with disabilities consider themselves to be financially healthy, according to a recent study. Eight enthusiastic and passionate teams shared their ideas and the top two vote-getters’ pitched live, “Shark Tank” style, in front of thousands of conference attendees. The winner: Team 7’s “Experian Expedition,” which enhances the accessibility of the existing Experian app and adds new experiences such as an accessible credit card that also features braille; voice-guided, American Sign Language and closed-captioned exercises; and an incentive program for young adults as they reach various financial health milestones with cash back and coupons. We congratulate Team 7 and all of the teams for their collaboration with Experian and each other. The ideas and services developed through the NextGen iLab have the potential to make a significant impact on the disability community, enhancing accessibility, independence, and quality of life for millions. Sponsoring the NextGen iLab is just one of the many ways Experian is committed to disability inclusion. For the third consecutive year, Experian has achieved a top score in the Disability Equality Index (DEI) 2024. This accolade underscores Experian's ongoing efforts towards inclusivity in our workplace, products and services that are accessible and beneficial to individuals of all abilities, including the Support Hub, Financial Resilience Center, Inclusion Works, and the CMO/CCO Coalition. We’re proud our efforts are recognized by Disability:IN and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD). To learn more about Experian’s commitment to inclusion, check out our Power of YOU Report 2024: Driving social impact and diversity, equity and inclusion in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Caps and gowns. Pomp and circumstance. Loans and debt. As the class of 2024 celebrate their college graduations, more than 43 million of them leave school with a total national debt of more than $1.6 trillion. Some are on better financial footing than others – with no debts as they start their careers – because of early financial and credit education. These learnings fueled ideas for students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) who competed in this year’s #IYKYK Pitch Competition (If You Know You Know), sponsored by HomeFree-USA and Experian. The challenge: to create solutions that help their peers become debt-free within five years of graduation. Here, finalists share some advice for graduates on how they can start their post-collegiate lives on solid financial footing: OLUWATOSIN OYEKEYE, Alabama State University You're not too young. I feel like most people think it's until you're married or you have kids before you should take your financial life seriously. From your first couple of first paychecks, look into where you can invest. If you don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck, look for ways to grow your money. Take your credit seriously. If you want to own a home, you want to buy a car, these things are important. It's not too early, it’s also not too late to start taking these things seriously. JAZMIN FELIZ ORELLANA, Bowie State University You don't have to start off with a credit card with a $10,000 limit. You can easily start off with a secured credit card. And that's actually one of my biggest pieces of advice. Get a credit card, be mindful with it, don't spend, don't max it out, but definitely just practice and start using it to see if you're actually able to maintain your credit. That's a piece of advice that definitely has worked with me, especially with building up my own credit, which I hope to get soon to 800. MARCUS HARRIS, North Carolina A&T University Always go out and explore opportunities that could first boost your credit and put you in a more financial-free state. For example, with Experian, they have an Experian Boost program that when you're in school, if you have rent, you rent an apartment, you could apply that. Or even the Netflix subscription, you can apply that to the Experian Boost program and therefore you can help build your credit over the time. TAYLOR PAYTON, Bowie State University To college students who are about to graduate, once they get that job offer with a lot of zeros behind it, be mindful of lifestyle influences. Just because you're making a certain amount of money does not mean you have to spend all of it. Be mindful not to keep up with the Joneses. CHIOMA KALU, Alabama State University There's something my sister used to say. She used to say, "Pay now, play later. Or if you play now, you pay later." I feel like if they focus during their youth when they can really do these things and really go out there, do the jobs, focus on paying off everything, getting that financial literacy, getting that financial freedom, and then at age 30 you're already set up for life. That makes more sense than just going through life, just ballin’, and then at the end of the day, if you have to pay when you're like 60? You're still paying student loans? Come on, now. CALVIN CHARLES III, Bowie State University Do not get caught up in social media. Just because you want to live in the city doesn't mean that that's what you have to do. And there's nothing wrong with roommates. They can allow you to reach your actual goals. Every meal does not have to be eaten out. Social media creates a lifestyle that you wish to live, and living in that moment is great, but you have to think about your future and building that wealth for yourself directly afterwards. All of these students were part of the Center for Financial Advancement Credit Academy. To learn more about this program that supports HBCU students, click here.
By the time Vikki Nunnery decided to join the U.S. Army, she was almost finished with her nursing degree. It was her senior year, on the cusp of achieving her Bachelor of Science. A professor piqued her interest in the military. “One of my instructors was an LPN. She deployed and did a presentation about being a nurse in the army. I came in (to the Army) as a registered nurse (RN) and am now a nurse practitioner,” Nunnery said. Now Lieutenant Colonel Nunnery, DNP, is married to a fellow military member, has two children and has been on active duty for 17 years. Between student loans and credit cards, she also accumulated a lot of debt. “We never talked about (money) at home. My family never talked about managing money,” Nunnery said. “Being married with kids, I’m trying to be more financially responsible for the future.” Experian and Operation HOPE are helping Nunnery do just that. She is a client of the expansion of its partnership, which offers new, no-cost dedicated resources specifically for active duty members, veterans and military families across the country. The program provides financial coaching and wellness, credit education and financial disaster preparedness. The unique circumstances of the military community impact their finances more than the general population. A survey shows servicemembers and their spouses have more difficulty paying some monthly bills and finding economic assistance because of overseas deployments and frequent moves, combined with rising inflation. “(This work) is personal. I’ve been working around military communities for over 10 years. I know the challenges,” said Jessica Hamel, financial wellbeing coach for Operation HOPE Inside Experian program. Hamel is a Gold Star sister and military spouse. Her husband’s divorce and her brother’s passing had negative financial impacts on their respective families. “Often with some of our younger soldiers, younger service members, they haven’t had life experience in terms of needing to budget. We have members of the military right now right out of high school and there’s not a lot of experience managing their own money. They’re quickly thrust into a place where they don’t have a support system to do that,” Hamel said. “What we see at some major bases is a lot of predatory financial institutions – payday lenders, title max loans, pawn shops, buy-here-pay-here dealerships.” "We have members of the military right now right out of high school and there’s not a lot of experience managing their own money. They’re quickly thrust into a place where they don’t have a support system to do that." Without a foundation of money management know-how, as service members move up in rank and earn more money, their habits can follow. Hamel stressed the importance of helping clients establish a foundation of knowledge and provide tools to help them address specific financial situations and their future. “Clients know they need to do something different than the way they grew up, but perhaps they grew up in generational poverty and they’re using the military to secure a job immediately, get job experience or support. They can make a great living in the military,” she said. “They don’t know what they don’t know, but they know they don’t have all the right information.” With Hamel’s guidance, Nunnery has set up a budget and developed habits that have led to increased savings, saving for a house, and a bump in credit scores. Hamel is also exploring whether Nunnery qualifies for public school loan forgiveness. The couple is planning to pass on these lessons to their kids, starting with opening their own checking accounts, and teaching them how to save, budget, and the importance of credit scores. “Without Jessica, we’d still be living paycheck to paycheck. I wasn’t paying attention to my accounts. I was just spending and spending,” Nunnery said. “Little things like a budget, where our money is going - she really helps us focus on these things. That’s really good support.” “We have so many people who haven’t learned about credit and then get blamed for a game they never got the rules to,” Hamel said. “I’m honored to be the coach for this program.” For more information about financial coaching and resources for servicemembers, military family or veterans, contact Jessica Hamel at Jessica.hamel@operationhope.org.