In 2021, Experian announced that United for Financial Health programme would be launching in two EMEA markets - Italy and South Africa. Today we are pleased to bring you more news of our plans in South Africa. Our partnership with the National Small Business Chamber is focused on supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to improve their financial fitness. As a result of the pandemic, many small businesses are under enormous strain in the current environment. As the backbone of the South African economy, any challenges faced among these enterprises may have far-reaching implications on the number of unemployed people. Our campaign with the NSBC aims to support SMEs to stay in business and become more resilient to economic disruptions as they continue to be a driving force of inclusive economic growth and job creation in the country. Many SMEs are harming their chances of gaining access to credit, getting better deals from suppliers, and securing additional funding to help grow their business due to a lack of awareness and understanding of their business credit profile. Working alongside the NSBC, we aim to educate, encourage and assist SMEs to become creditworthy. The programme aims to provide tangible ways to help improve financial health, help SMEs overcome the financial difficulties that have resulted from the effects of the pandemic and kick-start people on the road to recovery. Mike Anderson, the CEO of our partners the NSBC, said: “We are extremely excited to launch a ‘How to become financially fit’ campaign in partnership with Experian South Africa, one of the leading credit bureaus, where we can equip SMEs with key tips and strategies to assist them in understanding their financial and credit health. The aim is to empower them to understand the impact of both their personal and business credit profiles on their business’s reputation and ultimately their ability to access the funding required to maintain and grow their businesses.” As part of this financial education drive, we’ll support a series of webinars hosted by the NSBC, with topics ranging from how to improve both your personal and business credit profiles, managing your cash flow, understanding what credit providers are looking for as well as protecting your own business from credit risk. The webinars are open to all NSBC members and will kick off on 28 January 2022 and run until the end of March. For more information on the ‘How to get financially fit’ NSBC campaign in partnership with Experian South Africa visit