Experian is unlocking the power of data to facilitate access to fair and affordable credit for both consumers and businesses. With our products, services and partnerships, we are working to improve financial inclusion for all. Read about our latest financial access news below:
I don’t know about you, but the importance of a good credit score wasn’t something talked about around my family’s dining room table growing up. I knew the value of a dollar and the importance of saving and budgeting, but I didn’t realize how many things I’d want in life would depend on having an established credit history. It wasn’t until I went buy my first car that I realized just how important credit can be. I had been using credit, but I wasn’t using it as a tool that could work for me. In fact, in this instance, my credit score was working against me. Thankfully, my boyfriend at the time (and now husband), co-signed on my auto loan so I could get a better interest rate. This experience served as the wakeup call I needed to prioritize improving my credit and overall financial health. I know my story is similar to many others. In fact, our recent research shows 77% of millennials and Gen Z consumers are striving to be more financially literate and nearly 80% are actively trying to increase their credit scores. Just as I was, these consumers are hungry for knowledge and 69% are actively seeking trusted resources for personal finance information. I’m thankful to work for a company that puts consumers at the heart of everything we do. Education is central to our mission and my job is to educate consumers about the tools and resources we have available to help bring financial to all. Talk about coming full circle! So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your financial health, here are a few quick tips: Get engaged: Many people think checking their credit report will hurt their credit scores, but this is not true. This is one of the most common myths about credit reports. You can, and should, check your credit report regularly. This is one of the best ways to understand where you stand from a credit perspective. You can get a free Experian credit report and FICO® Score once a month through our mobile app. You can also get a free credit report from each of the three credit reporting agencies by visiting AnnualCreditReport.com. Use the tools available to you: There are a lot of helpful tools available today that weren’t even just a few years ago, including Experian Boost and Experian Go. Experian Go makes it easy for people with a limited or nonexistent credit history to establish, use and grow credit responsibly. And with Experian Boost, you can self-report your cell phone, utility, telecom, and video streaming service payments directly to your Experian credit report for an opportunity to instantly improve your credit score. Seek trusted resources: In this age of information overload and social media, it can be hard to find trusted sources of personal finance information, but we’re here to help. You can find answers to common questions by joining our weekly #CreditChats on Twitter or by visiting our Ask Experian blog. We also have free resources available at www.experian.com/consumerseducation. Avoid making mistakes with lasting financial impact: I know, I know. This can be easier said than done, but it’s an important consideration to protect your financial health. There are many times in life where it’s OK to learn by making mistakes, but credit and personal finance are not a time you want to do that if you can avoid it. If you’re using credit, make sure you have a plan for paying the debt you owe. Credit can be a financial tool, but debt is a financial problem. Make sure you understand your needs vs. your wants and try to keep your balances as low as possible. As the saying goes, knowledge truly is power. I know this to be true from experience and our research shows a better understanding of personal finance would make 75% of Gen Z and millennials feel more optimistic about their situation. This is good news as there are many easy steps consumers can take today to feel more educated and empowered. Getting engaged with your credit report and finding the right tools and resources are some of the best ways to protect your financial health in our current environment and beyond.
Experian research shows more than a quarter of Black and Hispanic consumers are invisible to the credit market, compared to 16% of Asian and White consumers. This is a significant gap that all of us can improve. At our North American headquarters, a group of young scholars took the lead on finding solutions. Four teams representing Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) visited our campus and shared their creativity and personal stories with us in the finale of the inaugural #IYKYK Hackathon. The Hackathon was the culmination of a six-month Center for Financial Advancement® Credit Academy, created in partnership with HomeFree-USA. Through live sessions with Experian credit education experts and self-paced content, more than 250 scholars from 14 HBCUs learned about credit, financial tools, and how to build generational wealth through steps like homeownership. The teams from Alabama State University, Fisk University, Morgan State University and Shaw University made it to the finals and presented their ideas for the next best credit education program for their peers. Left to right, top to bottom: Fisk University, Morgan State University, Shaw University and Alabama State University In addition to their presentations, what was also impressive was the inclusivity in participation. Just at the finals alone, these student leaders represented six countries, eight different languages, the LGBTQ+ community, different faiths, and more. The “Credit Stingers” from Alabama State University took home the prize, a $40,000 scholarship for their idea of a gamified app called “Credit Rush.” In order to overcome obstacles, students watch a video or take a quiz about credit in order to advance to higher levels. Other features of “Credit Rush” include the “Hive,” a library of credit education materials, chat, daily calendar functions and more. The “Credit Stingers” from Alabama State University took home the prize, a $40,000 scholarship for their idea of a gamified app called “Credit Rush.” Many of the student leaders are already putting what they’ve learned into practice. They shared how they’ve been able to rent their own apartments for the first time, help their recently immigrated family members establish their credit identities, and make decisions that will help them eventually buy a home. They showed immense passion. They are committed to being knowledge ambassadors, sharing information about credit with their classmates, families and friends, making their communities the true winners of this program.
I recently came across a quote that said, “The world you see is created by what you focus on.” As I look back on my last 16 years with Experian, I see a lot of truth in this. While Experian has historically been recognized as a business-to-business organization, over the last several years, we’ve had a transformational shift in focus that’s fundamentally changed our business. This shift has made our world look a lot different than it used to. Today, consumers are at the center of everything we do. They’re the driving force behind our innovation and growth. Every day, millions of consumers come to Experian looking for ways to improve their financial health and we’ve been building one of the largest global member bases. These direct relationships put us in a unique position. We can listen to consumers to hone our focus – and we do. Just like in everyday relationships, listening builds trust and respect. It helps us understand what consumers want and allows us to innovate to meet them where they are on their financial journey. In 2019, we heard consumers’ call for more control of their data and responded with Experian Boost®[1]– a first-of-its-kind feature that allows consumers to contribute information directly to their Experian credit file. To date, we’ve helped 8.6 million consumers instantly improve their FICO® Scores[2] with an average increase of 13 points. Since launch, we’ve continued to listen and enhance the feature to maximize the number of consumers who can benefit. Shortly after we brought Experian Boost to market, we wanted to ensure consumers who paid their monthly telecom and utility bills from their savings or credit cards could benefit alongside those who paid these reoccurring bills through their checking account, and we did. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, at a time when television streaming had skyrocketed, we wanted to ensure consumers who subscribed to video streaming services, including Netflix®, Hulu™, HBO Max™, Disney+™ and others, could use these monthly payments to build their credit histories, and we did. We regularly connect new streaming service partners to Experian Boost. Most recently, consumers who subscribe to Paramount+, Peacock, Showtime® and ESPN+ can also contribute their on-time bill payments directly to their Experian credit file through Experian Boost. Earlier this year we introduced Experian Go™ - a free, first-of-its-kind program to help “credit invisibles,” or people with no credit history, begin building credit. Within minutes, credit invisibles who enroll in the program can have an authenticated Experian credit report, tradelines and a credit history by using Experian Boost and instant access to financial offers through Experian Go. Since launch, more than 84,000 consumers have established an Experian credit report through Experian Go and become visible to potential lenders. As a next step, today we’ve announced a new beta release of Experian Boost that allows consumers to contribute qualifying, “positive” residential rent payments directly to their Experian credit file. This capability makes Experian Boost the only feature that can instantly improve a consumer’s FICO® Score 8through positive rent payments at no cost. This is the next step in our commitment to helping consumers get the credit they deserve. With the beta release, consumers who rent from over 1,500 of some of the largest U.S.-based property management companies, and who pay their rent directly to their property management company or through platforms like AppFolio Property Management, Buildium®, Yardi® Breeze and Zillow® Rental Manager, can add qualifying positive rent payments to their Experian credit file through Experian Boost. Based on preliminary analysis[3] highlighting the potential impact of positive residential rent payment reporting through Experian Boost, we estimate 66% of consumers will see an instant increase to their FICO® Score 8, a FICO® Score 8 improvement of nearly 10 points on average for those who receive a boost and are new to using Experian Boost. And we’re not done yet. To ensure more renters can benefit, we’ll continue to add new property management companies over time. In later phases, we’ll update the feature further to add individual landlords and smaller property management companies over time. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished so far and, as we look ahead, I’m excited for the ways we can help consumers that are yet to come. With our focus on consumers and our ability to listen and innovate, I believe we’ve just scratched the surface in terms of our capacity to help bring financial power to all. [1] Results will vary. Not all payments are boost-eligible. Some users may not receive an improved score or approval odds. Not all lenders use Experian credit files, and not all lenders use scores impacted by Experian Boost®. Learn more. [2] Credit score calculated based on FICO® Score 8 model. Your lender or insurer may use a different FICO® Score than FICO® Score 8, or another type of credit score altogether. Learn more. [3] Analysis completed using FICO® Score 8 with Experian data. Experian and the Experian trademarks used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Experian and its affiliates. The use of any other trade name, copyright, or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the copyright or trademark holder of their product or brand. Other product and company names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Licenses and Disclosures.
As a leading information services company, some of our chief priorities include protecting and ensuring the accuracy of consumer information. The integrity of our data is critical and aligns with our efforts to advocate for financial inclusion for everyone. Data accuracy is particularly relevant for the transgender and non-binary community with regard to name changes. It’s important to note that information about gender/sex, age, race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation is not included in credit reports or scores. However, when someone transitions, and changes their name, their credit and financial history may still be tied to their birth name, which is also referred to as their “deadname.” This can unintentionally “out” the consumer or force them to establish a new credit history. At Experian, we have a process through which those who identify as transgender and non-binary can provide legal documentation to prove their identity without the negative emotional and financial impact. You can learn more about this process here. When you affirm your identity and update your name, Experian will also suppress your deadname so it does not appear on your Experian credit report. Taking these steps only changes your name on your Experian credit reports, and you may need to inquire about the process with other credit bureaus. Fair access to credit tools is part of our mission, as is providing these services with dignity and respect. At Experian, this is our purpose, advocating for all communities and people. This is financial inclusion.
For the past several years, we’ve been on a journey to improve financial access for millions of people around the world. We’ve made it our job to help consumers get the best financial outcomes. This focus on consumers defines us and informs everything we do. In 2019, we reshaped how consumers access credit with Experian Boost™. Since then, nearly 9 million consumers have connected to the product. While we are proud of what we have and continue to accomplish with Experian Boost, we know there is more to be done to ensure more consumers can access fair and affordable credit. Improving outcomes for underserved consumers When credit is used responsibly, it can create new opportunities from getting a college degree, buying a car or home and starting or expanding a business. These are milestones that help people establish careers, build wealth and ultimately achieve greater financial freedom. Yet, there are millions of consumers who are unable to participate in the mainstream financial ecosystem today because they don’t have a financial identity. In fact, our recent research shows there are at least 28 million credit invisibles in the U.S. with an additional 21 million consumers who are unscoreable by the credit score models most used by lenders today. Without an established credit history, these consumers struggle to qualify for everything from an auto loan to a mortgage and even an apartment or employment. This problem more frequently impacts communities of color with 28 percent of all Black and 26 percent of all Hispanic consumers currently unscoreable or credit invisible. Increasing financial inclusion depends on creating opportunities for underrepresented consumers to succeed. And this starts with ensuring all consumers have a financial identity. Bringing financial power to all with Experian Go The challenge is many consumers who are not in the credit ecosystem today are unsure where to start. Today, we reached a pivotal and exciting milestone in our commitment to consumers with the launch of Experian Go™. This new program opens the front door to the financial ecosystem for millions of consumers by helping them establish their financial identity and move from credit invisible to scoreable. Within minutes, credit invisibles can have an authenticated Experian credit report, tradelines and a credit history by using Experian Boost™[1], and instant access to financial offers through Experian Go. In fact, early analysis shows 91 percent of consumers with no credit history who connect to Experian Boost, a free feature that allows users to contribute their on-time cell phone, video streaming service, internet, and utility payments directly to their Experian credit report, can become scoreable in minutes with an average starting near-prime FICO® Score of 665[2]. Throughout the experience, we’ll provide ongoing credit education and access to tools like Experian Boost™ to make it easy for consumers to learn how to use and responsibly grow their credit histories. Until now, our industry has struggled to verify the identity of credit invisibles. Over the last several years, we’ve introduced new identity verification technologies to our toolbox. With Experian Go, we’re leveraging these technologies to verify a credit invisible’s identity and get them in the front door to start building credit. No other credit bureau or organization is doing this today. During our pilot, we helped more than 15,000 consumers establish their credit history. This is a great start. Now that Experian Go has launched, I look forward to helping millions more consumers get the credit they deserve. To learn more about Experian Go, visit www.experian.com/go. [1] Results may vary. Some may not see improved scores or approval odds. Not all lenders use Experian credit files, and not all lenders use scores impacted by Experian Boost. [2] Experian analysis based on an anonymized and statistically relevant sample of consumer credit reports with only Experian Boost tradelines included and FICO® Scores. December 2021.
The United Nations identifies removing poverty as one of its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. There’s a reason it’s number one on their list: Access to affordable financial services opens the door to opportunities for people to transform their lives – from homes and healthcare to education and entrepreneurship.. At Experian, our focus is on increasing access to financial services, improving financial literacy and building consumer confidence; we help people take control of their financial health. We are using the power of data innovation to transform lives and help businesses grow, improving financial health for people around the world. We created a dedicated Social Innovation Programme to fund, build and recognize products that will have a positive impact on the financial health of consumers. Between 2013 and April 2021 we have invested over US$8m across 29 product ideas. Eighteen of those products have launched, reaching 61 million people, many of whom are from financially vulnerable backgrounds. In June, we opened applications for our latest round of annual Social Innovation funding and asked teams to come up with new innovative products that positively impact the financial health of our consumers and use data for good. Of these, seven projects were shortlisted and presented to our Social Innovation Committee, which I am privileged enough to chair. It was a tough decision, but we chose three truly diverse projects to receive this year’s Social Innovation funding and we are really excited about what they could achieve. These projects will give millions of people in India access to a more positive loan decision, allow citizens in the UK to manage their vulnerability data across multiple organisations, and help farmers in Brazil to access the credit they need to keep their businesses going. Between them, these three projects alone have the potential to reach over 85 million people in the next five years, which is a truly exciting prospect. We are proud to celebrate our culture of purpose-led innovation. Our social innovation products have reached 61 million people since 2013 and we aim to reach 100 million by 2025. Read more about how we are helping to create a better tomorrow.
Over the last 19 months the pandemic has disproportionately impacted underserved and low-income communities and exacerbated the health and economic situations of millions of consumers, making it even harder to recover from financial hardships. We’ve made it our mission to change this, and we’re doing so by unlocking the power of data to facilitate access to fair and affordable credit and create new opportunities for people and businesses. We use our products, services, and time to make a real difference to the financial lives of people in many ways. This is at the heart of what we do as a company, and it’s one of the many reasons why it’s such a great honor to be named by Fortune to its global ranking of the top 50 companies making measurable progress addressing social problems. Experian Boost is one example of our commitment to improving financial inclusion, providing users access to credit as a result of improved credit scores. Two years ago, we created this first-of-its-kind service designed to help consumers instantly improve their credit score by giving them credit for on-time utility, telecom, and streaming service payments. Experian Boost in the USA and UK, combined with Serasa’s Score Turbo in Brazil, are empowering consumers to take more control of their financial well-being and promoting financial inclusion. United for Financial Health is another new financial recovery program we created to help consumers who don’t typically have access to credit. Through this initiative we teamed up with 11 NGOs to reach 35 million people in less than a year, smashing our first-year target of 15 million. The partnerships this year have focused on three primary consumer markets – the USA, the UK and Ireland and Brazil. That said, we recognize there is more work to be done. In our 2021 Sustainable Business Report, we made several commitments, including to reach 100 million people through our United for Financial Health campaign by 2024. We remain focused on using our business to make real, sustainable change. Being named on Fortune’s 2021 'Change the World' list is also a testament to our truly inclusive culture at Experian, where everyone’s hard work and commitment is proving to deliver a positive impact to society. Through our investments in data and advanced analytics, we will continue to help lenders identify consumers who are excluded from the credit ecosystem, but who can fulfill their financial obligations and pay responsibly. We want to empower consumers to take control of their financial lives, and we will continue to take strides to do so, ensuring we do the right thing for those we serve.
There are times in most of our lives where we can't get access to the financial system in a way that we want. Be it for a mortgage, a car, or a business loan. We've all experienced the frustration when you feel you're on the outside of the system and you can’t do the things you want for yourself or your family. At Experian, it's our job to change that. We want to make sure everybody is included and has access to fair and affordable financial products. Financial inclusion is fundamental to our business. With our focus on increasing access to financial services, improving financial literacy and confidence, and helping people manage their financial lives; we help power people and businesses to create their future. In fact, the United Nations includes access to financial services, such as credit and microfinance, among its Sustainable Development Goals. Access to affordable credit opens the door to opportunities for people to transform their lives – from homes and healthcare to education and entrepreneurship. This has never been more important than it is today. Creating a Campaign to Drive Financial Health Worldwide As the pandemic took hold in 2020, we stepped in with data and analytics to support governments, health services and national emergency response efforts through major initiatives such as COVID Radar in Brazil and Experian CORE (COVID Outlook & Response Evaluator). These are just two examples of how we can use our data and expertise to make the biggest difference to society. It soon became clear that the impact — not just on physical health, but on financial health — would be far-reaching for people around the world. We looked at how we could use our expertise and resources to help vulnerable communities through the crisis and focused on financial education as the best way to strengthen their resilience and support their road to recovery. We launched our United for Financial Health programme. We rapidly established 11 NGO partnerships across our biggest consumer markets to deliver targeted financial education for some of the communities hit hardest by COVID-19. By the end of the year, we had reached nearly 35 million people, more than double our original goal of 15 million, and we’re not stopping there. We aim to reach 100 million people by 2024. Part of our efforts include our member relationships around the world. This year, we surpassed the milestone of 100 million direct relationships with consumers globally and delivered further innovations to support people through our business, with the launch of products like Experian Boost in the UK and Serasa Score Turbo in Brazil. This, of course, is on top of our ground-breaking Experian Boost launch in the United States in 2019. Our goal is to have a direct relationship with as many people as possible; to truly become the Consumers’ Credit Bureau and power financial opportunities for all. Driving Innovation with Social Purpose Our culture of innovation helps us harness opportunities to drive business growth. We are continually investing in product innovation and new sources of data to address emerging market opportunities that can make a real difference to global communities. In 2020, around 1,000 “innovators” from across Experian joined our annual Future of Information Conference, which was held virtually because of the pandemic, to encourage them to think differently in their work. Topics included fairness in artificial intelligence, transforming agribusiness and enhancing the consumer healthcare experience. Teams at our DataLabs in Brazil, Singapore, the UK and the USA tap into our culture of innovation to continually create new solutions to global challenges. The result of all this is that our Social Innovation products have now reached 61 million people since 2013. We aim to reach 100 million by 2025. As John Hope Bryant, CEO of one of our NGO partners Operation HOPE, says, “Experian’s commitment to unlocking the power of data to create opportunity means more people will be set up not just to survive, but to thrive in the months and years to come.” In this year’s Sustainable Business Report our commitments come through stronger than ever. We are raising our ambition and aiming to reach 100 million people through our social innovation products by 2025. Our goal is to reach 100 million people through our United for Financial Health campaign by 2024. We have also pledged to protect our planet by becoming carbon neutral in our own operations by 2030. We know we’ve got more work to do and we remain focused on using our business to make real and sustainable change. With social innovation running so deeply through the core of our culture, and our commitment to improving global financial health front and centre of our thinking, we will continue to push to find new solutions to help people, serve communities and protect the environment, helping to create a better future for all. All of this is very personal to me. I passionately believe we can and should drive to make a difference in society. I serve as executive sponsor of our ESG programs and this isn’t just another corporate program, it’s at the heart of what we do as a company to power financial opportunities. My personal pledge is to continue to keep you updated, as we progress our agenda to sustainable environmental and societal change. Read the full SBR report here.
At Experian, we create a better tomorrow by powering opportunities for consumers, customers, our people and communities. We use the full range of our capabilities to drive financial education and inclusion, and one of the ways we do this is through our United for Financial Health programme. I am delighted to announce the launch of this important programme in two of EMEA’s markets today. We’re excited for the positive difference our two new partnerships will make to help vulnerable consumers financially recover from the impacts of Covid-19. In Italy, incidents of domestic violence have increased considerably during the global pandemic, with the Italian National Institute of Statistics reporting a 75% increase in calls to anti-violence helplines in 2020 alone. Further statistics show women are particularly affected by unemployment due to Covid-19, reducing victims’ financial independence and their ability to escape from situations of abuse. The increase in domestic violence since the onset of the pandemic has also been highlighted globally by the UN. To help those impacted, we intend to partner with MicroLab and Microfinanza, who support women victims of domestic violence, foreign caregivers, and young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs). Our partnership aims to help these people access credit, so they have the financial means to improve their current situation, and take steps toward creating a better tomorrow. We will collaborate to deliver financial education, and we intend to develop an app that captures open (non-traditional) financial data to help them build their credit profiles. In South Africa, unemployment stands at 32.6%. A large proportion of people in the country run or work for small to medium-size enterprises (SMEs). By helping these organisations access affordable credit so they can continue to operate through the pandemic, we believe we can have a tangible impact on people’s employment. We will partner with the National Small Business Chamber, a non-profit membership organisation that supports SMEs. Together, we will educate small business owners on their financial and credit health, empowering them to improve their personal and business credit profiles to access the funding required to maintain and grow their businesses. Combined, we estimate our partnership with our NGO partners will reach 3.8 million consumers, helping deliver on our Company’s commitment to reach 100 million people by 2024. We start work on these projects today on our path to creating a better tomorrow.