The latest trends in data management, including collection, cleanliness, security, linkage and accessibility.
It costs less money to keep existing customers than to find new ones. As the economy continues to struggle, emphasis remains on customer retention...
Now, with the advent of data-driven online display advertising, multi-channel marketers can convey the same tailored offline message through any digital channel, whether online,...
The key to accessing this customer data on Facebook is the request for permission opt-in authorization process of Facebook Connect. This Facebook Connect button...
Here’s an example of how we helped a government official in a local re-election campaign: Using Experian Marketing Services data, the official ran segmented...
Marketers of the past used mass marketing to reach prospects, sending one message to everyone with no segmentation or targeting. Today, marketing practices have...
Over the past few years, data quality has become more important and many reports show that trend will continue. Organizations use to focus on...
A common way to view campaigns is a visual workflow that depicts the various stages, treatments or flights of messages in their relative order....
Retail establishments are seeking new ways to track their guests' movements from store to store. It was recently announced that two US malls –...
Address validation has been the focus of direct marketers for quite some time. But as the cost of shipping continues to increase, the quality...