The latest benchmarks and trends for executing effective, data-driven, cross-channel marketing strategies.
We have outlined three programs taken from our holiday marketing report that marketers can use this holiday...
We’re headed to Vegas next week to exhibit, speak and meet with clients and industry colleagues at the Direct Marketing Association Annual Conference. Experian...
An Experian Marketing Services study shows niche social networks significantly increased market share of all visits to social sites....
Experian Marketing Services is surveying marketers across industries to see where companies fall in terms of multi-channel marketing adoption and...
Since the iPhone 5 went on sale last Friday, a look back at the search activity shows that the iPhone 5 announcement on September...
I’m Dana. I’m excited to share my experiences with my favorite, customer obsessed brands. I don’t ask much, I just want brands to treat...
Stats show that an ever-increasing amount of campaign spend is for online advertising and social media targeting specific audiences with messages....
By being obsessed with Dana you’ll make her obsessed with you. Create a great customer experience based on everything you know about her....
Retailers can keep fulfillment costs low via successful package delivery. They can do this by ensuring accurate consumer information for high data quality....