
Urban lifestyles gain renewed favor by wealthier adults

Published: March 14, 2012 by Experian Marketing Services

We’re gearing up to share our 2012 Digital Marketer report full of valuable data, trends and benchmarks on how to reach the “New American Consumer.” Here’s a sneak peek inside:

Over the past several decades, a large percentage of America’s most wealthy households moved from the inner sanctum of the cities to the outlying suburbs. Recently, however, the tide has changed somewhat, and has given rise to a new segment: Jet Set Urbanites. These are in-town sophisticates who are an affluent mix of singles and childless couples pursuing high-rise living and fashionable lifestyles in urban neighborhoods. This segment represents a subpopulation of aging Baby Boomers looking for the perks that can be found in a city landscape.

Some key differentiating features of Jet Set Urbanites compared to the U.S. population overall include the following:

  • Jet Set Urbanites are 9.2 times more likely to have household incomes of $250,000 or more.
  • They are twice as likely to own stocks, mutual funds and money market accounts.
  • Philanthropic and progressive, they support a range of nonprofit groups and are generous with their money, especially for charities involved with health issues, the environment, the arts and public broadcasting.
  • They are 1.9 times more likely to say they will “spend whatever I have to, to make myself look younger.”
  • Their leisure interests include taking cruise ship vacations and traveling abroad.

Their leisure interests include taking cruise ship vacations and traveling abroad.

Jet Set Urbanites are active online users. They go online to bank, make travel plans and manage their investment portfolios, and they regularly telecommute to their offices. Most of their media interests have been transferred to the Internet, and that’s helped them get out from underneath the piles of newspapers and magazines that used to accumulate in their apartments; they now go online to read newspapers and magazines, read movie reviews and monitor weather reports. For entertainment, they like to download music, listen to Internet radio stations and join chat forums. Their favorite Websites include Facebook, Wikipedia and Netflix. Though they like to shop online, they’re only moderately receptive to email and display ads.For more key insights pre-order the 2012 Digital Marketer report, set to release in April, and check our blog weekly for more exciting previews of what’s to come.

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At Experian Marketing Services, we use data and insights to help brands have more meaningful interactions with people. As leaders in the evolution of the advertising landscape, Experian Marketing Services can help you identify your customers and the right potential customers, uncover the most appropriate communication channels, develop messages that resonate, and measure the effectiveness of marketing activities and campaigns.

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