Cont. Understanding Gift Card Fraud By: Angie Montoya In part one, we spoke about what an amazing deal gift cards (GCs) are, and why they are incredibly popular among consumers. Today we are going to dive deeper and see why fraudsters love gift cards and how they are taking advantage of them. We previously mentioned that it’s unlikely a fraudster is the actual person that redeems a gift card for merchandise. Although it is true that some fraudsters may occasionally enjoy a latte or new pair of shoes on us, it is much more lucrative for them to turn these forms of currency into cold hard cash. Doing this also shifts the risk onto an unsuspecting victim and off of the fraudster. For the record, it’s also incredibly easy to do. All of the innovation that was used to help streamline the customer experience has also helped to streamline the fraudster experience. The websites that are used to trade unredeemed cards for other cards or cash are the same websites used by fraudsters. Although there are some protections for the customer on the trading sites, the website host is usually left holding the bag when they have paid out for a GC that has been revoked because it was purchased with stolen credit card information. Others sites, like Craigslist and social media yard sale groups, do not offer any sort of consumer protection, so there is no recourse for the purchaser. What seems like a great deal— buying a GC at a discounted rate— could turn out to be a devalued Gift card with no balance, because the merchant caught on to the original scheme. There are ten states in the US that have passed laws surrounding the cashing out of gift cards. * These laws enable consumers to go to a physical store location and receive, in cash, the remaining balance of a gift card. Most states impose a limit of $5, but California has decided to be a little more generous and extend that limit to $10. As a consumer, it’s a great benefit to be able to receive the small remaining balance in cash, a balance that you will likely forget about and might never use, and the laws were passed with this in mind. Unfortunately, fraudsters have zeroed in on this benefit and are fully taking advantage of it. We have seen a host of merchants experiencing a problem with fraudulently obtained GCs being cashed out in California locations, specifically because they have a higher threshold. While five dollars here and ten dollars there does not seem like it is very much, it adds up when you realize that this could be someone’s full time job. Cashing out three ten dollar cards would take on average 15 minutes. Over the course of a 40-hour workweek it can turn into a six-figure salary. At this point, you might be asking yourself how fraudsters obtain these GCs in the first place. That part is also fairly easy. User credentials and account information is widely available for purchase in underground forums, due in part to the recent increase in large-scale data breaches. Once these credentials have been obtained, they can do one of several things: Put card data onto a dummy card and use it in a physical store Use credit card data to purchase on any website Use existing credentials to log in to a site and purchase with stored payment information Use existing credentials to log in to an app and trigger auto-reloading of accounts, then transfer to a GC With all of these daunting threats, what can a merchant do to protect their business? First, you want to make sure your online business is screening for both the purchase and redemption of gift cards, both electronic and physical. When you screen for the purchase of GCs, you want to look for things like the quantity of cards purchased, the velocity of orders going to a specific shipping address or email, and velocity of devices being used to place multiple orders. You also want to monitor the redemption of loyalty rewards, and any traffic that goes into these accounts. Loyalty fraud is a newer type of fraud that has exploded because these channels are not normally monitored for fraud— there is no actual financial loss, so priority has been placed elsewhere in the business. However, loyalty points can be redeemed for gift cards, or sold on the black market, and the downstream affect is that it can inconvenience your customer and harm your brand’s image. Additionally, if you offer physical GCs, you want to have a scratch off PIN on the back of the card. If a GC is offered with no PIN, fraudsters can walk into a store, take a picture of the different card numbers, and then redeem online once the cards have been activated. Fraudsters will also tumble card numbers once they have figured out the numerical sequence of the cards. Using a PIN prevents both of these problems. The use of GCs is going to continue to increase in the coming years— this is no surprise. Mobile will continue to be incorporated with these offerings, and answering security challenges will be paramount to their success. Although we are in the age of the data breach, there is no reason that the experience of purchasing or redeeming a gift card should be hampered by overly cautious fraud checks. It’s possible to strike the right balance— grow your business securely by implementing a fraud solution that is fraud minded AND customer centric. *The use of GC/eGC is used interchangeably
Gift card fraud Gift cards have risen in popularity over the last few years— National Retail Federation anticipated more than $31B in gift card sales during the 2014 holiday season alone. Gift cards are the most requested gift item, and they have been for eight years in a row. Total gift card sales for 2014 were anticipated to top $100 Billion. Gift cards are a practical gift – the purchaser can let the recipient pick exactly what they want, eliminating the worry of picking something that doesn’t fit right, that is a duplicate, or something that the recipient just might not want. They are also incredibly convenient, quick, and easy to purchase. The stigma behind gift cards is starting to fade, and it no longer seems as though they are an impersonal gifting option. Additionally, the type of gift cards available has expanded greatly in the last few years. If you are of the procrastinating nature, there are eGift Cards or eCertificates, which can be emailed in a matter of minutes to the recipient. If you are truly unsure what to purchase altogether, you can give an open-loop card, which are usually branded by Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, and can be used anywhere their logo appears. It also seems like a quick win for merchants to carry gift cards. The overhead cost to store them is extremely low because a small box of gift cards takes up very little space. When customers come in to redeem their GC, they usually spend more than the original value of the card itself, thus allowing for additional revenue capture. Something else that merchants have started doing in this big data world we live in is tying gift cards to consumer loyalty programs. Reloadable cards are now linked to a specific customer, who can also tie their credit card to the account, which is automatically charged once their account is below a pre-defined threshold. These new consumer loyalty accounts can be used to track spending history, tailor offers to the specific customer, and continue to expand on the immersive brand experience. Recently, a certain Mexican-themed fast food establishment launched their new mobile app; in the app, you could pre-order food, send and redeem eGCs, and find the nearest location. I don’t even eat at this establishment, but the innovation of their app was so enticing that I installed it the morning it came out, purchased an eGC for my husband, and pre-ordered breakfast. It was extremely easy and convenient, and I got a free taco! Now they have my soul. Okay, maybe not my soul, but they have my credit card data, purchasing preferences, device information, and location, which is almost the same thing at this point. After the experience I found myself asking why other merchants haven’t already done this or why it hasn’t taken off yet. This is a great example of how gift cards and emerging technology are being used as a marketing tool to entice consumers to build up a customer base. In the rare instance that a gift recipient does not actually find value in their gift card (the horror!) there’s a multitude of options for trading them in or redeeming for cash. Some well-known websites for trade-in are Giftcard Granny, Card Hub, and; it’s also incredibly common to find discounted GCs for sale on eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook groups. A couple familiar names that have recently entered into the mix are Wal-Mart and CoinStar. You can now exchange your physical gift card for cash at a specific CoinStar machines, and if you don’t feel like leaving your home, you can exchange your card online with Wal-Mart, and they will provide you with a Wal-Mart gift card that can be redeemed online or in stores. It’s such common practice that you can find articles on this topic on local, national, and 24-hour news websites. This tremendous revenue booster does not come free of risk, however. We know that fraudsters are clever and opportunistic. They will penetrate every weakness possible and take advantage of programs that are being used to enhance the consumer experience. But are they really stealing all these gift cards for personal gain and taking all of their friends out to their favorite local coffee shop for free drinks? Stay tuned for the second part of this blog that talks more about the fraud risks associated with gift cards and what you can do to mitigate them. Please note: *The use of GC/eGC is used interchangeably.