One of the most successful best practices for improving agency performance is the use of scorecards for assessing and rank ordering performance of agencies...
Auditing provides the organization with assurance that all financial controls are in place to ensure that trust account funds are maintained, access to financial...
Organizations approach agency management from three perspectives: (1) the need to audit vendors to ensure that they are meeting contractual, financial and legal compliance...
In my last blog, I discussed the basic concept of a maturation curve, as illustrated below: Exhibit 1 In Exhibit 1, we examine different...
–by Jeff Bernstein In the current economic environment, many lenders and issuers across the globe are struggling to manage the volume of caseloads coming...
— by Dan Buell Towards the end of 2007, the management of Bay Area Credit Service embarked on an agressive strategy to dramatically enhance...
–by Mike Sutton In today’s collections environment, the challenges of meeting an organization’s financial objectives are more difficult than ever. Case volumes are higher,...
–by Mike Sutton I recently interviewed a number of Experian clients to determine how they believe their organizations and industry peers will prioritize collections...
Put yourself in the shoes of your collections team. The year ahead is challenging. Workloads are increasing as consumer debt escalates, and collectors are...
— by Jeff Bernstein So, here I am with my first contribution to Experian Decision Analytics’ collections blog, and what I am discussing has...
Back during World War I, the concept of “triage” was first introduced to the battlefield. Faced with massive casualties and limited medical resources, a...
How is your financial institution/organization working to improve your collections work stream? What are some of your keys for collections efficiency? What tools do...
In addition to behavioral models, collections and account management groups need the ability to implement collections workflow strategies in order to effectively handle and...
Optimization is a very broad and commonly used term today and the exact interpretation is typically driven by one's industry experience and exposure to...
Currently, financial institutions focus on the existing customer base and prioritize collections to recover more cash, and do it faster. There is also a...