Part 2 in our series on Insights from the Vision 2016 fraud and identity track With the growing number of data breach incidents taking place the stolen data from those attacks is being used to carry out social engineering attacks used to commit call center fraud. A recent study stated that global call center fraud has increased more than 45% in the last three years as fraudsters use social engineering to steal data and turn profits. The same report found that criminals might make up to 5 calls to a center, pretending to be the victim, before completing a fraudulent transaction. The importance of strong call center authentication procedures is greater than ever. At the 35th annual Vision Conference, Bobbie Paul from Experian’s Global Consulting Practice, Stefan Schubert from JPMorgan Chase and I led a session about call center authentication. After introductions and a discussion about existing call center identity authentication techniques, Stefan took the podium and provided an excellent overview of how his company approaches call center authentication. He made an interesting point — despite introducing friction into his process, he was not of the opinion that knowledge-based authentication (KBA) was going away any time soon because of how deeply it is embedded into their processes and its applicability to most consumers. He also called out the importance of reviewing KBA configurations regularly to adjust which questions are being asked and the positive implication to deterring fraudsters. Bobbie followed Stefan to discuss emerging call center authentication technologies, including a new take on an old tool — document imaging. She also discussed the notion of phone printing, which does not specifically evaluate the voice on the phone, but looks at the characteristics of the call itself, including the type of phone being used and the environment from which the call is being made. One of the highlights of the session was the interaction with the audience — including a demonstration of how, with a little distraction, it was easy to walk away with an audience member’s phone, how a fraudster could access and compromise a phone and how a gummy bear could be used to defeat fingerprint biometrics. What I, and many others, took away from this is that even with newer fraud detection tools available, incorporating tried-and-true methods like KBA is still an important step into a holistic fraud detection strategy.
Customer Experience during the holiday shopping season During the holidays, consumers transact at a much greater rate than any other time of the year. Many risk-management departments respond by loosening the reins on their decision engines to improve the customer experience — and to ensure that this spike does not trigger a response that would impede a holiday shopper’s desire to grab one more stocking stuffer or a gift for a last-minute guest. As a result, it also is the busy season for fraudsters, and they use this act of goodwill toward your customers to improve their criminal enterprise. Ultimately, you are tasked with providing a great customer experience to your real customers while eliminating any synthetic ones. Recent data breaches resulted in large quantities of personally identifiable information that thieves can use to create synthetic identities being published on the Dark Web. As this data is related to real consumers, it can be difficult for your identity-authentication solution to determine that these identities have been compromised or fabricated, enabling fraudsters to open accounts with your organization. Experian’s Identity Element Network™ can help you determine when synthetic identities are at work within your business. It evaluates nearly 300 data-element combinations to determine if certain elements appear in cyberspace frequently or are being used in combination with data not consistent with your customer’s identity. This proven resource helps you manage fraud across the Customer Life Cycle and hinder the damage that identity thieves cause. Identity Element Network examines a vast attribute repository that grows by more than 2 million transactions each day, revealing up-to-date fraud threats associated with inconsistent or high-risk use of personal identity elements. Our goal is to provide the comfort of knowing that you are transacting with your real customers. Don’t get left in the cold this holiday season — fraudsters are looking for opportunities to take advantage of you and your customers. Contact your Experian account executive to learn how Identity Element Network can help make sure you are not letting fraudsters exploit the customer experience intended for your real customers. Learn more about the delicate balance between customer and criminal by viewing our fraud e-book.