Hispanics are not only the fastest growing minority in the United States, but according to the Hispanic Wealth Project’s (HWP) 2017 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report, they would prefer to own a home rather than rent. Hispanic Millennials—who are entering their home-buying years—are particularly eager for homeownership. This group is educated, are entrepreneurs and business owners that over index on mobile use, and 9 of 10 say wanting to own a home is part of their Hispanic DNA. For them, it’s not a matter of if but when and how they will become homeowners. An optimistic outlook is also a trait of Hispanic Millennials, who generally are more positive about the future than the average Millennial. They are also confident in their ability to handle different types of tasks that are part of their day-to-day lives. And at 35 percent, the share of bilingual Hispanic Millennials with a household income of $100,000 or more is consistent with U.S. Millennials as a whole Homeownership challenges Yet, despite their optimism and goal of homeownership, Hispanic homeownership at 46.2 percent lags when compared to the overall U.S. home ownership rate of 63.9 percent in 2017. There are signs the gap could narrow; Hispanics are the only demographic to have increased their rate of homeownership for the past three years. Moreover, the report shows Hispanics are responsible for 46.5 percent of net U.S. homeownership gains since 2000. Still, the 2017 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report notes that a shortage of affordable housing, prolonged natural disasters in states with a significant Hispanic presence (California, Florida, Texas), and uncertainty over immigration policy could hinder Hispanic homeownership growth. An opportunity to reach Hispanics It seems most Hispanic Millennials will strive for homeownership at some point in their life, as they believe owning a home is best for their family’s future. With no convincing needed, there is a tremendous opportunity for mortgage providers to look deeper into the reasons behind Hispanic Millennials’ optimism to determine how to insert themselves into that dynamic. Research highlights the importance of creating interest in financial advice and making this a potential means of gaining trust. Hispanic Millennials who gain a better understanding of the benefits—not only for them but for generations to come—and costs of owning a home may translate their confidence into action.
At Experian, innovation is at the heart of our culture. We strive for continuous improvement, from finding new ways to better use data to identifying ways to make access to credit faster and simpler for millions of people around the world. So we are especially proud that one of our latest innovations—Text for Credit—was recognized by FinTech Breakthrough, an organization that highlights the top companies, technologies and products in the global FinTech market. The Innovation Award for Consumer Lending comes in a year of significant innovation milestones for Experian. In addition to introducing Text for Credit, we’ve partnered with Finicity, and also created a more open and adaptive technology environment by implementing API capabilities across the Experian network. We recently introduced Text for Credit, the first credit solution that enables consumers to apply for credit with a simple text message. Using mobile identification through our Smart Lookup process, consumers can be recognized by their device credentials, bypassing the need to fill out a lengthy credit application. Our Text for Credit product enables consumers to apply for real-time access to credit while standing in line to make their purchases, or before entering an auto dealership. This recognition as an innovator is a testament to our employees’ focus on putting the consumer and our customers at the center of what we do, and powering innovative opportunities to secure better, more productive futures for people and organizations. What’s next We are also exploring other opportunities to make the consumer experience more convenient. As we’re becoming a keyboard-less society, we’re looking at the next frontier: voice technology. The progression to voice-activated services has started already using voice commands through Amazon Alexa and Google Home-enabled devices. And while voice technology is still in its infancy, it’s not a tremendous leap to envision being able to use voice commands to access lines of credit in a store, like Text for Credit now. Experian DataLabs is exploring many possibilities for voice-activated credit, using several different devices—more than just via phone. As technology innovators, our greatest challenge is determining which potential solutions to pursue. It comes down to a simple equation: the magnitude of impact a new application may have, plus its probability of success. So far, we’ve found plenty of options that satisfy both criteria—and our curiosity, too. With technology, machine learning and ever-smarter applications of big data, we can deliver intriguing and convenient experiences to shoppers in ways we never imagined a decade ago. Predicting the future has never been this much fun.
Alternative credit data sources make it possible for lenders to gain a more holistic view of existing and potential client bases, enabling them to better determine the risk of lending to someone with little or no credit history. These sources also can provide lenders with a competitive edge by preparing them to be better equipped to mitigate losses, expand their scope of potential applicants, give them another look at the creditworthiness of previously-denied applicants, and enable them to properly adjust credit terms and pricing to better speak to compatible consumers. “Experian is a big supporter of the widespread reporting of alternative data—including, rental payments, utility payments and cellular telephone payments to name a few,” said Alex Lintner, president of Experian’s Consumer Information Services. Here are four FCRA-compliant alternative credit data sources to consider when evaluating consumers for credit: Alternative Financial Services: Alternative financial credit information, including payday and short-term installment loans and inquiries, on the majority of the United States’ subprime population. Rental Data: RentBureau includes detailed, positive and negative rental payment history information on more than 18 million consumers in the United States. Extended View Score: A risk model designed to evaluate the creditworthiness of thin-file and no-file consumers who have little to no traditional credit history. Account Aggregation: Permissioned by the consumer, a real-time data collection of his/her financial accounts (bank, credit card, investment and business) in a single location to digitally verify income and assets. Tapping into these resources can give deeper and richer results—improving overall data analytics and, subsequently, possibilities for future lending.
Millions of Americans placed a credit freeze or restricted access to their credit file in recent months to keep identity thieves at bay. Credit freezes keep any new creditors from seeing a consumer’s credit file, which makes it nearly impossible for hackers to open new accounts fraudulently. But a credit freeze can also be problematic for consumers when they are finally ready to consider new credit products and loans. We’ve heard from credit unions and other lenders about sharing best practices to help streamline the process for consumers who want to permanently or temporarily lift the freeze to apply for a legitimate line of credit. Following are the three ways to help clients with a frozen Experian report quickly and efficiently allow access. Unfreeze account: This will remove the freeze entirely from the consumer’s credit report so that it may be accessed with the consumer’s permission. To do this, the consumer will need to contact Experian online, by phone or mail and provide his unique personal identification number (PIN) code—provided when the consumer froze his account—to un-freeze the report. Thaw account: An action that will temporarily remove the freeze for a timeframe determined by the consumer. The consumer should contact Experian online, by phone, or mail and provide his unique PIN code to thaw the report. Grant a creditor one-time access: A consumer may provide a different/temporary PIN to a lender to access the report just once. The PIN can be emailed to the consumer, presented on screen if the consumer is online, or provided on the phone or by mail. Typically, a consumer’s request to thaw or un-freeze his credit file online or by phone will thaw or un-freeze the file within minutes. Download Checklist Experian can be reached: Online: www.experian.com/freeze Phone: 888-397-3742 Mail: P.O. Box 9554, Allen, Texas 75013 Remember, if a consumer has a frozen credit file with all three credit reporting agencies, he will need to contact each agency to enable access to his report.
Consumers are hungry for more personalized marketing, and I’m an actual example. As a new stepmom to two young kids, who has a full-time job, I rarely have any down time. No revelation there. I no longer have time to surf the web to buy clothes. And shepherding everyone to an actual store to shop? #forgetaboutit I’m not alone. Of the 57 percent of women in the U.S. workforce, 70 percent have a child under the age of 18. We don’t always have the time to shop for clothes, financial products, and nearly anything else, but it doesn’t mean we don’t need or want to. I would give the right bank or retailer my data in exchange for personalized marketing offers in my inbox, social feeds and mailbox. And many others would, too. Sixty-three percent of Millennial consumers and 58 percent of Gen Xers are willing to share data with companies in exchange for personalized offers, discounts and rewards. This indicates consumers are craving more customized marketing. Providing their personal data to get that is acceptable to them. In the financial services space, Mintel research shows that just 61 percent of male consumers, 49 percent of consumers aged 18-44, and 44 percent of Hispanic Millennials have a general-purpose credit card, either with or without rewards (Mintel’s Marketing Financial Services Report for June 2017). This indicates a significant market opportunity for cards that offer segmented or boosted rewards based on specific sectors and categories. Here are some other interesting trends specific to financial services: Relying on Experts Although chatbots and robo-advisors allow easy access to many financial services, 81 percent of consumers prefer in-person meetings when it comes to personalized financial advice. According to Mintel, men aged 18-44 are most interested in a free consultation with a financial advisor, and 19 percent of consumers are open to a free consultation. This interest surpasses attending free classes about finance and receiving email and mobile alerts from a financial institution. Quick, Efficient Delivery While consumers are calling for increased personalization, they also want it delivered quickly and efficiently. These expectations create unique challenges for financial institutions of all sizes. Some banks have embraced “card finder” apps, which allow consumers the convenience of inputting personal information to generate customized offers. There is a huge opportunity for financial institutions to leverage available consumer data to understand their target audience, and then deliver relevant products via multiple channels where they are consuming media now. Those who do will be positioned to provide personalized financial recommendations that were impossible just a few years ago.
The nation’s economic recovery is continuing in a positive upward trend with consumer credit scores coming exceptionally close to pre-recession numbers—the healthiest in a decade. Experian’s 8th annual State of Credit report reveals the nation’s average credit score is up two points year-over-year to 675, and is just four points shy of the 2007 average of 679. “The trend line we are seeing is quite promising,” said Michele Raneri, Experian vice president of analytics and new business development. “With employment and consumer confidence on the rise, the data is indicating that we have made great progress as a country since the recession. The economy is expected to expand at a healthy pace this year and we believe that credit will continue to rebound. All of the factors point towards a good year for credit in 2018.” The study also revealed that year-over-year: Personal loan and auto loan originations increased 11 percent and 6 percent, respectively. The average number of retail cards remains at 2.5 per consumer, while the average retail debt increased $73 to $1,841 per consumer. The average number of bankcards increased slightly from 3.03 to 3.06, with the average card balance also increasing by $166 to $6,354. Instances of late payments (includes bankcard and retail) remained about the same at under 1 percent. And importantly, consumers have a positive outlook with consumer confidence up 25 percent. Top of the credit charts As part of the annual study, Experian analyzed consumer credit habits in U.S. cities. As in previous years, Minnesota continues to stand out with three of its cities — Minneapolis, Rochester and Mankato—leading the way with credit scores of 709, 708 and 708, respectively. Wausau, Wis. (706), Green Bay, Wis. (705) round out the top five. Again, Greenwood, Miss., and Albany, Ga., ranked the lowest with scores of 624 and 626. While still at the bottom of the list, Greenwood and Abany residents did improve their scores by two points. Riverside, Calif.,—fifth on the list—improved its score by four points—the greatest increase of any city in the bottom 10. Generational divide Taking the research further, Experian analyzed consumer credit information by generation, and found: Generation Z (born 1996 and later) is building credit through different methods than the generations before them, with heavier student loan debts and fewer credit cards and department store cards. And they are keeping debts low and managing them well. Generation Y/Millennials (born 1977-1995) have seen their scores climb four points over the past year. They’ve also decreased their overall average debt by nearly eight percent, but have added six percent in mortgage debt. Generation X (born 1965-1976) has a credit score of 658, the highest mortgage debt of all generations, and a high instance of late payments compared to the national average. Their scores have improved, so they are managing their debts better than in the past,. Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964) continue to carry quite a bit of mortgage debt, and have the lowest late payment instances of all the generations. The Silent Generation (born 1945 and before) has quite a bit of mortgage debt, but are keeping other debts low and making payments on time. At 729, they have the best credit score of all generations and the fewest late payments of any generation. To review findings from Experian’s 2017 State of Credit report, join WiseBread’s chat Jan. 18. To register, go to www.wisebread.com and follow #wbchat. To chat with Experian live, and learn more about credit, join #CreditChat hosted by @Experian_US on Twitter every Wednesday at Noon PT/3 p.m. ET.
Alternative Data Shedding New Light on Consumers Why Investors Want Alternative Data Banks and Tech Firms Battle Over Something Akin to Gold: Your Data Alternative data for credit has created national headlines in the past year and a lasting buzz in the financial services world. But what exactly qualifies as alternative data in credit? How can it benefit lenders? Consumers? Ask two people these questions and you may get very different answers. Experian defines alternative data as FCRA-compliant data points that are not typically considered when evaluating a potential customer’s creditworthiness. These data points may include rent payments; utility payments, including gas, electric; telecommunications payments, such as mobile telephones; insurance payments; and any other recurring financial obligations. Taking these alternative data points into account can benefit consumers and lenders in multiple ways. Consider that roughly 45 million Americans have either no credit history, or a credit history that is too scarce or outdated to manufacture a credit score. This group of consumers includes not only minority consumers or those from low income neighborhoods, but also the shared economy workforce and millennials without traditional credit histories. Some estimate 121 million U.S. adults are credit-challenged with thin-to-no credit file and subprime credit scores below 600. “People with little or no credit history, or who lack a credit score, have fewer opportunities to borrow money to build a future, and any credit that is available usually costs more,” said Richard Cordray, while he was director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Indeed, these consumers are in a catch-22; many lenders will not lend to consumers with credit scores of under 620. In turn, these consumers have trouble building credit, and they are blocked from achieving goals like buying a car, owning a home or starting a business. By combining credit reports with alternative data, a more complete picture of subprime, near-prime and thin-file consumers can develop. And analysis of this data can help lenders evaluate a consumer’s ability to pay. When alternative data like rent payments and an individual’s short term lending history are trended appropriately, it can be an accurate predictor of an individual’s financial behavior, and can be an important step toward promoting greater financial inclusion for more consumers. In addition to using alternative data in underwriting, lenders can leverage the data to help with: Expanding the prospecting universe. Data can be used to enrich batch prospecting decisioning criteria to identify better qualified prospects, suppress high-risk consumers, and offer a more complete borrowing history Account review. Alternative data can help signal a consumer’s financial distress earlier, better manage credit lines and grow relationships with existing consumers. Collections. Identify consumers who are rebuilding credit with specialty finance trades, or who are exhibiting high-risk behaviors in the alternative financial services space. More info on Alternative Credit Data More Info on Alternative Financial Services
The credit card marketplace is a crowded and complex landscape. Recent research by Experian shows the average U.S. consumer has 3.1 credit cards and 2.5 retail cards, with an average balance of $6,354 and $1,841, respectively. So how can you build upon your existing customer relationships and offer the right products to the right people at the right time? By understanding consumer behavior. Pretty simple concept. But targeting viable consumers and making enticing offers takes some detective work. Gone are the days of demographic-based approach to audience segmentation for credit marketing campaigns. Consumers are now engaged on their smartphones, laptops, tablets, fitness bands, across countless apps, browsers, emails and more. Simply knowing a person’s gender and age doesn’t provide any information about how he spends the day, his consumer behaviors, personal interests, unique wants or needs. Developing rich consumer personas based on transaction credit data can be a powerful tool to understanding consumers so lenders can design more relevant and personalized credit offers, experiences and products to a very targeted audience. Experian DataLabs can help by analyzing transaction data to understand the consumers in your portfolio. For example, looking at your portfolio of 40-year-olds in the U.S. provides basic demographic information. A closer look at transaction data could reveal unique details within the age group to help you group and target, such as: Frequent travelers: These road warriors log serious miles. If they’re not traveling for work, they’re cashing in miles for vacation. This unique group leads your portfolio in airfare, cruise line, car rental, hotel and travel agency spend. With so much time spent away from home, this group is rarely found in grocery stores. Local business owners: Advertising, computer equipment, and software are typical expenses of this segmented group. There may be an opportunity to capture spend outside their business activity or to ensure they have the right card to fit their business needs. Constant commuters: These consumers use their card for local travel and transportation. And they are less likely to use their card for expenses related to other types of travel or maintaining a vehicle. After a long day, they like to grab a drink while waiting for the train. Online Shoppers: Consumers in this group use their card with various online merchants, including Amazon, Etsy, iTunes, and PayPal. Online shoppers are also above average spenders in elementary education, child care services, and family clothing. Social hipsters: They can be found meeting with friends for coffee and drinks, and are more likely to rely on local transportation and tend to eat out instead of cooking in. Effective audience segmentation ensures that your marketing dollars are invested in real people who are most likely to respond on certain media, have already expressed an interest in your product, and are geographically accessible to a specific retail location. Every campaign should be as dynamic and unique as its consumers. The powerful combination of consumer and transaction data allows you to customize audience segments to maximize customer engagement and drive campaign success.
Direct mail is dead. It’s so 90s. Digital is the way to reach consumers. Marketers have heard this time and again, and many have shifted their campaign focus to the digital space. But as our lives become more and more consumed by digital media, consumers are giving less time and attention to the digital messages they receive. The average lifespan of an email is now just two seconds and brand recall directly after seeing a digital ad is just 44%, compared to direct mail which has a brand recall of 75%. Further research shows direct mail marketing is one of the most effective tools for customer acquisition and loan growth. The current Data & Marketing Association (DMA) response rate report reveals the direct mail response rates for 2016 were at the highest levels since 2003. Additionally, while mailing volume has trended down since October 2016, response rates have trended up, and reached 0.68% in March 2017, up from 0.56% in October 2016. Using data and insights to tailor a direct mail campaign can yield big results. Here are some attention-grabbing tips: Identify Your Target Market: Before developing your offer and messaging strategy, begin with the customer profile you are trying to attract. Propensity models and estimated interest rates are great tools for identifying consumers who are more likely to respond to an offer. Adding them as an additional filter to a credit-qualified population can help increase response rates. Verify your Mailing List: Experian’s address verification software validates the accuracy and completeness of a physical address, flags inaccuracies, and corrects errors before they can negatively impact your campaign. Personalize the Offer: Consumers are more likely to open offers that are personalized, and appeal to their life stage, organizational affiliations or interests. Experian’s Mosiac profile report is a simple, inexpensive way to gather data-based insight into the lifestyle and demographics of your audience. Time the Offer: Timing your campaign with peak market demand is key. For example, personal loan demand is highest in the first quarter after the holidays, while student loans demand peaks in the Spring. Direct mail can help overcome digital fatigue that many consumers are experiencing, and when done right, it’s the printed piece that helps marketers boost response rates.
National Hispanic Heritage Month is observed each year from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. With one in six U.S. residents being Hispanic, all communities are impacted by the contributions of Hispanics—and now is a great time for financial institutions to reflect upon their largest growth opportunity. What is the best way to reach Hispanic consumers? What are the nuances of the Hispanic market? What are some of the myths FIs have about the Hispanic community? Miriam De Dios Woodward, CEO of Coopera, a Hispanic market strategy firm that helps credit unions reach and serve the Hispanic consumer segment, recently chatted with Experian about serving the Hispanic market. Here she shares her thoughts: Are there special considerations or insights credit unions should know when serving the Hispanic market? It’s very important to understand the Hispanic market is nuanced. There are 22 Spanish-speaking Latin American countries from which prospective Hispanic credit union members may hail. Add to that the fact, many U.S.-born Hispanics think, speak and behave differently than their parents and grandparents. Layer over this the existence of segments like small business owners or Millennials and you can begin to see the complexities involved with targeting and serving a multi-faceted Hispanic market. A smart Hispanic membership growth strategy will be based on segmentation, so credit unions should be willing to invest upfront in good market research. You have to understand what your local Hispanic community really looks like before you can mobilize your teams and leadership around serving them well. Are there particular consumer trends you have seen in the Hispanic community that impact the financial services space? The increasing digitization of financial services is a trend that definitely impacts Hispanic consumers. That’s because Hispanics typically over-index in studies that look at consumer use of connected devices, online banking and social media. A good Hispanic membership growth strategy will take mobile and digital products and services into account and will be tailored to the specific needs of local Hispanic communities. People often assume the Hispanic market is largely centered in states like California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico. Are you finding that credit unions outside of these southwestern states are discovering they too need to build out a strategy in partnering with this consumer base? Absolutely. Hispanic population growth is happening far beyond so-called “gateway states” like those you mention above. In fact, states such as North Dakota, Kentucky, Louisiana, Delaware and Maryland actually saw the largest Hispanic population growth between 2007 and 2014. Midwestern states, too, are discovering just as many opportunities for engagement with their own growing numbers of Hispanic residents. Iowa and Wisconsin, for instance, each experienced explosive growth rates and now count Hispanics among one of the largest, fastest-growing and youngest groups in their cities. With a comprehensive and strategic approach to Hispanic membership growth, credit unions in unexpected places can become the preferred financial institution for this important segment. That’s because a great number of Hispanics in the U.S. are not tethered to an existing financial relationship. For more on this, check out our recent white paper Hispanic Member Growth Not Just for \'Gateway States\' Anymore. What are the biggest myths financial services companies have about the Hispanic community? While there continue to be many misconceptions about the multifaceted Hispanic community, the following three continue to prevail most heavily. Myth: Hispanic consumers are only interested in transaction-based products. Check cashing and remittances are necessary services for many first generation Hispanic segments. At the same time, many of these consumers are interested in long-term relationships. Our own research indicates product penetration increases at a faster rate among Hispanic members as compared to non-Hispanic members when credit unions execute a strategic plan. Myth: The majority of Hispanics are undocumented. This misperception has been somewhat renewed this year with all the political back and forth on the subject of immigration. That’s why it’s so important for credit unions to educate – from the inside out – stakeholders on the facts. Many people do not know, for instance, that of the country\'s more than 52 million Hispanics, most are native-born Americans, and nearly three in four are U.S. citizens. Myth: The law prevents us from serving immigrants. There are many forms of acceptable government issued identification, such as passports and consular cards that are in full compliance with the Patriot Act and Customer Identification Program rules. In addition, financial institutions can compliantly lend to individuals who have Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers. In fact, the NCUA wants credit unions to serve Hispanic members, including Hispanic immigrants. For more on this, check out the recording of the NCUA hosted panel, “Unique Challenges and Opportunities Serving Hispanic Credit Union Members.” For a credit union seeking to build a relationship with this community, what are your recommendations? Are there particular products or touchpoints they should focus on? Solidifying the right organizational mentality first is an important best practice. Building buy-in, doing the market research, developing a comprehensive strategy based on segmentation and defining what success truly looks like – these are all a part of laying the foundation for success with the Hispanic market. Credit unions should also be smart about talking to and partnering with local organizations that already know – and are trusted by – Hispanic residents. Conducting focus groups with the leaders of these groups and the people they serve can give credit unions a wealth of information about the makeup of their local Hispanic community and the value they might bring to the community.
We use our laptops and mobile phones every day to communicate with our friends, family, and co-workers. But how do software programs communicate with each other? APIs--Application Programming Interfaces--are the hidden backbone of our modern world, allowing software programs to communicate with one another. Behind the scenes of every app and website we use, is a mesh of systems “talking” to each other through a series of APIs. Today, the API economy is quickly changing how the world interacts. Everything from photo sharing, to online shopping, to hailing a cab is happening through APIs. Because of APIs, technical innovation is happening at a faster pace than ever. We caught up with Edgar Uaje, senior product manager at Experian, to find out more about APIs in the financial services space. What exactly are APIs and why are they so important? And how do they apply to B2B? APIs are the building blocks of many of our applications that exist today. They are an intermediary that allows application programs to communicate, interact, and share data with various operating systems or other control programs. In B2B, APIs allow our clients to consume our data, products, and services in a standard format. They can utilize the APIs for internal systems to feed their risk models or external applications for their customers. As Experian has new data and services available, our clients can quickly access the data and services. Are APIs secure? APIs are secure as long as the right security measures are put in place. There are many security measures that can be utilized such as authentication, authorization, channel encryption and payload encryption. Experian takes security seriously and ensures that the right security measures are put in place to protect our data. For example, one of the recent APIs that was built this year utilizes OAuth, channel encryption, and payload encryption. The central role of APIs is promoting innovation and rapid but stable evolution, but they seem to only have taken hold selectively in much of the business world. Is the world of financial services truly ready for APIs? APIs have been around for a long time, but they are getting much more traction recently. Financial tech and online market place lending companies are leading the charge of consuming data, products, and services through APIs because they are nimble and fast. With standard API interfaces, these companies can move as fast as their development teams can. The world of financial services is evolving, and the time is now for them to embrace APIs in day-to-day business. How can APIs benefit a bank or credit union, for example? APIs can benefit a bank or credit union by allowing them to consume Experian data, products, and services in a standard format. The value to them is faster speed to market for applications (internal/external), ease of integration, and control over the user’s experience. APIs allow a bank or credit union to quickly develop new and innovative applications quickly, with the support of their development teams. Can you tell us more about the API Developer Portal? Experian will publish the documentation of our available APIs on our Developer Portal over time as they become available. Our clients will have a one-stop shop to view available APIs, review API documentation, obtain credentials, and test APIs. This is simplifying data access by utilizing REST API, making it easier for our clients.
Financial health means more than just having a great credit score or money in a savings account. Although those things are good indicators of financial well-being, personal finance experts believe that financial health means more: being able to manage daily finances, save for the future and weather a financial shock, such as a job loss. As we approach #FinHealthMatters Day on June 27—a day created to bring attention to the 46 percent of Americans who are struggling financially—let’s take a look at financial health trends of Americans. Young adults not actively saving for retirement: Roughly 31% of non-retired adults have no retirement savings or a pension, according to a survey by the Federal Reserve. Nearly half of 18- to 29-year-olds surveyed had no retirement savings or pension, and about 75% of non-retired people 45 and older had some savings. Still, about 14% of adults 60 or older who are not retired and employed had no retirement savings, according to the report. Managing daily finances a challenge for many: Living paycheck to paycheck is a reality for about 1 in 10 Americans (11%), who say they spend more on monthly expenses than their household income allows, according to a Harris Poll. Of those surveyed, about one-third (32%) say they just make ends meet. Most lack an emergency fund: About 50% of people are unprepared for a financial emergency. Nearly 1 in 5 (19%) Americans have no savings set aside to cover unexpected emergencies, while about 1 in 3 (31%) Americans don’t have $500 reserved for an unexpected emergency expense, according to a survey released by HomeServe USA, a home repair service. Renewed focus on personal savings: On a positive note, Americans are sharpening their focus on personal savings, with slight increases among those who say they are saving more than last year (26% in 2017 vs. 24% in 2016). And the portion of those contributing income toward non-retirement savings has returned to its 2013 level of 69%. The good news is it’s never too late for people to achieve financial health. To do so, they need guidance to develop financial routines that build long-term resilience and opportunity. Promoting financial health is good for the financial services industry, as financially healthy consumers drive new opportunities for increased engagement, loyalty, and long-term revenue streams. We invite you to join the conversation and contribute your support and ideas for a healthier future.
Call it big data, smart data or evidence-based decision-making. It’s not just the latest fad, it’s the future of how business will be guided and grow. Here are a few telling stats that show data is exploding and a new age is upon us: Data is growing faster than ever before, and we’re on track to create about 1.7 megabytes of new information per person every second by 2020. The social universe—which includes every digitally connected person—doubles in size every two years. By 2020, it will reach 44 zettabytes or 44 trillion gigabytes, according to CIO. In 2015, more than 1 billion people used Facebook and sent an average of 31.25 million messages and viewed 2.77 million videos each minute. More than 100 terabytes of data is uploaded daily to the social channel. By 2020, more than 6.1 billion smartphone users will exist globally. And there will be more than 50 billion smart connected devices in the world, all capable of collecting, analyzing and sharing a wealth of data. More than one-third of all data will pass through or exist in the cloud by 2020. The IDC estimates that by 2020, business transactions on the internet—business-to-business and business-to-consumer—will reach 450 billion per day. All of this new data means we’ll be looking at a whole new set of possibilities and a new level of complexity in the years ahead. The data itself is of great value, however, lenders need the right automated decisioning platform to store, collect, quickly process and analyze the volumes of consumer data to gain accurate consumer stories. While lenders don’t necessarily need to factor in decisioning on social media uploads and video views, there is an expectation for immediacy to know if a consumer is approved, denied or conditioned. Online lenders have figured out how to quickly capture and understand big data, and are expected to account for $122 billion in lending by 2020. This places more pressure on banks and credit unions to enhance their technology to cut down on loan approval times and move away from various manual touch points. Critics of automated decisioning solutions used in lending cite compliance issues, complacency by lenders and lack of human involvement. But a robust platform enables lenders to improve and supplement their current decisioning processes because it is: Agile: Experian hosts our client’s solutions and decisioning strategies, so we are able to make and deploy changes quickly as the needs of the market and business change, and deliver real-time instant decisions while a consumer is at the point of sale. A hosted environment also means reduced implementation timelines, as no software or hardware installation is required, allowing lenders to recognize value faster. A data work horse: Internal and external data can be pulled from multiple sources into a lender’s decisioning model. Lenders may also access an unlimited number of scores and attributes—including real-time access to credit bureau data—and integrate third-party data sources into the decisioning engine. Powerful: A robust decision engine is capable of calculating numerous predictive attributes and custom scoring models, and can also test new strategies against current decision models or perform “what if” simulations on historical data. Data collection, storage and analysis are here to stay. As will be the businesses which are savvy enough to use a solution that can find opportunities and learnings in all of that complex data, quickly curate the best possible actions to take for positive outcomes, and allow lenders and marketers to execute on those recommendations with the click of a button. To learn more about Experian’s decisioning solutions, you can additionally explore our PowerCurve and Attribute Toolbox solutions.
The 1990s brought us a wealth of innovative technology, including the Blackberry, Windows 98, and Nintendo. As much as we loved those inventions, we moved on to enjoy better technology when it became available, and now have smartphones, Windows 10 and Xbox. Similarly, technological and modeling advances have been made in the credit scoring arena, with new software that brings significant benefits to lenders who use them. Later this year, FICO will retire its Score V1, making it mandatory for those lenders still using the old software to find another solution. Now is the time for lenders to take a look at their software and myriad reasons to move to a modern credit score solution. Portfolio Growth As many as 70 million Americans either have no credit score or a thin credit file. One-third of Millennials have never bothered to apply for a credit card, and the percentage of Americans under 35 with credit card debt is at its lowest level in more than 25 years, according to the Federal Reserve. A recent study found that Millennials use cash and debit cards much more than older Americans. Over time, Millennials without credit histories could struggle to get credit. Are there other data sets that provide a window into whether a thin file consumer is creditworthy or not? Modern credit scoring models are now being used in the marketplace without negatively impacting credit quality. For example, VantageScore 3.0 allows for the scoring of 30 million to 35 million more people consumers who are typically unscoreable by other traditional generic credit models. VantageScore 3.0 does this by using a broader, deeper set of credit file data and more advanced modeling techniques. This allows the VantageScore model to more accurately predict unique consumer behaviors—is the consumer paying his utility bill on time?—and better evaluate thin file consumers. Mitigate Risk In today’s ever-changing regulatory landscape, lenders can stay ahead of the curve by relying on innovative credit score models like VantageScore. These models incorporate the best of both worlds by leaning on innovative scoring analytics that are more inclusive, while providing marketplace lenders with assurances the decisioning is both statistically sound and compliant with fair lending laws. Newer solutions also offer enhanced documentation to ease the burden associated with model risk management and regulatory compliance responsibilities. Updated scores Consumer credit scores can vary depending on the type of scoring model a lender uses. If it\'s an old, outdated version, a consumer might be scored lower. If it\'s a newer, more advanced model, the consumer has a better shot at being scored more fairly. Moving to a more advanced scoring model can help broaden the base of potential borrowers. By sticking to old models—and older scores—a sizable number of consumers are left at a disadvantage in the form of a higher interest rate, lower loan amount or even a declined application. Introducing advanced scoring models can provide a more accurate picture of a consumer. As an example, for many of the newest consumer risk models, like FICO Score 9, a consumer’s unpaid medical collection agency accounts will be assessed differently from unpaid non-medical collection agency accounts. This isn\'t true for most pre-2012 consumer risk score versions. Each version contains different nuances for increasing your score, and it’s important to understand what they are. Upgrading your credit score to the latest VantageScore credit score or FICO solution is easier than you think, with a switch to a modern solution taking no longer than eight weeks and your current business processes still in place. Are you ready to reap the rewards of modern credit scoring?
Weekend getaways, beach vacations and summer camp are all part of the beauty of summer. But they can come with a hefty price tag, and many consumers delay payment by placing summer fun costs on a credit card. In a recent study by Experian and Edelman Berland, travelers rely heavily on credit for vacation purchases and unexpected costs, and many charge more than half of their vacation this summer. A whopping 86 percent spent money on a summer vacation in 2016—an average of $2,275 per person with $1,308 of that amount on credit card spending. And 35 percent of those surveyed had not saved in advance. Even consumers who budgeted for vacation typically accrue unexpected costs. Sixty-one percent of those who set a budget ended up spending more than they planned. Accumulated debt doesn’t bode well for consumers. In the first quarter of 2016, consumers had an average of $3,910 in credit card debt, according to Experian data. That\'s $44 less than in the fourth quarter of 2015, but up $142 year over year. Overspending on vacation puts consumers in a more hazardous position to rack up debt during the holiday season and carry even higher balances into 2017 and beyond. Many consumers who are overspending consolidate summer debt, and proactive lenders can take advantage of that activity by making timely offers to consumers in need. At the same time, reactive lenders may feel the pain as balances transfer out of their portfolio. By identifying consumers who are likely to engage in card-to-card balance transfers, lenders can prepare for these consumer bankcard trends. Insights can then be used to acquire new customers and balances through prescreen campaigns, while protecting existing balances before they can transfer out of an existing loan portfolio. Lenders can also use tools to estimate a consumer’s spend on all general purpose credit and charge cards over the past year, and then target high-spending consumers with customized offers. With Memorial Day and the end-of-the-school-year fast approaching, card balances are likely already on the rise. Now is the time for lenders to prepare.