Pay your bills on time, have cash set aside for emergencies, and invest your money for the future. These are the rules financial pros say people should follow if they want to build wealth. Straightforward advice, but for many people these milestones can seem out of reach. A recent financial literacy study by Mintel shows that many Americans are struggling with money management and lack confidence in their financial knowledge, with just 19 percent of respondents giving themselves an “A” grade on financial knowledge. The survey and other reports released recently shed light on how well Americans are handling their money. Here are some of the prevailing trends: Young people are struggling. The Mintel study revealed less than 30 percent of Americans have an emergency savings account that equals 3-6 months of household income. Of that total number, 19 percent of iGeneration has saved for a rainy day, followed by Millennials (20 percent), Gen Xers (28 percent), Baby Boomers (37 percent) and World War II/Swing Generation (40 percent). Not surprisingly, people who make more money save a bigger percentage of their pay. People in the bottom 90 percent of the income scale save close to none of their pay each year, while those in the top 10 percent save close to 15 percent. Most are not planning for the future. The majority of people are not doing everything they can to prepare for retirement, including meeting with a financial adviser to devise a plan, researching Social Security or even talking to friends or family about planning. Even more, 21 percent of Americans are “not at all confident” they will be able to reach their financial goals. Parents plan more than non-parents. People with children have many demands on their money, and as a result think ahead and follow budgets, contribute to retirement accounts and hire a financial adviser to help them create plans and budgets. Consumers who don’t have children don’t have as many competing demands, but aren’t as sensible about following a financial plan. In Mintel’s study, just 10 percent of non-parents have a written financial plan and 26 percent contribute regularly to a retirement account. Most people have a budget. Nearly one in three Americans prepare a detailed written or computerized household budget each month that tracks their income and expenses, but a large majority do not. Those with at least some college education, conservatives, Republicans, independents, and those making $75,000 a year or more are slightly more likely to prepare a detailed household budget than are their counterparts, according to Gallup. The good news is, the majority of Americans are open to more financial education. April—which is Financial Literacy Month—is a great time to look at education efforts for your customers. Financial literacy won’t change overnight, nor in a year. Yet initiatives taken in schools, workplaces, and in communities add up. What are you doing for your customers to build financial literacy?
Experian recently acquired a minority stake in Finicity, a leading financial data aggregator enabling innovation in the FinTech industry through its modern RESTful API and Finicity Aggregation Platform. Steve Smith—chairman, CEO and co-founder of Finicity—has a passion and experience in developing innovative and disruptive technology, products and services that leads to efficiency for markets and, ultimately, improvements for consumers. Here he shares his thoughts about disruptive technology in the lending space and its benefits to lenders and consumers. Q: Finicity has said its objective is to take a loan application approval from weeks to minutes using its technology. That sounds pretty great, but how is that possible? How does this play out behind the scenes? A: Well, we’re living in a world where we, as consumers, expect very user-friendly experiences and we expect things to happen at digital speeds. The loan process is no exception. To deliver the experience consumers are expecting requires us to leverage the technology trends of digitization, mobility and big data. Finicity plays a foundational role by leveraging thousands of digital connections across financial institutions to aggregate consumer-permissioned account data. Once we have this data, we’re able to deliver real-time insights into an individual\'s financial health. This financial health assessment includes income and assets, two critical components to the loan approval process. All that’s required is the borrower to permission use of the data. Once that’s done, we’re able to gather all appropriate data across multiple accounts, rapidly analyze it and send a verification report to the lender. No papers. No multiple requests. No questions on the validity of the data. All done in minutes, not weeks. Q: This is very disruptive technology. What are the benefits for lenders? Consumers? A: Well, as we discussed, one of the major benefits is the speed to a loan. Furthermore, this reduces cost for the lender by maximizing loan officer’s time, while also freeing up loan capital as they can move through loans more quickly with a higher quality assessment. Another benefit for lenders is reduced fraud. Our information on income and assets is coming from real-time bank validated information. This eliminates the possibility of altered data. For consumers, it’s a dramatically simplified process. No need to chase down multiple documents. There are virtually no second requests for information, which we often see in the process. And they’re always in control of their information. All in all, it’s a dramatically better experience for both the lender and the borrower. Q: What sets this solution apart from others in the market? A: A few things set Finicity apart in delivering the quality of insights required. First, we are an industry leader in the number of financial institutions we connect with, ensuring broader access for more customers. Second, 95 percent of our integrations provide access to formatted data, something that’s critical to credit decisioning solutions. In these cases, we’re not screen scraping. This enhances our ability to collect bank validated transactions; we provide the financial institution transaction ID. This provides assurance of data quality. Finally, is our ability to categorize and analyze the transactions. This allows us to identify income streams and assets. Through this process, we’re also able to flag unusual transactions, like large deposits, that may skew actual assets. Q: The future of financial technology is still evolving. What lies ahead? A: We’re very excited about the future of financial technology and the impact that aggregation will have. Whether it’s financial management, digital payments or credit decisioning, real-time data will improve the experiences and the outcomes. As we’re talking about lending, this is one of the spaces that could see significant disruption. Our ability to generate a richer view of an individual’s or organization’s financial health will more accurately determine their ability to repay a loan. This will be a great benefit for those that have thin file or no credit history. We see a world where suitability for a loan will be driven by their actual financial life independent of their use of credit. One of the largest markets in the US is millennials. However, for consumers under 30, two-thirds have subprime or non-prime credit scores and one-third of millennials don\'t have any credit history. This is just one group underserved because legacy models don’t leverage the full extent of data available. Q: Is there anything else you can tell us about Finicity and its role changing customer experiences across financial service? A: For us, it all comes down to one thing: enabling individuals and organizations to have the information and insights they need to make smarter financial decisions. The data is there. We’re helping to unlock the potential of that data by working with innovative partners like Experian. To learn more about Experian and Finicity\'s account aggregation solutions, visit
Good job, check. Shared interests, check. Chemistry, check. He seems like a perfect 10. Both of you enjoy your first date and while getting ready for the second, you dare to imagine that turning into another and another, and possibly happily ever after. Then one decidedly unromantic question comes to mind: What is his credit score? Reviewing a potential partner’s credit score and report is important to many singles who are looking for lasting love. According to, 42 percent of Millennials said that knowing someone’s credit score would affect their desire to date them, slightly more than 40 percent of Gen Xers and 41 percent of Baby Boomers. They may be on to something. Research shows that knowing someone’s credit history and sense of financial responsibility could save people time – and potential heartache. A UCLA study about money and love shows a very strong link between high credit scores and long-lasting relationships. People with drastically different credit scores may experience more financial stress down the road, placing a burden on a relationship. An Experian report reveals 60 percent of people believe it’s important for their future spouse to have a good credit score, and 25 percent of people from the UCLA study were willing to leave a partner with poor credit before marriage so they aren’t held back. While that three-digit number doesn\'t tell a person’s whole financial story, it can reveal financial habits that could impact your life. Banks are wary of making loans to borrowers with tarnished scores, typically 660 and below. A low score could quash dreams of buying a home, and result in steep interest rates, up to 29 percent, for credit cards, car financing and other unsecured loans. A mid-range credit score can also hurt an application for an apartment and drive up the cost of mobile phone plans and auto insurance. Eight states have passed laws limiting employers’ ability to use credit checks when assessing job candidates, yet 13 percent of employers surveyed by the Society of Human Resource Management performed credit checks on all job applicants. Talking spending styles and revealing credit scores sooner rather than later in a relationship isn’t necessarily comfortable. But it may help you decide whether you have compatible financial outlooks and practices.
The holidays are behind us, the presents are unwrapped, resolutions have been made and may already be broken. For many, it’s the most depressing time of the year as the reality of holiday spending settles in. According to the American Consumer Credit Council the average American spends $935 on gifts each holiday season. A recent report by Mintel showed the average consumer held $16,000 in debt at the end of 2015. Now is the time to reach out to consumers who may be suffering from a financial hangover; an Experian study revealed consumers typically look to personal loans for help with credit card debt in the second quarter of each year. What’s the best way to reach these consumers? Direct mail is still one of the most successful paths. Here are four keys to securing new personal loan customers via direct mail marketing: Focus on education: Some of the most successful direct mail campaigns for personal loans in 2015 focused on educating consumers about personal loans first, and then showing options for debt consolidation. Consumers are weary of trusting new lenders, according to Mintel, with 50% viewing them as riskier than banks and credit unions. Marketplace and online lenders should take the extra step of introducing their brand and showing their product as a safe option. Highlight the use of the loan: Consumers generally have a negative attitude toward debt, with 72% feeling uncomfortable holding any type of debt. Stressing that personal loans are a responsible tool for consolidating debt is critical. Some effective campaigns listed the top three reasons to choose a personal loan, while others used customer testimonials to show how a personal loan was used and how they benefited. Provide a competitive comparison: Another way to highlight the benefits of personal loans is by comparing the fixed rates and payments of a personal loan to credit cards. Many consumers consolidate credit card debt to one card immediately after the holidays, according to the Experian study. Simply showing the long-term benefit of a personal loan versus credit card is often enough to trigger action. Personalize the offer: Lenders are delivering more personal, relevant offers that are tailored to the interests of each recipient through the use of the latest personalization technology. For example, highlight the recipient’s specific qualifying loan amount or the qualifying loan rate for which they are eligible. Unsecured loans have experienced growing popularity in the last several years, and originations are poised for a seasonal peak in the coming months. Are you ready?
Regardless of personal political affiliation or opinion, the presidential election is over, and the focus has shifted from debate to the impact the new administration will have on the regulatory landscape for banks. While many questions remain regarding the policy direction of a Trump administration, one thing is near certain: change is on the horizon. While on the campaign trail, Trump took aim at banking regulation: “Dodd-Frank has made it impossible for bankers to function. It makes it very hard for bankers to loan money…for people with businesses to create jobs. And that has to stop.” And in his first post-election interview, Trump outlined named financial industry deregulation to allow “banks to lend again” as a priority. Before Election Day, Experian surveyed members of the financial community about their thoughts on regulatory affairs. An overwhelming majority—85 percent—believed the election outcome would impact the current environment. Most surveyed are also feeling the weight of financial regulations established by the Obama administration in the wake of the severe financial crisis of 2008. Five out of six respondents feel current regulations have placed an undue burden on financial institutions. Three-quarters believe the regulations reduce the availability of credit. And less than half believe the regulations are positive for consumers. According to our survey, complying with Dodd-Frank and other regulations has a financial impact for most, with 76 percent realizing a significant increase in spend since 2008. Personnel and technology spend top the list, with an increase of 78 percent and 76 percent, respectively. Top regulations that require the most resources to ensure compliance: the Dodd-Frank Act (70 percent), Fair Lending Act (55), Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (47) and Fair Credit Reporting Act (42). Specifically, the Dodd Frank and TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure were the two most frequently mentioned regulations requiring additional investment, followed by the Military Lending Act and Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering. What lies ahead? It’s difficult to determine how the Trump administration will tackle banking regulations and policy, but change is in the air.
In order to compete for consumers and to enable lender growth, creating operational efficiencies such as automated decisioning is a must. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, automated decisioning unfairly earned a reputation for being difficult to implement, expensive and time consuming. But don’t let that discourage you from experiencing its benefits. Let’s take a look at the most popular myths about auto decisioning. Myth #1: Our system isn’t coded. If your system is already calling out for Experian credit reporting data, a very simple change in the inquiry logic will allow your system to access Decisioning as a ServiceSM. Myth #2: We don’t have enough IT resources. Decisioning is typically hosted and embedded within an existing software that most credit unions currently use – thus eliminating or minimizing the need for IT. A good system will allow configuration changes at any time by a business administrator and should not require assistance from a host of IT staff, so the demand on IT resources should decrease. Decisioning as a Service solutions are designed to be user friendly to shorten the learning curve and implementation time. Myth #3: It’s too expensive. Sure, there are highly customized products out there that come with hefty price tags, but there are also automated solutions available that suit your budget. Configuring a product to meet your needs and leaving off any extra bells and whistles that aren’t useful to your organization will help you stick to your allotted budget. Myth #4: Low ROI. Oh contraire…Clients can realize significant return-on-investment with automated decisioning by booking more accounts … 10 percent increase or more in booked accounts is typical. Even more, clients typically realize a 10 percent reduction in bad debt and manual review costs, respectively. Simply estimating the value of each of these things can help populate an ROI for the solution. Myth #5: The timeline to implement is too long. It’s true, automation can involve a lot of functions and tasks – especially if you take it on yourself. By calling out to a hosted environment, Experian’s Decisioning as a Service can take as few as six weeks to implement since it simply augments a current system and does not replace a large piece of software. Myth #6: Manual decisions give a better member experience. Actually, manual decisions are made by people with their own points of view, who have good days and bad days and let recent experiences affect new decisions. Automated decisioning returns a consistent response, every time. Regulators love this! Myth #7: We don’t use Experian data. Experian’s Decisioning as a Service is data agnostic and has the ability to call out to many third-party data sources and configure them to be used in decisioning. --- These myth busters make a great case for implementing automated decisioning in your loan origination system instead of a reason to avoid it. Learn more about Decisioning as a Service and how it can be leveraged to either augment or overhaul your current decisioning platforms.
For members of the U.S. military, relocating often, returning home following a lengthy deployment and living with uncertainty isn’t easy. It can take an emotional and financial toll, and many are unprepared for their economic reality after they separate from the military. As we honor those who have served our country this Veterans Day, we are highlighting some of the special financial benefits and safeguards available to help veterans. Housing Help One of the best benefits offered to service members is the Veteran’s Administration (VA) home-loan program. Loan rates are competitive, and the VA guarantees up to 25 percent of the payment on the loan, making it one of the only ways available to buy a home with no down payment and no private mortgage insurance. Debt Relief Having a VA loan qualifies military members for a Military Debt Consolidation Loan (MDCL) that can help with overcoming financial difficulties. The MDCL is similar to a debt consolidation loan: take out one loan to pay off all unsecured debts, such as credit cards, medical bills and payday loans, and make a single payment to one lender. The advantage of a MDCL? Paying a lower interest rate and closing costs than civilians and far less interest than paying the same bills with credit cards. These refinancing loans can be spread out over 10, 15 and sometimes 30 years. Education Benefits The GI Bill is arguably the best benefit for veterans and members of the armed forces. It helps service members pay for higher education for themselves and their dependents, and is one of the top reasons people enlist. Eligible service members receive up to 36 months of education benefits, based on the type of training, length of service, college fund availability and whether he or she contributed to a buy-up program while on active duty. Benefits last up to 10 years, but the time limit may be extended. Saving & Investing Money According to the Department of Defense’s annual Demographics Report, 87 percent of military families contribute to a retirement account. Service members who participated in the Thrift Savings Plan, however, are often unaware of their options after they separate from service, and many don’t realize the advantages of rolling their plans into an IRA or retirement plan of a new employer. Safeguarding Identity Everyone is a potential identity theft target, but military personnel and veterans are particularly vulnerable. Routinely reviewing a credit report is one way to detect a breach. The Attorney General\'s Office provides general information about what steps to take to recover from identify theft or fraud. Today is a great time to consider ways to support your veteran and active military consumers. They are deserving of our support and recognition not just today but continuously. Learn more about services for veterans and active military to understand the varying protections, and how financial institutions can best support military credit consumers and their families.
$1.3 trillion. 41.1 million Americans. $31,590. These are the growing numbers associated with student loan debt in the United States: $1.3 trillion in outstanding student loans, spread across 41.1 million people, who are leaving college with an average balance of $31,590. The numbers are staggering, and for the first time student loan debt is playing a prominent role in a presidential election. For all of their differences, presidential nominees Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump seem to agree on one thing: student loan debt is a crushing burden. Both candidates have proposed solutions for student lending. Clinton’s “New College Compact” would allow borrowers to refinance their student loans at current rates available to students taking out new loans. She also wants to reduce interest rates on new student loans, and make it easier for borrowers to enroll in income-driven repayment programs that would cap monthly payments at 10 percent of discretionary income. Trump proposes giving more oversight to colleges to decide whether to grant loans to students based on their prospective major. The plan would also give private banks oversight over government-backed student loans—reversing a 2010 decision under President Obama to make the federal government the lender. Neither candidate, however, has outlined a solution for taming growing tuition costs. Tuition expenses are up 1,225 percent over the past 36 years, outpacing medical costs (634 percent rise) and the consumer price index (279 percent) over the same period, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. So it’s not surprising an Experian study shows the student loan rate has grown five percent in the past three years. What is surprising is the number of people and the average age of those people holding student loans. Experian found: 20 percent of people with a credit file hold a student loan that is being repaid or deferred. The average age of a consumer with a student loan is 37, with an average income of $47,200 compared to 53.8 and an average income is $44,500 for consumers without a student loan. The average age of a consumer with at least one deferred student loan is 32.7 with an average income of $32,900 compared to 38.7 and an average income of $53,200 for consumers with at least one non-deferred student loan. Candidate proposals aside, one thing is certain: student loan debt has a very real impact on the daily lives of people, many of whom have delayed buying homes, starting families, and saving for retirement. Until policymakers find a way to address bloated tuitions and student debt, it will take many longer to realize their dreams.
Since 1948, International Credit Union Day – a time to recognize the credit union movement – has been celebrated the third Thursday of October. The day is the perfect time to remind your members and consumers about all of the services and benefits your credit union offers. This year’s theme, “The Authentic Difference,” celebrates what makes credit unions stand out. Here are 10 reasons CUs deserve a spotlight: Credit unions are non-profit cooperatives, owned and operated by its members. That means they emphasize consumer value to more than 217 million members worldwide. Profits go back to members in the form of reduced fees, higher savings rates and lower loan rates. Personal relationships are key. Credit unions pride themselves on developing relationships with their members, and CUs are typically staffed by friendly reps who know customers by name. Checking accounts are free. Roughly 80 percent of credit unions offer free checking accounts, compared to less than 50 percent of banks, according to economic research firm Moebs Services. Few ATM fees. Many credit union customers are able to avoid ATM fees because CUs typically give them access to a large network of ATMs by sharing branches and other resources. Savings rates are above average. Because credit unions don\'t have to pay dividends to shareholders and are exempt from federal taxes they can offer high rates on saving accounts. The average credit union offers CD, money market, and savings rates well above the national banking rates average. Lower interest rates. Credit unions offer lower interest rates on some loans. The difference between banks and credit unions was greatest in car-loan interest rates, according to a September report by SNL Financial. The average 36-month used-car loan interest rate offered by CUs was 2.67 percent compared to 4.45 percent for banks. For new-car loans, CUs offered an average interest rate for 48 months of 2.60 percent compared to 3.94 percent for banks. Invested in the community. A credit union’s core values are focused on its members and the communities where they live and work. Many provide financial education and outreach to consumers. It’s easier to get credit. CUs don’t have to abide by loan restrictions and qualifications mandated by a corporate office, so they have more flexibility to make loans when possible. Small-business support: CUs may know borrowers and are able to take into account intangibles like community reputation and accountability. Also, they understand the value to the community of a small business, its market and credit needs. Joining is easy. Many credit unions base eligibility simply on where you live, instead of restricting membership to a particular employer. Since expanding eligibility, credit union membership has grown by about two percent a year for the past decade.
When financial planners and tax advisors meet with clients to review their portfolios, chances are they don\'t go over their credit reports often. Maybe they never do. Kiplinger’s estimates less than half of professional financial advisors take the time to review credit reports with clients. But taking this step is critical to understanding a person’s complete financial situation and creating a realistic plan. Prepare for Future Opportunities Clients may have all the credit they need at the moment, but if their credit score is mediocre or low, they might end up paying for it in the future. Just when they want to refinance a loan, buy more insurance, apply for a dream job or buy a business, they may discover their credit score is an obstacle. Check for Errors Credit bureaus collect billions of data points from millions of businesses each year, and it’s important to check a credit report for accuracy. If there are errors in a client’s file, he or she may be unfairly penalized. Keep in mind that nearly every company checks credit reports to determine who to do business with. Potential employers, business partners and insurance companies give credit files a look before deciding whether or not to make an offer to a person. Awareness Mistakes aren\'t the only factor leading to a low credit score. Too many hard inquiries, a maxed-out credit card or a number of small loans that could be paid off all cost credit points. Reviewing a credit report is a great way to help clients see the real impact their habits have on their financial life, and they could realize a significant rise in their credit score with little effort. Stand Out in the Crowd Even if a person has an exceptional credit report, a financial or tax advisor will gain credibility by reviewing their information with them. Doing so demonstrates out-of-the-box thinking and concern for a person’s financial health. Let\'s see a robo-advisor do this. Financial professionals can easily and securely review their clients’ credit reports online. Ready to understand your client’s complete financial situation? Try out our online solution at no cost to you. Interested in integrating with your existing financial or tax planning software? Learn more about integration options with Experian’s API.
In this new Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) era, calling your customers isn’t a thing of the past. It’s still okay to reach out to your clients by phone, whether to offer a new product or collect on an overdue bill. But strict compliance with TCPA rules is critical for any business that contacts customers by phone. Some of the very best ways you can protect yourself from TCPA exposure is to follow four steps when creating your dialing strategy: Customer consent: It’s important to maintain and update your customers’ contact preferences and consent to call them. Simply having a phone number on an application isn’t sufficient. Companies are required to have written permission, such as “I consent to calling my cell phone when there’s a problem …” Remember, permission may only be granted by the party who subscribes to the cellular service or who regularly uses that cell phone number. Landline or wireless?: Your database should also include the phone type for the telephone numbers you have for your customers. The dialing rules differ depending on the phone type, so it’s critical to know the type of phone you are calling or texting. Verify ownership: Ownership of cell phones should especially be validated to ensure the number hasn’t been reassigned and that the person who gave consent still owns the phone. One call can be made to a reassigned number with no liability, assuming you have no knowledge the number has changed. Repeating the action could lead to fines from $500 to $1,500 per infraction. Scrub Your Database: Have practices in place to remove any confirmed reassigned phone numbers from your database. This will help to improve your right-party contact rate and save you from potential TCPA headaches. No one disagrees that calling cell numbers is a risky business, but it can be done if you set the proper workflow in motion. Click here to learn more about Experian solutions that will help to reduce your TCPA compliance risk.
Ten years after homeowners took advantage of a thriving real-estate market to borrow against their homes, many are falling behind on payments, potentially leaving banks with millions of dollars in losses tied to housing. Most banks likely have homeowners with home-equity lines of credit (HELOCs) nearing end-of-draw within their portfolio, as more than $236 billion remain outstanding on loans originated between 2004 and 2007. The reality is many consumers are unprepared to repay their HELOCs. In 2014, borrowers who signed up for HELOCs in 2004 were 30 or more days late on $1.8 billion worth of outstanding balances just four months after principal payments began, reported RealtyTrac. That accounts for 4.3 percent of the balance on outstanding 2004 HELOCs. In practice, this is what an average consumer faces at end-of-draw: A borrower has $100,000 in HELOC debt. During the draw period, he makes just interest-only payments. If the interest rate is 6 percent, then the monthly payment is $500. Fast forward 10 years to the pay-down period. The borrower still has the $100,000 debt and five years to repay the loan. If the interest rate is 6 percent, then the monthly payment for principal and interest is $1,933 – nearly four times the draw payment. For many borrowers, such a massive additional monthly payment is unmanageable, leaving many with the belief that they are unable to repay the loan. The Experian study also revealed consumer behaviors in the HELOC end-of-draw universe: People delinquent on their HELOC are also more likely to be delinquent on other types of debt. If consumers are 90 days past due on their HELOC at end of draw, there is a 112 percent, 48.5 percent and 24 percent increase in delinquency on their mortgage, auto loan and credit cards, respectively People with HELOCs at end-of-draw are more likely to both close and open other HELOCs in the next 12 months That same group is also more likely to open or close a mortgage in the next 12 months. Now is the time to assess borrowers’ ability to repay their HELOC, and to give them solutions for repayment to minimize their payment stress. Identify borrowers with HELOCs nearing end of term and the loan terms to determine their potential payment stress Find opportunities to keep borrowers with the best credit quality. This could mean working with borrowers to extend the loan terms or providing payment flexibility Consider the opportunities. Consumers who have the ability to pay may also seek another HELOC as their loan comes to an end or they may shop for other credit products, such as a personal loan.
Time heals countless things, including credit scores. Many of the seven million people who saw their VantageScores drop to sub-prime levels after suffering a foreclosure or short sale during the Great Recession have recovered and are back in the housing market. These Boomerang Buyers — people who foreclosed or short sold between 2007 and 2014 and have opened a new mortgage — will be an important segment of the real estate market in the coming years. According to Experian data, through June 2016 roughly 800,000 people had boomeranged, with Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Sacramento housing the most buyers. Some analysts believe more than three million Americans will become eligible for a home over the next three years. Are potential Boomerang Buyers a great opportunity to boost market share or a high risk for a portfolio? Early trends are positive. The majority of Boomerang Buyers who opened mortgages between 2011 and June 2016 are current on their debts. An Experian study revealed more than 29 percent of those who short sold have boomeranged, and just 1.5 percent are delinquent on their mortgage —falling below the national average of 2.8 percent. This group is also ahead of or even with the national average for delinquency on auto loans (1.2 percent vs. the national average of 2.2 percent), bankcards (3 percent vs. 4.3 percent) and retail (even at 2.7 percent). For those Boomerang Buyers who had foreclosed, the numbers are also strong. More than 12 percent have boomeranged, with just 3 percent delinquent on their mortgage. They also match or are below national average delinquency rates on auto loans (1.9 percent) and bankcards (4.1 percent), and have a slightly higher delinquency rate for retail (3.5 percent). Due to their positive credit behaviors, Boomerang Buyers also have higher VantageScores than before. On average, the overall non-boomerang group’s credit score sunk during a foreclosure but went up 10 percent higher than before the foreclosure, and Boomerang Buyers rose by nearly 14 percent. For people who previously had a prime credit score, their number dropped by nearly 5 percent, while those who boomeranged returned to the score they had prior to the foreclosure. By comparison, the overall non-boomerang and boomerang group saw their credit score drop during a short sale and increase more than 11 percent from before the short sale. For people who previously had prime credit, they dropped 2 percent while those who boomeranged were almost flat to where they were before the short sale. Another part of the equation is the stabilized housing market and relatively low loan-to-value (LTV) limits that lenders have maintained. In the past, borrowers most often strategically defaulted on their mortgages when their LTV ratios were well over 100 percent. So as long as lenders maintain relatively low LTV limits and the housing market remains strong, strategic default is unlikely to re-emerge as a risk.