The latest trends in data management, including collection, cleanliness, security, linkage and accessibility.
As more data becomes available, it can be harder to distill the important info. Improve your storytelling with better data visualization!...
Dive into Thanksgiving weekend’s email subject lines and how “percent off” deals affected email open rates...
Brian Hovis of Citi talks Financial Services marketing challenges – all require data, organizational shifts and strong technology to s...
Understand how contextual marketing creates mutual benefit for the brand and the customer within your...
The CDO is changing the way organizations manage and utilize data. Understand why they are the leaders in data strategy....
Perseverance, authenticity and listening to customers revealed themselves as core themes of the 2015 Client Summit main...
This Data for Good byline emphasizes the importance of focusing data-driven marketing on the consumer rather than the...
Data may not be the most glamorous aspect of marketing but it is at the heart creating meaningful consumer interactions in today’s data-driven w......
To prioritize a single customer view, start by reviewing your current strategy. Use this worksheet to build a business case and share it with...