5 Ways to Lower Health Care Costs in Retirement

Quick Answer

Health care can be a major expense for retirees. Here are some steps you can take to lower your health care costs in retirement:

  1. Understand your Medicare coverage
  2. Reduce prescription drug costs
  3. Prioritize your health
  4. Keep up with medical screenings
  5. Tweak your budget
<p> The way you invest will likely change as you age. You may be comfortable exposing yourself to more risk when you’re younger and have more time to ride out bouts of <a href=market volatility. When you’re heading into your golden years, you might prefer a more conservative asset allocation. Your risk tolerance and financial goals will likely guide your investing strategy as well.

A recent survey from the Employee Benefit Research Institute asked current retirees what financial advice they’d give their younger selves. About 70% answered with saving or investing more—and earlier. Here’s how to invest based on your current age.

Best Ways to Invest in Your 20s

Retirement probably isn’t top of mind for most 20-somethings, but getting an early start allows you to save more over the long haul. If you invested $300 per month beginning at age 25, you’d have over $792,000 by the time you turned 65, assuming a 7% average annualized return. By comparison, starting at age 40 would return about 30% less—cutting you off from roughly $547,598.

In terms of your investments, you might want to set your sights on growth assets. These are stocks that are expected to gain value in the future. With this investment strategy, you’re betting that a stock’s strong past performance indicates that it will continue increasing in value. Growth investing is considered risky, but younger investors have time on their side. They can afford to assume more investment risk because they have more time to recover from market downturns.

The Big Picture

Instead of contributing a set dollar amount, another guideline is to earmark 15% of your income for retirement when you’re in your 20s. Building your financial foundation is important too. That includes:

Best Ways to Invest in Your 30s

While your 20s are all about learning the financial ropes, your 30s may be a time where you’re more focused on career growth and increasing your income. Continuing to invest is just as important. According to 401(k) plan administrator Vanguard, the average 401(k) balance for 25- to 34-year-olds was $37,211 in 2021. If you’re late to the game, don’t stress. The best time to begin is always today.

Your asset allocation, which refers to the actual investments in your portfolio, will likely mirror the recommended approach for 20-somethings— higher on risk and growth assets. T. Rowe Price suggests an allocation of 90% to 100% stocks, with bonds making up the remainder. If you choose to dabble in these investments, diversifying your portfolio can help insulate you from potential losses.

The Big Picture

By age 30, having the equivalent of your current annual salary saved is ideal. Aiming to invest 15% of your income is a common benchmark, but start where you are. You could always begin with, say, 10% and ratchet up your savings rate annually.

Eliminating debt can help you get there. Paying off accounts frees up money you were previously putting toward monthly payments. Continuing to strengthen your emergency fund is just as important. Experts recommended having three to six months’ worth of expenses on hand.

Best Ways to Invest in Your 40s

Turning 40 marks a transition when it comes to investing and retirement saving. If you’re hoping to retire in your 60s, that means you’re only two decades away from leaving the workforce. Investing 20% of your income is the rule of thumb in your 40s and beyond. The big goal is to have three times your annual salary saved by age 40.

Your asset allocation may begin pulling away from high-risk investments in favor of safer securities. This can include bonds, certificates of deposit (CDs) and money market accounts. PNC Financial Services suggests an asset allocation of 60% to 70% stocks and 30% to 40% bonds.

The Big Picture

If you’re able, maxing out your retirement accounts can help supercharge your nest egg. In 2023, you can contribute up to $22,500 to a 401(k) and $6,500 across all individual retirement accounts (IRAs).

Contributing to a health savings account (HSA) is another way to prepare for the future. The money you put in is tax-deductible, which reduces your taxable income today. Withdrawals aren’t taxed either, as long as the money is used to cover qualified medical expenses. Once you turn 65, you can use HSA funds for anything you want. In this way, it can help supplement retirement income. Just bear in mind that the IRS considers non-qualified distributions taxable income.

Best Ways to Invest in Your 50s

You’re getting closer to the home stretch now. According to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, the average retirement age in 2021 was about 65 for men and 62 for women. The goal at age 50 is to have six times your annual salary saved.

Your investment strategy will likely skew more conservative with each passing decade. That’s because your window to rebound from market volatility is getting narrower. In your 50s and 60s, PNC Financial Services suggests an asset allocation of 50% to 60% stocks and 40% to 50% bonds.

The Big Picture

Now is a good time to check in on your retirement goals. Some questions to ask yourself may include:

  • What do you want life to look like when you’re no longer working?
  • Roughly how much money do you think you’ll need per year to live comfortably?
  • What will your health care expenses be like when you leave the workforce?

If your current savings rate doesn’t support your retirement goals, you might consider working with a financial advisor. They can evaluate your income, assets, debts and goals, then help you come up with an investing strategy. That might include making catch-up retirement contributions. (Folks who are 50 and older are allowed to contribute more to tax-advantaged retirement accounts.)

Best Ways to Invest in Your 60s

According to one T. Rowe Price analysis, you should ideally have 11 times your ending salary saved by the time you retire. As you enter your 60s, take your financial temperature. Catch-up retirement contributions can continue to be useful if you’re behind. You might also consider downsizing your lifestyle a bit in order to save more for retirement. That could mean selling your home and opting for a smaller house.

When it comes to your asset allocation, risk probably isn’t your friend at this stage of life. A conservative allocation may feel more comfortable. That might be 50% stocks, 50% bonds. A financial professional can prove useful here.

The Big Picture

As you move closer to retiring, you may want to think about your retirement income sources. This can include:

Certain accounts are taxed differently than others. Distributions from 401(k)s and traditional IRAs, for example, count as taxable income. Withdrawals from Roth accounts are tax-free. You’ll want to be strategic and pull funds in the most tax-efficient way possible. Otherwise, you could encounter unexpected tax bills that deplete your nest egg.

Best Ways to Invest in Your 70s and Beyond

There’s a common misconception that retiring means that you stop investing. With the cost of consumer goods being what they are, it’s important to stay invested during retirement. Inflation chips away at your purchasing power, which means your nest egg could be worth less 10 years from now than it’s worth today. Continuing to invest in your 70s and beyond can help shield you from the effects of inflation.

Assuming lots of risk in your investment portfolio probably isn’t wise. T. Rowe Price suggests holding up to 20% cash, 40% to 60% bonds and 30% to 50% stocks. Of course, the right allocation for you will depend on your goals, risk tolerance and financial situation.

The Big Picture

If you have money in tax-advantaged retirement accounts, such as a 401(k) or traditional IRA, you must begin taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) at age 72. Remember that these are taxable withdrawals. The amount you take could push you into a higher tax bracket. One potential workaround is to take your RMD amount from these accounts, then draw the rest of your income from non-taxable sources—like Roth accounts, Social Security and annuities. It’s a balancing act. A financial advisor can help.

Rebalancing your portfolio throughout retirement is important too. If left unchecked, your investments could drift into riskier territory. Rebalancing involves resetting your portfolio back to your desired asset allocation.

The Bottom Line

The way you invest in your 20s will probably be very different from how you invest in your 50s (and beyond). What we’re getting at is that your investment strategy will likely change as you age—and that’s a good thing. It allows you to recalibrate and adjust your approach based on your goals and time horizon.

Experian provides free financial resources before and during retirement. That includes the ability to check your credit score and credit report, anytime you want. Keeping up with your credit health is important no matter how old you are.

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Health care is usually a major expense in retirement. The average retired couple who's 65 in 2022 could need roughly $315,000 in after-tax dollars to cover it, according to research from Fidelity Investments. If you're heading into retirement, you're probably looking for ways to cut costs.

The good news is there are many ways to stretch your dollars in retirement. Understanding your Medicare coverage, bringing down prescription drug costs and taking care of your health are simple things that can go a long way when you're on a fixed income. Here are some steps you can take to lower your health care costs in retirement.

1. Understand Your Medicare Coverage

A common misconception is that Medicare will cover all your health care needs in retirement. The truth is that it's a bit more complicated. Medicare is a federal health insurance option for folks 65 and older, but it doesn't cover everything. Knowing what is and isn't covered can help you plan accordingly.

  • Medicare Part A (hospital insurance): Covers inpatient stays and care received at a skilled nursing facility, hospice and some home care. You won't pay a premium for Part A if you or your spouse paid Medicare taxes for a certain amount of time during your working years. If you aren't eligible for free coverage, monthly premiums are up to $506 in 2023. Those who paid partial Medicare taxes while working can get a reduced rate.
  • Medicare Part B (medical insurance): Covers preventive services, medical supplies, certain outpatient care and some doctors' services. You can opt for Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage (Part C). Everyone pays a premium for Part B coverage. The monthly cost is $164.90 in 2023. Those with a higher modified adjusted gross income may have an extra charge added to their premium.
    • Original Medicare covers most health care services and supplies, but there are some limitations. Dental, vision and hearing are excluded. Once you meet your deductible, you kick in your share of costs as you incur them. You can also purchase Medigap coverage to reduce your patient responsibility. You can go to any health care provider that accepts Medicare.
    • Medicare Advantage combines Parts A and B into one plan and includes vision, hearing and dental. You can enroll through Medicare-approved companies that offer coverage. Premiums vary depending on your plan. The same is true for plan details. Some may offer additional coverage for specific conditions; others may require a referral to see a specialist.
  • Medicare Part D (prescription drug insurance): Covers prescriptions and many recommended vaccines. Part D coverage is included in some Medicare Advantage plans. Otherwise, you can add drug coverage through a separate drug plan. Your premium, covered drugs and costs vary from plan to plan.

2. Look for Ways to Save on Prescriptions

U.S. consumers ages 65 and older spend an average of $7,554 on prescription drugs each year, according to a survey conducted by MedicareGuide.com. Finding ways to save can help bring down your total spend. That might include:

Opting for Generic Brands

Generic drugs are just as safe and effective as name-brand medication—and it isn't uncommon for prices to be over 75% cheaper, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Buying Medications in Bulk

For medications taken regularly, consider buying in bulk rather than filling your prescription monthly. It could work out to be cheaper. Every Medicare Part D plan is different, but check with your provider to see if this may be an option for you. They may allow for mail order programs or two- to three-month supplies of covered prescription drugs. A 2020 analysis by Honeybee Health, an online pharmacy, found that switching to a 90-day supply of the cholesterol medication Lipitor reduced the annual cost by 15%.

Shopping Around for a Better Medicare Part D Plan

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services projects that the average basic monthly premium for standard Medicare Part D coverage in 2023 will be about $31.50. You may also pay an additional fee if your income is above a certain limit. Shopping around for a Part D plan that best serves your needs might help you save money. Narrow your search to plans that cover your regular medications and are compatible with your budget.

Bringing a Copy of Your Approved Drug Plan to Your Doctor's Visits

When planning your care, your health care provider can see what medications are covered by your plan and what the costs are if you bring a copy of what's covered. This can help you compare prices and ultimately save money.

3. Make Your Health a Top Priority

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Being proactive about your health is a simple way to potentially avoid future health problems. You can do your best to keep healthy by:

  • Staying active: Aim for at least two and a half hours of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, according to the National Institute on Aging.
  • Connecting to your community: This might be doing volunteer work or spending time with friends. The idea is to stay social and connected to the world around you.
  • Adopting healthy eating habits: Aim to eat a nutrient-rich diet, stay hydrated and avoid processed foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables, low-sodium foods and foods fortified with vitamin B12 are recommended by the National Institute on Aging.
  • Tend to your brain health: Keeping your mind active and engaged can help you stay alert as you age. Reading, playing games, learning new things and spending time with friends all promote healthy aging.

4. Keep Up With Medical Screenings

On top of living a healthy lifestyle, staying on top of regular health screenings can also reduce your health care expenses in retirement. Discovering a potential medical concern sooner rather than later allows you to take action before it progresses. Every person is different, so lead with your unique health needs. That might include:

  • Annual checkups and bloodwork
  • Following through with recommended tests and lifestyle changes
  • Getting routine mammograms, colonoscopies, skin cancer checks and whatever else your doctor recommends
  • Sticking to your prescription drug regimen
  • Managing chronic conditions
  • Telling your health care provider about any changes or concerns with your health

5. Tweak Your Budget

This step won't lower your health care costs, but it can free up extra cash you can use to cover those expenses. Revisit your budget to see if there's anything you can easily reduce or eliminate, like subscription services you don't use. You might also tweak your retirement income plan. Drawing income in a more tax-efficient way can lead to savings. (A financial advisor may come in handy here.)

Staying invested during retirement can also help your nest egg keep pace with inflation. This requires assuming some level of risk in your investment portfolio, so consulting a professional might be helpful. It's about finding the right balance to protect your assets and continue growing your wealth.

How to Prepare if Retirement Is a Few Years Off

If you're still a few years away from retiring, here are some simple tips for bulking up your savings:

The Bottom Line

Health care tends to be expensive in retirement. Finding ways to save can help you enjoy your golden years with less stress. Maintaining strong credit health in retirement is just as important. Free credit monitoring with Experian lets you know exactly what's going on with your credit report. That includes spotting potential identity fraud so you can take action quickly.