What to Do When Someone Hits Your Parked Car

When someone hits your parked car, it can be nerve-racking. But calmly and carefully taking the necessary steps following the accident, such as filing an accident report and documenting the damage, might help prevent your finances from being wrecked.

1. File an Accident Report

Even if the local police can't or won't come to the scene of the accident, be sure to file an accident report. You should be able to file the report at a police station or on a police department's website if an on-site officer isn't sent.

In case you're sued in conjunction with the accident, the accident caused more damage than you initially realized or the accident was a hit-and-run, a police report will be necessary. In addition, your auto insurance company will want a copy of the accident report if you file a claim.

If the accident was a hit-and-run, call 911. If a police officer responds to the scene, take note of the law enforcement agency where the officer works, along with the officer's name and badge number. This will help you get a copy of the police report and stay updated on the progress of the accident investigation.

2. Get Information From the Other Driver

If the driver who hit your parked car is still there, ask for their contact information and insurance information. If the driver isn't there, look for a note from them on your windshield. In the case of a hit-and-run accident, you may be out of luck when it comes to tracking down contact or insurance information.

3. Document the Damage

From as many perspectives as possible, take pictures of the damage with your cellphone. Don't overlook accident debris that's scattered on the street or in a parking lot. These photos can be helpful if you wind up filing an insurance claim.

4. Contact Your Insurance Company

Notify your insurance agent or insurance company about the accident. Provide details about the incident, and tell them about the documentation you've obtained, including photos of the accident scene and a copy of the accident report. In addition, share any information left at the scene by the other driver.

5. File an Insurance Claim

If you know who the at-fault driver was, you can file a claim with the driver's insurance company since you didn't cause the accident. But if you don't know who hit your car or can't prove who hit your car, and you carry collision coverage or uninsured motorist coverage, you can file a claim with your insurance company.

Without the right coverage or without knowing who the other driver is, you may be stuck paying for repairs out of your own pocket.

Keep in mind that if you file a collision claim with your insurance company, you normally must pay a deductible. This amount of money is subtracted from your claim payout. Car insurance deductibles generally range from $0 to about $2,500.

Learn more: How to File an Insurance Claim

Will My Insurance Go up if Someone Hits My Parked Car?

If you file a claim with the at-fault driver's insurance company, your car insurance rates typically won't increase because you weren't responsible for the accident. But if you file a claim with your insurance company, you could face a rate hike.

This will depend on factors such as the type of car you drive, the cost to fix your car and the number of claims you've filed in the past.

Learn more: How Much Does Your Insurance Go up After an Accident?

The Bottom Line

It's frustrating when someone hits your parked car. But you can minimize the frustration by ensuring you file an accident report, obtain information from the other driver, document the damage and contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Taking these steps will help make the claim-filing process smoother and get you back on the road faster.

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About the author

John Egan is a freelance writer, editor and content marketing strategist in Austin, Texas. His work has been published by outlets such as CreditCards.com, Bankrate, Credit Karma, LendingTree, PolicyGenius, HuffPost, National Real Estate Investor and Urban Land.

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